Chapter 193: A little past!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Chapter 193: A little past!

35 years ago

Li Jie who was sitting inside the camp, said, "I am quite surprised; the president accepted to live in a tent like this for today."

Hao Chen who was opposite him, shrugged his shoulders "Well, he can't do much about it as he is in the receiving end and the people he is meeting are more powerful than him."

"So he could only go along with this plan."

*thud* *treikk* They suddenly heard a noise from outside, alerting both of them. *tap* They quickly moved, taking the gun in their hands.

They looked at each other and gave a faint nod. 'Is that an astral beast?' This was the thingthat was running in their mind.

With slow steps, they carefully stepped out of the tent. If it's really an astral beast, then they have to be careful and alert everyone.

Under the dim light of the moon, they looked around cautiously. "Urghh!" But at this time, they heard a faint groan.

Huh? A woman? Both Li Jie and Hao chen instantly turned their heads towards the location of the groan and saw a woman wearing blue robes sprawled on the ground, her garments stained with a deep shade of crimson., with a child in her hand.

*tap* Li Jie and Hao chen hurried near her and at this time, feeling two presences approaching her, she raised her gaze.

Li Jie and Hao chen were shocked to see the bloodied face of the woman. "Lady." Both of them quickly crouched near her to help her.

*cough* *cough* The woman let out a series of dry coughs, her throat burning as she tasted the metallic tang of blood. Despite the pain, she defiantly shook her head "Don't worry about me."

The woman then again took a glimpse at the two military men, who had worried expressions on their faces.

*cough* "You are normal human?"

Though confused by the situation, Li Jie nodded his head "Yes,lady. You can worry about that later. But we have to treat your injuries." he spoke as both of them grabbed her hand and helped her sit on the floor.

Li Jie spoke "Haochen, go and call the medics." With a nod, Haochen was about to move-

"No, don't." Suddenly, he felt pressure on his and he turned his gaze to the woman "Lady?"

"*cough* D-Don't call anyone." she spoke, retracting her cultivation pressure.

"Later, she somehow convinced the child and asked her name. And she said she was Ning Zuiye."

"We never tried to ask what happened to her family or what she saw in Zhenzhu. We took her in to raise her as our own daughter."

Hearing the story, Zhao Tian let out a sigh. "So that's how she got that anthropophobia."

Li Jie smiled wryly "To be more precise, its androphobia. She can hold normal conversation with my wife. But till now, I never had a good conversation with her."

(A/n: anthropophobia-fear of people. androphobia- fear of men.)

"I see." Zhao Tian mumbled under his lips.

Li Jie gave a slight nod "Yueli tried to cure her phobia and brought her outside. On that day, she was surrounded by some mobs because of her beauty and they tried to force themselves on her."

"But you came at that time and rescued her. That's why she is not afraid of you and can talk to you more easily."

Zhao Tian sighed in his heart. Since he had good physical strength at that time, because of his physical strength, he managed to help her.

Li Jie asked curiously "But how did you find that she is not my actual daughter."

Zhao Tian spoke "That day, the powerful sects rebelled against the Royal family and killed them and the Royal family's name is Ning."

H-Huh? Li Jie was startled to hear this "Then, Zuiye is from the Royal family? I thought she is from one of the sects that got destroyed."

Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow "You didn't guess after knowing the new Queen's name is Ning Xue?"

Li Jie shook his head "We were never told the Queen name, we were told to address her as Her Majesty."

Zhao Tian spoke with a nod "When I went to Zhenzhu, I visited the Royal family's grave and I saw the name 'Ning Zuiye' engraved on one of them."

"So I got curious and asked you."

Li Jie nodded his head and Zhao Tian asked "You never asked her about Zhenzhu and cultivation again?"

Li Jie shook his head "No, thinking it would bring her trauma backm me and my wife remained silent about that matter and I hope you would do the same."

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes, hearing this. he wanted to talk to Ning Zuiye and also wanted to let Ning Xue know that her family is not dead and one of her family members is still alive.

"No, old man, let me try talking to her."