Chapter 90: Fight the Stormweaver sect!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 90: Fight the Stormweaver sect!

Ling Xin was extremely nervous because the person in front of her was clearly stronger than her and she didn't know how to speak up "U-Uh, thank you for saving me..."

Zhao Tian spoke "Quite bold of you to say thanks after luring those three beasts to me."

What? Ling Xin hurriedly shook her head "It was not intentional... it was just coincidence I bumped into you."

"I-I was with my sect's people but the Stormweaver's sect's people actually lured the three beasts to us and left hanging us like this." she hurriedly spoke clearing the misunderstanding.

'Actually, why is he complaining when he could just one tap all those beats like that?' she snorted in her mind. With a sigh in her heart, she moved and sat on the floor to catch her breath.

"Keeping that aside, did you find any treasures here?" Zhao Tian asked and Ling Xin took a deep breath and shook her head in disappointment "No, every room we searched was empty, nothing there."

Now she is deeply regretting why she even came here. She almost lost her life and they also couldn't find anything in these ruins. Waste of time and energy.

Zhao Tian squinted his eyes, so is it like a maze to guard a precious treasure that is actually in the core of the ruin?

*swish* Ling Xin took a pill bottle from her storage ring and took a recovery pill to replenish her energy.

Hm? Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow seeing the storage ring. He remembered Xia Shenyi saying that even in High Star only people with great power could afford storage rings as the process of creating storage rings is complicated and only a few people know that.

"I am surprised you have a storage ring." Zhao Tian muttered and Ling Xin raised her head to look at him, does he want the storage ring or something?

"Uh... I actually got it from Her Majesty. They said that there was a powerful cultivator in the past who knew how to create spirit rings, but he suddenly disappeared and these are some of the remaining he left,"

Hm! Zhao Tain was intrigued by hearing this and walked away from Ling Xin intending to leave that place.

As he moved, Ling Xin hurriedly spoke "W-Wait, can I come with you?" Zhao Tian turned his eyes at her and she continued "I am alone right now and if I got attacked by the beasts again I would surely die... so... I know it will be a hassle, I won't hold you back."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Tian gave a faint nod and Ling Xin hurriedly stood up following him "Thank"


"Thank you, Mr.Tian!"

For Ling Xin, Zhao Tian doesn't seem like the bad guy, if he actually was, he would have already tried to do something to her but seems like he is not very interested in her. So she confidently asked to follow him.


Zhao Tian continued walking through the passages and Ling Xin stuck along with him throughout the entire time.

Ling Xin was confused "You are a powerful cultivator and if you go, you can easily solve this... then why are you not going?"

"Like I said, I don't care about them."

Ling Xin shook her head helplessly and she knew she also couldn't help even if she went there. With a sigh, she moved to peek in better to see what was happening.

*chirp* A soft sound resonated in the air as she shifted her position, catching Chen Bao's attention in an instant. His head swiftly swiveled towards Ling Xin "Sect master of Lunar Blossom Pavilion?"

"Go and kill her too."

Eh? Ling Xin's heart raced with fear as she witnessed a horde of people charging towards her. In a panic, she moved and hid behind Zhao Tian. Now she is not in the stage to fight as the Astral energy in her body is not replenished fully.

"Mr.Tian, save me!"

-_- Woman, why the hell are you hiding behind me? They found you because you made a noise getting their attention in the first place.

The men dressed in black robes fixed their gaze upon Ling Xin, who was cowering behind Zhao Tian. Seeing him they all dashed at him with lightning speed. "First let's kill him."

Zhao Tian's eyes flicked towards the spear hurtling towards him, crackling with electrical energy. *frisshh* In a split second, he deftly caught the spear and delivered a powerful kick to the man before throwing the spear back at him with lethal accuracy.

*sleech* The spear pierced through the man's heart brutally as his lifeless body fell on the floor.

Ling Xin stood frozen in a state of horror as he killed a person without even hesitating. Hm? Chen Bao frowned his eyebrows looking at Zhao Tian and seeing his dress, he also recognized him.

Shun Lang seized the opportunity of distraction to flee from that place as he knew if he stayed any longer could ultimately spell doom for him. *swish*

The other men in black robes abruptly stopped as one of their people was instantly killed. Zhao Tian is not really interested in these Sect fights but because of Ling Yin, he was pulled into this.

He took a quick glimpse at Ling Xin and she lowered her head apologizing "I am sorry!" she really didn't intend to do that. It was just that Chen Bao's ears were quite sharp.

Chen Bao spoke "Stop!" he walked in front of Zhao Tian, a bit of amusement in his eyes. "You look so young but you broke that barrier so easily which we couldn't even bulge."

"Are you really powerful or are you using some cheap tricks to fool everyone?"

Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "I will let you go thinking it is a misunderstanding if you back off now or else..."

Chen Bao raised his voice "Or else? Now that you know our plan, we can't let you go and her too."

"I see." a cold mutter left Zhao Tian's lips and *sleech* Chen Bao watched the head of one of his disciples flying in the air. "Guess I've got no other choice."


I hope you guys like this chapter!