Chapter 119: At the Pill shop!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 119: At the Pill shop!

*woosh* Zhao Tian dashed through the air his gaze lingering down on the ground. From the majestic landscapes to the intricate buildings, bustling sects, lively shops, and cozy homes in the Zhenzhu.

"There is snow and very cold outside but inside Zhenhzu it has normal weather. Hmm.." he pondered as he glanced up and his eyebrows frowned "Is there a barrier around Zhenhzu? Even I couldn't sense that."

He glanced down and saw many people walking through the bustling streets, disciples in the Sects training their techniques.

With a soft sigh, he raised his hand feeling the astral energy in the air. "The astral energy in the north pole is dense but not as much in the artifact but still good."

His eyes looked in the distance, a small smile appearing on his lips "Let's go to the royal capital."


"H-Huh?" The people stopped whatever they were doing to take a glimpse at the handsome young man walking through the streets of the Royal Capital and whispers spread through the crowd.

His long white eyelashes, snow-white hair, glowing blue eyes and thr small smile tugging at the corner of his lips are enough to melt any woman's heart.

The guards who just let him inside the capital, smiled wryly looking at the back of Zhao Tian "As I thought, that brother is getting a lot of attention, see everyone gawking their eyes at him."

"Well he is so handsome and those clothes... do you think he is a cultivator from a different country?" Unlike the people in the villages, the people here are quite knowledgeable about the outside world.

"I am not so sure, he does not look like a person from another country, And he has such a powerful aura around him. I am sure he is a cultivator above Heaven Astral Stage."

"Really? That's... terrifying."

Walking around, Zhao Tian also felt the gazes on him from all directions. Well, he doesn't mind that, he was born with good looks and he doesn't feel the need to hide that. But it's still annoying sometimes.

"The Royal Capital is surely large..." he mused in his heart looking at the buildings and the restaurants and shops around him.

As he strolled further along the streets, his gaze eventually landed upon a large building which piqued his curiosity "A shop for pills? I wonder if I can buy herbs here." Muttering under his breath, he walked inside the building.

Looking at the handsome young man stepping in their shop, the woman who was in the reception was surprised. But she soon came out of it and came in front with a smile on her lips her eyes fixated on his face "Welcome to our shop Esteemed customer, do you need help?"Fiind updated novels at

Zhao Tian gave a faint nod "I want to buy some ingredients for making pills." The woman gave a nod and gestured her hand "Please follow me, young master."

Zhao Tian walked behind her, his eyes glancing around the large number of pill bottles on their way and sensing their grade a sigh escaped his lips 'Trash.'

The woman glanced at him in the corner of her eyes looking at his weird outfit "Is youngmaster not from Zhenzhu? Are you from the outside countries?"

"Yeah, kinda..." Zhao Tian said and the woman nodded her head "Maybe you should buy some dress, Young master... you stand out too much, haha." Her laughter filled the room as she playfully teased Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian looked down at his clothes 'After buying the pills, I should buy some robes.'

They quickly reached the place and the woman spoke "Young master, here you can find the ingredients you need."

At this time, the young man moved to Zhao Tian and whispered "Brother, she is the Core disciple of Luna Blossom Pavillion, one of the top five Sects. You don't wanna mess with her."

Lunar Blossom Pavillion? Zhao Tian smiled faintly "I can give you the Golden Sunflower..." Ling Chao smiled "Oh, you are giving me after you came to know about me? Hehe..."

Zhao Tian continued "But you have to bring me to your Sect."

Huh? Ling Chao and the young man were also startled by hearing this. Ling Chao shook her head "No, No... how can I bring you there? No man has ever set foot in our Lunar Blossom Pavillion."

Zhao Tian shrugged "Then forget about your Golden Sunflower... you continue packing." he said looking at the young man.

Ling Chao's eyebrows twitched in frustration 'I wanted the Golden Sunflower no matter what, the competition is also nearing.'

She looked at the young man "Caishen, when will the next stock of Golden Sunflowers arrive?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders "I don't know... that flower is quite rare."

A concerned frown appeared on Ling Chao's face and she again glanced at the handsome young man. After a moment of thought, a sigh escaped her lips "Give me the sunflower and I will bring you back to my Sect."

Zhao Tian glanced at the young man and the young man gave a nod as he took a Golden Sunflower from the pack and handed it over to Ling Chao.

A sweet smile appeared on Ling Chao's face looking at the Golden Sunflower in her hand. She raised her head looking at Zhao Tian "Ok, Mister. Thank you for the flower, now I will take you back to my sect."

"Bah!" She showed her tongue and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, dashed out from there "I am not guiding you, hehe!" *swoosh* as she disappeared in a flash.

The young man facepalmed himself "She clearly fooled you, Brother." he sighed.

Zhao Tian chuckled "Where do you think she is going?" The young man frowned hearing this "Obviously back to her sect."

"Then I'll just have to follow her right?"

"Nice, Brother!"


*swoosh* Ling Chao quickly ran through the streets and jumped from the buildings reaching near her sect. After a while of hopping and running, she finally reached a mountain and raised her head looking at the hundreds of steps leading up.

She couldn't help but let out a gentle laugh, "Poor guy, seems like he is new to Zhenzhu and scammed by me."

"So here is the Lunar Blossom Pavilion!" a charming voice reached her ears and she instantly turned her head to look at Zhao Tian standing beside her.

Her eyes dilated in shock "H-How?"

Zhao Tian chuckled faintly "Come on show me around!"

I hope you guys liked this chapter!!