Chapter 163: Ling Shi?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:
g Shi?

Hm? The female disciples of the Lunar Blossom Pavilion were filled with confusion and curiosity as they watched a mysterious woman with dark hair and piercing green eyes make her way through the gates of their sect.

The woman was eerily beautiful that it stirred an unsettling feeling in their hearts as they gazed upon her.

Meanwhile, the woman's eyes darted around the Sect's area, a hint of amusement dancing in her gaze "Some things have changed since the last time I came here."Alll latest novels at how long was it? Twenty years ago?" she muttered her mind thinking about the past.

A hint of black energy flashed through her eyes as she muttered "And I will destroy this Sect today. But before that... where are they?"

As she looked at a female disciple. she beckoned her to come closer. The female disciple also came closer, quite curious about the woman in front of her.

The woman asked "Where is your Sect Master?"

The female disciple replied "Sect master has gone to the Royal Palace to discuss about the Torunament's rules and other things with the Sect Masters of Zhenzhu and Her Majesty."

The woman squinted her eyes, anger fuming in her heart "The tournament huh... from where it all began."

She again turned her gaze toward the female disciple "Is Ling Chen here?"

The female disciple was quite surprised that she knew about one of the elders "Elder Chen is here. Do you know her? Is she your friend? Should I go and call her?"

Hearing the questions, the woman smiled "Friend? That's in the past... not now." she said and waved her hand.

*woosh* A surge of astral energy blasted out from her body blasting away the female disciple as she was demolished towards the nearby disciple training hal. *thoom* *crash*

H-Huh? The female disciples were startled looking at this and exchanged bewildered glances. With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, the woman broke the silence with a sly remark "Call them, your elders. Hahahahaha...."

Hearing her wicked smile, the female disciples came out of their shock and instantly took a fighting posture.

Lei Meiying glanced over at Ling Chao "Help the disciples if you can... " *swoosh* Ling Chao nodded in understanding and immediately sprang into action, tending to the injured disciples scattered on the ground.

As Ling Chen slashed again, *thud* Ling Shi swiftly blocked the slash with her palm, however, a deep frown crept onto her face as she felt the powerful surge of energy emanating from the sword.

*thrassh* Shards of ice blasted out from the sword, exploding right in front of Ling Shi's face and hurling her away.

Ling Shi just smiled as she quickly recovered from the surprise attack, wiping away the blood trickling from the wound on her cheek which was just created by the share shards of ice.

"Not bad. That sword seems interesting." Ling Shi mused looking at the sword in Ling Chen's hand that even managed to injure her.

*treikkkk* At this time, the ground below Ling Shi trembled and it split open as a pair of huge earthly hands appeared closing Ling Shi.

*thud* The earthly hands managed to capture Ling Shi between their palms. *crack* But as Ling Shi struggled, small cracks began to form on the hand's surface and Ling Meiying squinted her eyes.

"You think this can stop me? Hahahaha." *thoom* The hands made of earth blasted away into pieces.

Already anticipating this move, Ling Chen quickly closed the distance between herself and Ling Shi, hurling her sword at Ling Shi. Watching the blade getting close to her, Ling Shi snorted "The same trick won't work again."

As Ling Shi thought of countering back, Ling Chen let go of the sword catching Ling Shi off guard. Huh?

Letting go of the sword, Ling Chen's eyes narrowed as she crouched and pulled back her hand. *thriissh* Ice energy concentrated in her palm and she hurled her hand near Ling Shi's abdomen aiming to strike her with the concentrated force of her icy power.

*thrashhh* With a burst of astral energy sharp icicles were shot at Ling Shi at point-blank range blasting her into the air. *crasshhh* *boom*

Ling Shi was blasted off toward a nearby building demolishing it and in the next instant, she dashed out of the wreckage with some bruises all over her body and some sharp icicles sticking to her skin.

"I thought of playing with you for a bit, but you made me angry."

*treiiiK* Black ominous tentacles creeped out from her back and a wicked grin spread across her face as the tentacles hurled toward Ling Chen and Ling Meiying.

*swoosh* But at this time, suddenly a large wall of fire appeared in between Ling Shi and Ling Chen interrupting the tentacles.

*thud* Ling Huang landed beside Ling Chen "Sorry, I am late."