Chapter 158: In the bedroom!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 158: In the bedroom!

Ning Xue and Zhao Tian locked eyes, her golden eyes gazed into his blue eyes and they could feel that both of them were visibly shocked to meet each other.

Ning Xue swiftly turned her head, unable to meet Zhao Tian's gaze as her body trembled with a flood of turbulent emotions. Similarly, Zhao Tian shifted his gaze elsewhere, his eyes narrowing in thought.

Ning Xue slowly turned her eyes to him and Zhao Tian also moved his eyes, their eyes meeting once more in an intense, unspoken connection.

Ning Xue's eyelids trembled and a soft exhale left her lips, a faint blush creeping on her cheeks.

*tap* Huh? Ling Xin was startled to see Zhao Tian leaving the Grand Hall. What happened? Why did he leave?

The others were also confused seeing the handsome young man walking out of the Royal Hall. The ministers frowned at his behavior as he dared to leave the Hall without the permission of the Queen.

All eyes were on Ning Xue, waiting for her to take action against the young man who had just left but she was just looking at the back of the young man who just left.

This left them quite perplexed seeing NingXue not taking any action.

Ning Xue's body twitched *cough* and she coughed a little. One of the ministers spoke, his voice laced with concern "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Ning Xue raised her hand and muttered "I am alright."

She then glanced over at Ling Xin and spoke "Today, the discussions about the Tournament will be done with Ling Xin as the leader."

H-Huh? The Ministers and the Sect people were startled hearing her statement. Lang Jian, who is the Sect leader of the Stormweaver Sect asked "What happened, Your Majesty?"

Ning Xue stood up from her throne and seeing this everyone stood up in respect to her. "I just remembered an important thing I need to do, I'll be leaving. Ling Xin continues the discussions."

Ling Xin bowed her head "As you say, Your Majesty."Fiind updated novels at

Zhao Tian leaned in towards her neck, inhaling the delightful fragrance that surrounded her before gently placing a soft kiss on her skin. *smooch* His kiss sent shivers down her spine as she felt his warm breath against her neck.

"Hngh~~"Ning Xue opened her pink lips letting out a soft moan and raised her hand grabbing his shoulders. "N-No, don't....."

Zhao Tian just hugged her waist, whispering in her ear "Just listen to your body for now..." Ning Xue opened her eyes and saw the lust and desire dancing in Zhao Tian's eyes.

"N-No..." Ning Xue uttered, the blush on her face turning deep red as a tomato and Zhao Tian grabbed her waist. *Haah* *haah*

Seeing his soft eyes, Ning Xue's heart raced and Zhao Tian raised her thighs and Ning Xue as if she was under the devil's charm obediently raised her legs wrapping them around his waist who was on top of him.

*Haah* Looking at the breathtaking woman taking deep breaths with flushed cheeks, Zhao Tian couldn't help but want to taste her so bad.

The irresistible allure of her sight seemed to envelop him completely, urging him to bridge the distance between them and experience the intoxicating taste of her lips.

But as he brought his lips closer to hers, he stopped and felt her warm breath hitting his face. Ning Xua, catching a glimpse of his face up close, quickly turned away.

However, Zhao Tian spoke "Look at me..." as he gently grasped her chin making her look at him, their lips centimeters away close to kissing each other.

Ning Xue's body trembled as he again touched and confusion filed her mind 'W-Why is my body reacting to his touch and why couldn't I just reject him... His blue eyes, his long white eyelashes, his soft lips, devilish handsome face ... Ahhhh~ Why is everything about him turning me on so much.'

Every little thing about him seemed to awaken a desire within her that she had never experienced before.

Zhao Tian leaned his face even more and their lips slightly brushed each other as a shiver of anticipation ran down her spine.

*Haah* Zhao Tian took a deep breath trying to control his emotions "Sorry, but... I can't anymore..." he muttered before kissing her lips.

*gasp* Ning Xue gasped in shock and her fingers clutched his shoulders tightly intending to push him but Zhao Tian grabbed her waist tightly, devouring her lips as he continued sucking on her lips fervently.

"Hnngh~!" Feeling his aggressiveness, Ning Xue found herself unable to resist and succumbed to the fiery sensation his lips were igniting on her body. Her grip on his shoulder loosened and she gently closed her eyes finally surrendering to her desires.