Chapter 160: A lil talk with Xue!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
Chapter 160: A lil talk with Xue!

Somewhere in the universe-

A beautiful woman with long black hair and black eyes is walking through the quant wooden bridge crossing the river as she made her way into the village.

Seeing her long black robes, some people were surprised while some were not as this is not the first time she has entered here.

She quickly walked to a small restaurant in the peaceful village. But she didn't enter through the front door and went behind the restaurant where the cabin of the restaurant owner is in.

As she turned the handle and pushed the door open, her gaze immediately fell upon a captivating sight. There she saw a blonde woman sitting on the table with a gentle smile on her face showing warmth and serenity.

The blonde-haired woman turned her head to the newly entered woman "Rong'er."

Mu Rong's eyes softened as she came and bowed in front of the blonde-haired woman "Lady Ning."

Zhao Ning shook her head helplessly and and gestured for Mu Rong to take a seat "Sit here." Mu Rong moved and sat opposite Zhao Ning on the table.

"Did you bring the thing I asked you for?" Zhao Ning asked and Mu Rong nodded as she raised her hand.

A silver bracelet adorned with blue gems appeared in her hand and Zhao Ning took the bracelet in her hand.

"This should be more than enough for this Low Star." Mu Rong spoke and Zhao Ning nodded her head. "En."

Mu Rong spoke in an apologetic tone "Sorry, Lady Ning, because of us you are suffering here in this Low Star."

Zhao Ning just giggled shaking her head "No, it's actually peaceful here and I am enjoying my life. I hope Vester is doing fine back there with my Sister."

Mu Rong's eyes trembled in admiration "Even though Young Lord Vester is not your own son, you are caring this much for him. I am sure Lady-"

"Rong'er." Zhao Ning cut her abruptly and a sigh escaped her lips "Let's not talk about the past."

Mu Rong gave a slight nod "Please forgive me, Lady Ning."

Zhao Ning just smiled gently "Well, since your job is completed. Leave now... I don't want them to find my hiding place."

"As you say, Lady Ning..."

Zhao Tian raised his hand wrapping around her shoulder "Maybe we are..."

At this time, a doubt arose in Ning Xue's mind "If you also have a physique that gives you a large amount of Yang energy, what did you do to stabilize that?"

"Will it also strain your meridians just like me?"

A smile appeared on Zhao Tian's face and he softly pinched her cheek "I balance my Yang energy with Yin energy from my women by having sex with them."

Huh? Ning Xue completely ignored the first and final part "You have other women?" she asked with a slight frown.

Zhao Tian didn't hide it and nodded his head "Yeah, I do..." this might be a surprise for modern women, but he was sure that women from the cultivation world wouldn't mind.

"Hmmm." Ning Xue mused in her heart. That really came as a shock as she didn't expect him to have many other women.

She muttered under he breath "I know that powerful men tend to have many women and are capable of that... but you are just a young man now. Don't you think it's soon to have many women?"

"I am more than enough for you," she said with a smile.

Zhao Tian quite understood her part, as the Queen of Zhenzhu why does she need to share her man with other women? Why can't she just monopolize him?

Zhao Tian kept his smile "Are you doubting my capabilities?"

Ning Xue shook her head "No, it's not like that... it's just that you are too young and your cultivation is- huh?" just now she saw through his true cultivation.

HUHHHHH?! Her jaw dropped as she saw through his cultivation and she couldn't believe her eyes as she rubbed her eyes. Am I dreaming? N-No way!

"7th level of Emperor Astral Stage?" she mumbled in shock.

"B-B-But how? You look so young like 50 years and... huh?" Ning Xue shook her head in confusion as this was simply not possible. It will take decades of cultivation to reach this stage.

"What is your bone age?" Ning Xue pondered and gently took hold of his wrist.

*gik* She jolted down from her bed in utter shock and her eyes trembled "21? you are 21? What? What? What?"

"You are 21 and you are at the 7th level of Emperor Astral Stage?" She clutched her forehead in pain her mind struggling to process the reality in front of her.

How come she doesn't know that there is a young genius inside him in Zhenhzu til now?

Watching her reactions, Zhao Tian found it adorable and chuckled in his heart. 'I wonder how her reaction would be if I said that I started cultivation just 2 months ago. It must be hilarious. Haha'