Chapter 93: Who is this woman?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
o is this woman?

*treik* Zhao Tian frowned seeing the armor suit moving a little "There is actually someone inside the ice coffin?" He muttered and at this time he heard a faint noises in the silent room. *tlip*

Hm? As he gazed down he saw little drops of water dripping from the coffin. The ice is melting? He hurriedly looked over at the lid he pushed and saw a blue seal engraved on it.

Did I just undo the seal?

*THIRRSHHH* Suddenly a vibrant blue flame burst forth from the armor creating a powerful surge of Astral Energy that rippled through the air *thoom* throwing Zhao Tian away from the coffin as he was blasted on the floor.

"Urgh!" Zhao Tian groaned in a little pain as he saw the blue flames engulfing the armor suit. Fuck! Why am I hearing boss music?

*frissh* The blue flames quickly evaporated the ice and *thud* the armor suit tumbled down to the floor from the coffin. As it fell down, the helmet rolled off from its head.

Zhao Tian was taken aback when he laid eyes on the stunning woman before him., her white hair cascaded on the floor but her stunning face was filled with gruesome red scars.

*cough* *cough* The woman coughed as blue flames erupted from her mouth. Her delicate eyelashes fluttered and she opened her eyelids revealing her sharp red eyes.

As she raised her gaze, Zhao Tian felt a speck of dread wash over him seeing her cold eyes. *fwish* In the next instant she stood up, her eyes sharp as a sword gleaming with a hint of madness within them.

*swish* A long blade appeared on the woman's hand, her face emotionless and her eyes peering through Zhao Tian's body.

*gasp* Zhao Tian's eyes widened in shock as he felt his instincts screaming in fear of instant death. And he quickly crouched down as if dodging an attack and *sleek* *boom* a slash cut through the air.

Zhao Tian turned his head to look behind him and was met with the sight of a massive slash that had completely destroyed the wall, splitting it in two. What kind of abomination did I wake up?

Zhao Tian quickly stood up and looked at the woman standing there with a stoic face. He squinted his eyes to see through her cultivation but he couldn't.

But what he found out was the insane heat emanating from her body and the irregular flow of Astral Energy in her body.

The insane heat must be from that blue flame but why is her Astral Energy irregular? She can't even control her Astral energy?

*flick* As Zhao Tian blinked his eyes, she disappeared from her place and instinctively Zhao Tian moved to the left just in time *swoosh* as the woman appeared in front of him delivering a vertical slash.

*frisssh* A crackling sound filled the air as the red lightning struck her and as it fell on her armor drenched in water. *thriiisssshhhhh* The intense heat of the lightning coursed through her, causing searing pain as it burned her from the inside out.

The woman's eyes widened in pain but she didn't scream and *thud* kneeled on the floor. She raised her trembling hand placing it on her chest *cough* and coughed blue flames from her mouth.

Zhao Tian frowned seeing her reaction. He was sure that his attack was not lethal to a woman who has cultivation higher than Monarch Astral Stage then why was she on her knees?

He just wanted to do a surprise lightning attack and slash her with the sword. Something's wrong with her.

*fwish* As the lightning dissipated hot smoke emerged from the woman's body and she slowly rose to her feet her eyes locking on Zhao Tian.

*swish* Zhao Tian again dashed forward slashing his sword not giving her any time to attack first. *clank* *clank* *clank* He continued attacking her and keeping her in a defensive position not giving her time to counterattack.

As the woman raised her sword to parry his slash, *thrissh* a sudden burst of ice enveloped her legs immobilizing her. Using this opportunity, Zhao Tian crouched as he gave a kick to her chest.

*thud* The ice broke and she took a few steps back clutching her chest, her eyes quivering in pain. *cough* She again coughed blue flames and she glanced at the scattered shards of ice around her on the floor.

She took an ice piece and swallowed it. Eh? Zhao Tian was startled seeing her eating the raw ice. Don't tell me the flames are not in her control or something?

*woosh* Zhao Tian again hurled towards her pointing his sword at her and the woman quickly dodged his piercing attack and slashed at him.

Zhao Tian raised his left arm as bait and in a split second, her sword mercilessly sliced through his arm with a resounding *sleesh* that echoed through the air.

Bearing the intense pain, he gave a swift kick on her abdomen sending her backward. With his powerful kick reverberating through her body, she instinctively clung to the sword for stability, desperately trying to maintain her balance.

Zhao Tian took a few steps back and saw his hand on the floor. "There it goes again..." he muttered, using his light energy to heal.

"Well, with that I can finally discern this woman's little secret." He muttered as he saw the woman visibly shaking in pain, her eyes trembling.

"Her sword skills and offense power are top-notch. If I get one clear slash, I am gone... but her body and defense are very weak. Just my kick is damaging her"

"It's like stacking all your points on offense and the points in defense are zero."

A smirk appeared on his lips "Now let's dance! shall we?"