Chapter 100: A lingering kiss!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
gering kiss!

Sitting in a cafe inside the mall, Zhao Tian took a scoop of the dessert and brought it near his lips to eat. Mei Xiu also slowly ate her Croissant still reeling in the shock.

"Didn't know you two were high school friends, that really came as a surprise." Mei Xiu spoke as she took another bite of the croissant.

Zhao Tian just smiled as he continued to eat his dessert cake. *ring* At this time, his phone rang and he picked up the call "Daiyu?"

"Tian! Where are you?" He heard the excited voice of Ah Daiyu and Zhao Tian spoke "Third floor at the cafe."

"OK, I will be there in two minutes."

As he hung up, Mei Xiu hurriedly asked "What happened? Is Miss Daiyu coming here?"

Zhao Tian gave a nod "She will be here now..."

A little later, Mei Xiu's eyes lightened up seeing the woman walking toward their table. As she came closer, Mei Xiu stood up from her seat and stammered as she didn't know what to say "U-Uh..."

"Tiannnnn." Ah Daiyu came over and quickly hugged Zhao Tian who was sitting. Mei Xiu smiled awkwardly as she was completely ignored.

As she retracted the hug, Ah Daiyu tried to sit on Zhao Tian's lap but Zhao Tian caught her waist "Place your ass somewhere else."

Ah Daiyu pouted her lips "You are rude to a woman." she spoke as she stood up. "Have I ever been nice to you?" Zhao Tian asked taking another spoonful of the cake.

Ah Daiyu smiled wryly as she pulled the chair sitting close to Zhao Tian. "Xiu, sit." Mei Xiu gave a slight nod and sat on her seat.

Hearing Zhao Tian, Ah Daiyu glanced at Mei Xiu "Bei... Xiu, right?" Mei Xiu shook her head gently "It's Mei Xiu, Miss Daiyu."

"Haan, Mei Xiu." Ah Daiyu muttered and Zhao Tian spoke "I am surprised that you actually became an actress."

Ah Daiyu smiled proudly "I told you, I would surely become an actress one day. Well, one of my two dreams became true."

Mei Xiu got curious hearing this "What's your other dream, Miss Daiyu."

Ah Daiyu cast a glimpse at Zhao Tian as she spoke "Of course to become this guy's girlfriend. Well, not only me, many girls in that school wished to be his girlfriend."

Oh? Mei Xiu couldn't help but steal a quick glance at Zhao Tian as he gently took a scoop of cake to eat. Well, she wouldn't refuse that Zhao Tian is handsome and girls would fall in love with him.

Ah Daiyu looked over at Zhao Tian with a smile "Tian, let us take a selfie too." Zhao Tian shook his head "I am not interested."

Ah Daiyu's lips twitched "Come on, Tian... I don't know if I'll ever meet you again... so just a selfie." A sigh left his lips hearing this "Hm."

"Hehe!" Ah Daiyu smiled and moved beside him as she raised her mobile to take a selfie. *click* Admiring the result, Ah Daiyu couldn't help but mutter a satisfied "Perfect!" as she gazed at the selfie on her screen.

"I will send this picture to the group to make the girls in our school jealous." As she opened the group covo she was surprised that the conversation had already ignited and was in full swing.

Then she noticed the photo when she hugged Zhao Tian had already spread in the group. "Oh, they are quite fast huh..." she mused as she sent the selfie too.

"Hehe!" With a mischievous grin she turned to look at Zhao Tian "I am leaving, Tian!" Zhao Tian nodded his head "En. See you later"

Ah Daiyu waved to Mei Xiu and slowly walked away from the table. But as she took a few steps, she stopped and turned back to look at Zhao Tian her eyes lingering on his face. Tian...

*tap* *tap* She hurriedly ran towards him and Zhao Tian was quite confused "Daiyu?" Without wasting a moment, Ah Daiyu hugged him, planting a tender kiss on his cheek, leaving a lingering touch *chu*

Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "You have a boyfriend." Ah Daiyu pulled back the hug, a gentle smile on her lips "That's why I kissed your cheek."

"When I was in high school, I always wanted to kiss you on the lips...but now I'm content with just kissing you on the cheek. You are my first love after all.... Ok, I am leaving." *tap *tap*

As she walked away, she saw her phone ringing. With a smile, she attended the call "Babe. Did you see the pictures?"

"Yeah, I am surprised you met Senior Tian again..."

"Hehe, I even kissed his cheek." She knew her boyfriend was an admirer of Zhao Tian in the past and she knew he wouldn't mind it much and she doesn't like to hide things from him.

"Wha- Can't blame you... since I would have done the same..."

"What? Why are you gay?"

"*chuckle* Just kidding... is the event finished?"


Zhao Tian turned back to Mei Xiu whose face was filled with shock "Since the event is finished, shall we leave?"

H-Huh? Mei Xiu came out of her shock "Uh, no there is still one event left."

(A/n: Privilege chapters are available. The privilege tier for the next two chapters is just 1 coin. You can read ahead of two chapters for the month with one coin. It will also help me in win win. Love you all thank you for the constant support!)