Chapter 130: Mei Xiu's panic?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 130: Mei Xiu's panic?

*swish* Zhao Tian appeared back in his room and a sigh escaped his lips. Retrieving his mobile from the storage ring, he saw the time and it was 10 o'clock in the morning.

As he unlocked the mobile, he was surprised to see 269 calls from Mei Xiu. He facepalmed himself "I forgot to say that I won't be around for two more days."

As he thought of calling her back, he dismissed the idea "I'll go and see her in person." he muttered under his lips and used astral sense.

There he saw his Mom playing inside the Game room and Zhao Ying was not in the house. "Where is she?"


"Hoh? 6th level of Emperor Astral Stage?" Sitting on Zhao Tian's lap, Zhao Suyin muttered in amazement "I heard about the cultivation stages from Shenyi, if I remember Emperor stage is just below the Monarch stage, right?"

"Then Tian'er, you are super strong." Zhao Suyin exclaimed and seeing her innocent smile, Zhao Tian couldn't help but pull her neck gently kissing her lips.

Zhao Suyin's gaze became tender as she closed her eyes, returning his kiss with equal fervor, feeling the warmth of his lips against hers.

A little later, they withdrew the kiss and Zhao Tian asked caressing her cheek "Where is Ying'er?"

Zhao Suyin smiled "She went with Miya this morning as she got bored staying home for two days."

"She is with Miya, huh..." Zhao Tian muttered and Zhao Suyin leaned in kissing his neck as she opened her lips softly biting his neck.

Zhao Tian let out a giggle patting her head. Zhao Suyin cuddled on his lap even more, gently whispering in his ears "Tian'er, you promised me a date... how about we go today?"

Zhao Tian glanced over at Zhao Suyin, causing her to quickly look away in embarrassment. Huh? Zhao Tian was amused seeing his Mom being shy about asking for a date after all the things they did.

He couldn't help but chuckle and nodded his head "En, we can go on a date in the afternoon. Now I have to go and meet someone else."

Zhao Suyin got curious hearing this and asked "Is that a woman?"

Zhao Tian nodded his head "Yeah, Mei Xiu."

"Hmm, do you intend to make her your... woman too?" Zhao Suyin asked slightly narrowing her eyes.

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod "She is already my girlfriend."

Zhao Suyin was quite concerned seeing him having many women, but as she remembered Xia Shenyi's words about his Physique and why he needed many women she shook her head. My son is the best, and he also needs many women for his physique!


*tap* Mei Xiu quickly made her way down the hallways until she arrived at a door that had the word "chairman" written on it.Fiind updated novels at

"Please, let him go. I am the one at fault!" She doesn't want Zhao Tian's education to be stopped because of her as she knows how important education is in this modern world.

"Haha!" Li Jie suddenly burst into laughter and Mei Xiu who was confused raised her gaze. Zhao Tian patted her head with a smile "That old man was just teasing you, Xiu. He is not gonna expel me."

"T-Teasing?" She couldn't bear to stay in the room any longer and hastily bowed her head in shame. "I am leaving, Chairman!" before fleeing the room in a hurry, feeling flustered by the awkward situation.

Eh? Zhao Tian shook his head helplessly with a chuckle seeing her rushing out.

After she left, Li Jie stopped laughing regaining his composure "So where have you been for two days?"

Zhao Tian walked to the desk and casually sat on it, a satisfied smile on his lips "Just explored the Royal Capital of Zhenzhu."

Li Jie was shocked to hear this "You... went to Zhenhzu?"

Zhao Tian shrugged "Yeah..."

"Haha!" Li Jie chuckled faintly "You are one cocky kid, huh."

But as he remembered something, he squinted his eyes looking at Zhao Tian "By the way, Zhao Tian... there is actually a powerhouse residing in our city right now."

Hm? Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow in curiosity "Who is that?"

"Orlando Willians, the son of Miles Williams. The prince of the Western Nations is right now here in this city."

"What is he doing here?"

Li Jie shook his head "I am not so active in the military right now as I am already retired but I got this news about him."

"Hm. I see..."


"Is it really him?" One guy asked looking at another guy who was beside him sitting in the car.

"I am damn sure, it is him. I saw his face, he drove there. Wait till he comes out!"

*vroom* Looking at the Lamborghini driving out of the University, one guy yelled "Look. look, it's him... it's that guy who slapped Xiao Xian's face in the Ferrari."

Zhu Kim narrowed his eyes "How... is he still alive. Isn't he killed by Master Teng Zen and Master Lee Jing?"

Zhu Wan who was beside him frowned "Didn't we receive a message from the Stormweavrer Sect that Master Teng Zen and Master LeeJing didn't return to the Sect."

"D-Don't tell me..."