Chapter 203: A reunion!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Chapter 203: A reunion!

"Ning Zuiye..." Ning Zuiye uttered it with a soft smile.

A flash of surprise crossed Ning Xue's eyes, but then her eyes narrowed. "Ning... Zuiye?" Hearing the name after many years, the memories of the past flooded her mind.

Suppressing the rush of emotions threatening to overwhelm her, Ning Xue shook her head gently, trying to compose herself. 'No, is this a coincidence? This woman....'

Ning Xue raised her head, again noticing the woman's facial features 'Black hair... and purple eyes... h-huh.'

Her thoughts trailed off as she observed, a flicker of recognition dancing in her eyes.

Ning Zuiye's lips curled up in a warm smile "It's been so long, Sister Xue," her words breaking the haze of uncertainty

H-Huh? Ning Xue's eyes trembled to hear the name, her grip faltering as the spoon slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor.

"Z-Zui'er? No way... how?" Ning Xue stuttered, her voice barely escaping her lips, as a rush of happiness filled her heart and she quickly stood up.

Ning Xue hastily grabbed her shoulders, her lips quivering in happiness. "Are you the Zui'er?" she uttered, her heart hoping she was the one.

With a soft chuckle, Ning Zuiye nodded her head. "Yeah, I a-*puff*

Ning Xue quickly hugged her, her arms tightly wrapping around her as she closed her eyes, her eyes moistening with happy tears.

Feeling the tight hold of Ning Xue, Ning Zuiye's eyes softened, and she closed her eyes, reciprocating the hug.

Zhao Tian smiled, looking at the reunion of the two sisters after many years, and continued to eat his meal.

They stayed like that for a while and Ning Zuiye sighed in her heart, feeling Ning Xue's arms desperately clutching onto her.

A little later, Ning Xue retracted the hug, her eyes moistened with tears.

Ning Zuiye chuckled faintly, gazing at the eyes that had been looking at her coldly till now are overflowing with warmth and affection right now.

Ning Xue muttered, still reeling in shock, her body trembling in disbelief. "I still couldn't believe this... Zui'er, you are alive."

Ning Zuiye nodded her head with a smile, "Yes, Sister Xue."

Ning Xue let out a deep breath, trying to control her emotions but she was just too happy that she didn't know what to do.

Her eyes glanced at Ning Zuiye "But... how are you here? Zui'er? In the human world? And you have no cultivation."

Ning Zuiye gently took hold of her hand "Come, Sister Xue, let's sit and talk."

With a slight nod, Ning Xue and Ning Zuiye moved to the couch while Zhao Tian continued his meal leaving the sisters to talk.

A ground-breaking explosion reverberated through the entire forest and surrounding area, decimating everything in its path and reducing it to nothing but rubble.

The mountain range and the river are no more, as there is only devastation for a few kilometers.

Dust and smoke mixed with radiation settled in the air and the soil is already black with whisps of smoke emanating from this.

"Urghhh that fucking bastard. *cough*" Among this hot barren land, a pained groan was heard.

"Arghhhhh" Yu Hua cried in pain as she lay on the ground, her armor already shred to pieces revealing the skin tight outfit beneath it which has also torn, exposing her smooth, flawless skin.

But now her flawless skin and her face is marred with gruesome red burn scars and she has lost her right hand.

Blood is gushing out of her body, painting the barren soil and she gritted her teeth, feeling the terrible pain sweeping across her whole body.

'Who knows that dog has stuck a bomb in his ass. Fucker!'

"Arghhhhhhh!" With pain that seemed to rip apart her body, she slowly lifted her left arm.

'Good thing I protected my left arm behind my back.' *swoosh* A high grade pill bottle and potion appeared from the storage ring in her finder.

*crunch* "Arghhhhhhhhh!" But as she moved she again felt her bones shatter.

Her eyes quivered as tears welled up, the pain coursing through her body causing her to tremble.

After a brief struggle, she somehow managed to open the pill bottle's lid and take two high grade pills, tossing them into her mouth.

As she gulped down the pills, a sigh escaped her lips as she lay down there waiting for the pill to take effect.

But a few seconds passed, and the pill still didn't take any effect. Puzzled, she double-checked the pill bottle to confirm that she had indeed taken the correct medication.

"W-What happened? *cough*" she coughed a mouthful of blood and her heart clenched in pain.

'What about the potion?' She took the potion bottle and opened the lid with her numb fingers

*gulp* *hulp* She gulped the green potion down her dried throat.

But even then, there are no signs of recovering. Yu Hua panicked seeing this 'W-What?'

She tossed in some more healing pills and gulped down another three bottle of high grade potions, desperately trying to heal herself.

And there is still not a single effect of healing on her. Her blonde eyes trembled with even more tears streaming down her cheeks as a wave of fear and dread washed over her.

'W-Why the healing pills are not working? Urghhhhhhhh'


I hope you guys liked this chapter.