Chapter 88: Entering the Ancient Ruins!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 88: Entering the Ancient Ruins!

Zhao Tian glanced at the people in black robes with a frown on his face 'Stormweaver Sect.' The middle-aged man standing beside him visibly trembled in fear "In my opinion, they are the strongest Sect and you dare not offend them, ok?"

The man standing in front of the Golden Blaze Sect turned to look at the group of the Stormweaver Sect "You are late, Cheng Bao." he remarked with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

Cheng Bao, who is the First Elder of the Stormweaver Sect spoke in a cold voice "So what if we come late? It's none of your concern. Shun Lang!"

Shun Lang narrowed his eyes hearing the tone of the elder of the Stormweaver sect. "Why are you acting arrogant, Cheng Bao... we both are elders from the top sects."

Shun Lang scoffed, his tone dripping with superiority "I can act arrogant because we are the strongest sect in the Zhenzhu. Don't have to show respect to weak people... haha."

"Cheng Bao!" Shun Lang yelled as scorching flames appeared from his body. *thrriissh* "Huh? What?" Cheng Bao spoke as a spark of purple lightning shot up from his body crackling in the air.

"Why are you always fighting?" At this time, a sweet voice echoed through the crowd and the crowd paved the way as a stunning woman with long blue hair and blue eyes walked to the front, and behind her, there were some other people in blue robes.

Her mere presence exuded an air of elegance and grace that commanded respect and admiration.

"Sect master, Xia Feng!" Cheng Bao and Shun Lang spoke at the same time. Xia Feng showed a soft smile "How about we start breaking the barrier instead of wasting our energy arguing?"

Shun Lang nodded his head "We were actually waiting for your arrival so that we can start breaking the barrier. But this Cheng Bao wanted to start a fight."

Chen Bao just glared at Shun Lang and stayed silent. Xia Feng let out a faint chuckle seeing their banter and glanced at Ling Xin "I hope Sect Master Ling Xin is also ready."

Ling Xin gave a slight nod and Xia Feng smiled "Well, then let's start to break the barrier."

The top five sects formed formations around the barrier so that they didn't hit each other. As they stood in their formations, they all began to use their power to destroy the barrier.

*baam* *boom* The resounding blasts and the forceful strikes against the protective barrier reverberate throughout the atmosphere, creating powerful shockwaves that ripple through the air.

Zhao Tian just stood there watching the childish drama between the Sects. The man near him let out a sigh of relief "Seeing the tension among them, I thought a fight would break out... Glad nothing happened."

Ling Xin recognized the figure as she remembered seeing the piercing gaze and the pair of blue eyes.

As they watched, the man raised his left hand, and his palm came in contact with the barrier. *crack* *crack* Cracks began to form on the barrier as they spread across quickly like a spider web.

Gawk! The people's jaws dropped as they saw the man effortlessly breaking the barrier with a single touch that they had been trying to do for hours. W-What the actual fuck?

*CRACK* *SPLASHHH* The barrier shattered into pieces and Zhao Tian slowly turned his head. As he did, the crowd caught a glimpse of his shining blue eyes hidden beneath the shadow of his hood.

The shards of the barrier scattered around him *woosh* and the figure disappeared again and they all knew that the figure had gone inside. "W-Who is that just now?"

"He broke that barrier with a touch of his palm."

"A cultivator in Monarch Astral Stage?"

Ling Xin quickly came out of her shock and spoke "Everyone take your recovery pills, we are entering..." The women nodded and quickly took the pill bottles to eat the recovery pill to restore their energy.

The other people in the top sect also began to take their pills and dashed into Ancient ruins. They were all furious because someone intervened and entered in first and they were afraid that he would take all the loots.

Zhao Tian quickly dashed into the Ancient ruins, he knew that the people in the top sects were of no use, so he took the matter into his own hands and broke the barrier.

But he came to a sudden halt as he saw a lot of different pathways inside. Haah! He pulled back the hood revealing his face and he sprinted through a pathway randomly.

As he stepped through the pathway, the traps in the walls got triggered and were shot towards Zhao Tian. But he didn't care about them and quickly went inside.

Zhao Tian wandered around for a while and entered some rooms, but he couldn't find anything as they were all empty.

*creek* As he opened the next door, he raised an eyebrow "Well, at least there's something here." he muttered.*grrr* Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the room, the Spectral wolves which had in asleep till now, slowly stood up seeing Zhao Tian.

*swish* A dagger appeared in Zhao Tian's hand looking at the dark-haired wolves and he dashed in with a smile on his lips.

*flick* He instantly appeared in front of one of the wolves and slashed his dagger right at its neck. *slessh* The sound of the blade cutting through flesh echoed through the room and *thud* the wolf's neck flew and fell on the ground.

"GRRR!" Witnessing this scene, the rest of the wolf pack emitted feral growls of fury and swiftly charged toward Zhao Tian.