Chapter 116: Mom's cultivation!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 116: Mom's cultivation!

*swoosh* Zhao Suyin's eyes fluttered open and saw the beautiful world in front of her. "Woahhhhhh!" She exclaimed in astonishment seeing the vast beauty in of landscape and grassfield.

"This place looks so beautiful, Tian'er," she muttered in awe and Zhao Tian just smiled standing beside her.

Zhao Suyin turned her gaze looking at Zhao Tian "This is in that artifact... green pendant?" Zhao Tian nodded his head "Yeah..."

Zhao Suyin frowned slightly upon hearing this "That pendant was on your neck since the day Sister gave you to me..."

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod "The disappearance of my mother for some years and my Dad, there are still many doubts in my head. I am guessing now that my mother is a cultivator and my father is a person from High Stars."

"High Stars? What is that Tian'er?"

"Come, I will explain on our way."

As she listened to all the explanations, Zhao Suyin's eyes glimmered in wonder "This world is so bigger than I thought." she muttered, her eyes glancing around the place.

Eh? But her gaze fell on a woman with long white hair, her face full of gruesome scars training with her sword. Seeing her emotionless and cold face as she swung the sword, Zhao Suyin shivered in fear and hid behind Zhao Tian "T-Tian'er, who is that?"

"Oh, that is Yixian..."

As Shi Yixian's eyes landed on Zhao Tian, she stopped her training and walked over to Zhao Tian, kneeling on the floor "My Liege!" her voice filled with loyalty and respect.

Ehhh? "Why is she kneeling in front of you, Tian'er?" Zhao Tian spoke casually "That's because she is my slave."

H-Huh? Zhao Suyin was startled hearing this and grabbed Zhao Tian's hand "Tian'er, how can you do a cruel thing to a woman? She is your slave? I don't remember raising you like a bad guy like this... release her, Tian'er."

Zhao Tian shrugged "She almost killed me many times, so I made her my slave so that she wouldn't harm me and others."

"Tian'er!" Zhao Suyin sat on the couch and beckoned Zhao Tian. Zhao Tian sat beside Zhao Suyin and smiled "Why are you standing Shenyi, sit."

Xia Shenyi's eyebrows twitched hearing his remark and she moved sitting on his lap placing her thighs, not her ass. Zhao Suyin frowned seeing this and glanced at Zhao Tian "She is..."

Zhao Tian nodded his head with a smile "She is also my woman." Zhao Suyin's frown deepened "You have many women... Tian'er, Ying'er, Miya and now her... this is."

Xia Shenyi giggled "You don't have to worry, actually powerful and handsome people in High Stars have hundreds of women."

Zhao Suyin was kinda confused hearing this "I-Is that so? But is it really okay?"

Xia Shenyi squinted her eyes "Are you trying to say, Zhao Tian, this handsome guy who is your SON is incompetent? Do you think your son is not powerful enough to have a harem? Those kings have hundreds of women and your SON is not qualified enough to even have five women?"

"You have no trust in your son? Are you saying that your son is inferior to those guys in the High Stars? Even people in this star have many women, is Tian under them?"

Hearing all the bombarding questions, Zhao Suyin hurriedly shook her head "No, No... my son is the best. he should have everything... if what you are saying is real I don't mind Tian'er having many women. Hmph! My son is the best after all and he is very much capable of having many women."

What the fuck? Zhao Tian was actually surprised to see Xia Shenyi's brainwashing and gaslighting skills. She even brainwashed his obsessive sister and allowed her to have a harem.

Xia Shenyi playfully winked at Zhao Tian and muttered with her lips 'You owe me two, now' Zhao Tian shook his head helplessly seeing her antics.

Zhao Suyin placed her hand on his cheek "I don't mind Tian'er having many women, I... guess. But what about Ying'er and Miya? I am not sure if Ying'er would..."

Xia Shenyi waved her hand "Don't worry, I have already brainw- *ahem* talked with her and now she is also okay with Tian having many women."

"Ehhh? Really? That girl accepted? Honestly a surprise."

Xia Shenyi smiled in her heart seeing Zhao Suyin's adorable and innocent reactions. "Then we shouldn't delay our time and start cultivation, let's start with checking your affinities."

"O-Oh, okay, let's cultivate!"