Chapter 140: A peaceful morning!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 140: A peaceful morning!

*thud* Zhu Kim who was sitting on his chair slammed his hand on the table his eyes trembling in rage "They can't send a powerful cultivator?" with a small piece of paper in his other hand.

Zhu Wan who was sitting near him sighed heavily "Well then we can only wait till the Stormweaver Sect sends someone."

Huh? Zhu Kim turned his mad eyes to Zhu Wan "Do you mean I have to keep silent here when I know that the guy who killed my son is happily living there?"

Zhu Wan shook his head "We can't do anything about it, brother. We can only wait."

"No!" Zhu Kim vehemently shook his head "I will kill him. I will use all my money if that's what it takes to kill that bastard"


As the morning sun rays peeked through the curtains of the window, inside the room, there is a handsome young man sleeping on the bed crushed in between two beautiful women, each tenderly holding him from opposite sides as he lay in a sideways position.

"Haah~" Feeling a soft breath caressing his neck, Zhao Tian's eyelashes fluttered open, and he saw Zhao Ying hugging him so tightly her boobs pressed against his chest her faze nuzzled in his neck.

*smooch* At this time, he felt a soft pair of lips on his nape and he turned his head to look at the blue-haired woman smiling at him softly "You woke up, Tian?"

"Yeah..." Zhao Tian gave a slight nod and Chi Miya snuggled even closer her boobs pressing on his back as she intertwined her soft legs with him.

"Tian... I have many things going on in my mind." Chi Miya muttered near his ear and Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow "What'sthematter..."

"I miss you, Tian... I want to spend more time with you but because of the work in the Company, I don't have enough time."

"So Ying asked me to just sell the company but... I have to talk about this with Shui'er and Miss Lingxi before doing such things."

"Now it is one of the top three companies in the city and there are many shareholders... haah, I don't know what to do."

Zhao Tian slightly frowned his eyebrows "Talk with Shui, don't care about Lingxi."

Chi Miya smiled wryly upon hearing this and at this time Zhao Ying also woke up gently rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm "Good morning, Tian'er."Fiind updated novels at

"Good Morning, Ying'er..." Zhao Tian spoke and Chi Miya also raised her head and said with a smile "Good Morning, Ying."

"Sister Miya..."

Chi Miya slowly retracted from Zhao Tian and sat on the bed as she gathered her long locks of hair and deftly twisted them into a neat bun atop her head "We have to refresh..."

In this state of ecstasy, her mind started to drift, consumed by the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.



Zhao Tian walked downstairs wearing a t-shirt and shorts searching for his Mom. Sensing that she was in her room, she directly entered her room. "Mom?"

Zhao Suyin who was brushing her wet silver hair after coming out of the bath raised her gaze hearing the door creak open "Tian'er?"

Zhao Tian entered in and seeing him a smile appeared on Zhao Suyin's face. Zhao Tian walked near her his left hand groping her bare ass "Seems like you are late today."

Zhao Suyin hit his shoulder "Of course because of you..."

Zhao Tian chuckled and ran his fingers through her wet hair "You can use wind elemental like this..." he muttered as a swirl of hot wind made her hair flow instantly drying her hair.

"Ohhh." Zhao Suyin was amused "It works like hair dryer... haha. But as Shenyi said you have good control of elemental power unlike me... so it will take a while for me to do that."

Zhao Tian chuckled and pulled her waist softly kissing her lips. zhao Suyin also reciprocated the kiss closing her eyes.

"Brother Tian!"

Hearing Chi Shui's yell from the hall, Zhao Tian pulled back his lips "Shui is here."



After dropping Chi Miya at the office, Zhao Tian continued driving the Roles Royce "Brother Tian, go faster..." Chi Shui yelled and with a chuckle, Zhao Tian increased his speed.

Huh? But Zhao Tian suddenly pressed on the brakes and Chi Shui was startled by the sudden break "W-What happened, Brother Tian?"

'Emperor Astral Stage?' he muttered in his mind feeling a presence following him in the air.

"Wait a minute, Shui..." Zhao Tian parked the car on the roadside and got out. Hm? But as he stepped out, he felt the presence disappearing.

'Is it that Oldman Ombudsman sending someone to spy on me?' He tried to search for that presence again but it had already left.

I will upload chaps a little late