Chapter 178: Torturing Chen Li!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Zhao Tian grabbed Chen Li's collar and threw him to the center of the arena. *thud* Chen Li rolled on the ground, still reeling from the severe pain in his back, and he struggled to push himself up, blood trickling from his mouth with each cough.*cough* *cough*

ChenLuo's heartburnedwithfuryas hewitnessedhisson tossed around like a trash bag.

Lang Jian who is the Sect leader of Stormweaver sect, had a frown on his face, curious about Zhao Tian "I can't see through his cultivation base properly. Is he using some kind of artifact or seal to hide his cultivation?" he muttered, glancing at Ning Xue wondering if she did something.

Che Li turned his head and saw Zhao Tian again walking towards him through his blurry vision. Struggling, he placed his quivering hands on the ground, trying to push himself and stand up.

He didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so strong that he would be defeated by him in just a punch.

As the genius of the Chen sect, how can he accept this? *crack* small bolts of lightning cracked sporadic from his body.

*thrass* A wave of purple lightning crackled through the air, reaching Zhao Tian, but he just waved his hand and with a surge of astral energy, the weak lightning disappeared.

As Zhao Tian approached him, Chen Li summoned all his remaining strength to rise to his feet and deliver a forceful punch to Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian grabbed his wrist and twisted it. *crack* severe bone-cracking noises heard through the arena and the audience felt as if their own bones are getting broken.

"Arghhhhhh!" Chen Li let out a bloodcurdling scream, and Zhao Tian didn't let him go as he twisted his hand even more, slowly breaking his bones.

The sound of crushing bones echoed through the arena as Chen Li's screams grew louder, the excruciating pain becoming unbearable.

"BRAT!!!!" A powerful voice echoed through the whole arena, making everyone's heart skip a beat in panic.

Zhao Tian turned his gaze, looking at Chen Luo, whose eyes were red with anger and his chest was rising up and down as he controlled his emotions, "You are torturing my son in the arena. You brat, do you know what you are doing?"

Keeping his gaze on Chen Luo, Zhao Tian twisted Chen Li's hand even more. *crack* *crack* "F-FATHERR!! ARGHHH!! HELP ME! HELP ME!" Chen Li screamed in pain.

Upon hearing the desperate cry of his beloved son, Chen Luo's heart shattered into a million pieces and he directly jumped into the arena to help Chen Li.

"Elder of the Chen clan!" At this time, a sweet voice was heard across the arena, and everyone turned their gazes to the VIP area of the Lunar Blossom Pavillion.

The crowd was just silent watching all the drama and chaos, while the people from the Lunar Blossom Pavillion had smiles on their faces, seeing their Sect Guardian getting the revenge.

H-Huh? Father? Chen Li faintly heard his father's noise and was confused. Defeat? "*cough* I-I accep-"

But before he could finish Zhao Tian pressed his foot on his face silencing him "Were you tryna say something?" he asked slowly smashing his head under his foot.

"YOU! You are doing that deliberately, aren't you!" Chen Luo yelled in anger, looking at Zhao Tian.

*thud* Zhao Tian again smacked his face and used his cultivation pressure exerting pressure over his cultivation.

*fween* "ARGHHHHHH!!!!" Chen Li screamed at the top of his lungs feeling the pressure slowly breaking the meridians in his body as if the very essence of his being was being shattered bit by bit.


His screams sent shivers down the audience's spines, and even they were horrified by the brutality of Zhao Tian.

H-Huh? Che Luo was taken aback, his eyes trembling in disbelief "W-What is he doing? D-D-Don't tell me... No, No , No... you bastard."

*thrash* Under Zhao Tian's pressure, Che Li's cultivation was broken, making him a cripple and with a kick Chen Li tumbled down the area, losing consciousness.

The audience also realized what Zhao Tian has done and gasped in shock as they looked at each other in utter shock.

"Is this even allowed?"

"I-I don't know..."

Even the Lings were surprised, as they didn't expect Zhao Tian to be this cruel.

*swish* In the next instant, Che Luo dashed towards Zhao Tian as he doesn't care anymore "I WILL KILL YOU!!"

Zhao Tian also clenched his fist to punch Chen Luo and as he almost reached Zhao Tian.

"You dare to hurt him?"