Chapter 205: Yu Hua's body state!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

u Hua's body state!

Huh? Zhao Tian who was flying in the air with Cai Luo in his arms, frowned and raised his eyebrows upon hearing this: "You fought with a guy from Lycan Syndicate?"

Cai Luo gave a slight nod. "That guy was following you during your date with your... lover."

Following me? Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow. Is that the powerful presence Xue mentioned?

Her eyes narrowed and a sigh escaped her lips "As you are already on the wanted list of Lycan Syndicate, I am sure he came to kill you."

"So I confronted him and fought with him in the forest. Well, the fight was one-sided, as I easily overpowered him."

"And I even killed him, shredding his body into pieces but suddenly a strange black object appeared in his body and it detonated into a big explosion and i was caught within it."

Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "You are a cultivator at 8th level of the Monarch Astral Stage and I am sure an explosion can't make your state this bad."

As he again remembered the barren land, he muttered, "Well, that explosion looked deadly... but still, to make you get injured like this..."

*cough* Cai Luo coughed, clenching her chest "That explosion was different. It is not a normal one, as I felt the concentration of astral energy."

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes hearing this and thought for a moment before speaking: "In my guess, they have baited you."

Huh? Cai Luo blinked her eyes in confusion "Baited... me?"

Zhao Tian gave a nod. "They already know that you are protecting me inside the city but still, they sent a weaker cultivator than you to kill me."

"If they really wanted to kill me, they should have sent someone at least on the same level as you."

Cai Luo narrowed her eyes upon hearing this: "Yeah, there are some old dogs within the ministers who should be at the 8th and 9th levels of the Monarch Astral Stage."

"So that Miles Williams did this to kill me...?"

Zhao Tian said, "And seems like they have created a new explosive which would even damage a powerful cultivator like you."

A sigh escaped Cai Luo's lips. "I was caught at point blank range and what's shocking is that even high-tier healing pills and potions are not working."


Meanwhile, Ning Zuiye and Ning Xue were still conversing with each other: "Tian won the competition?" Ning Zuiye asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, he did. He even crippled a guy from the Chen clan too." Ning Xue said with a giggle.

Seeing Ning Xue laughing, Ning Zuiye's eyes softened and she gently took hold of her hand. "Sister Xue, it must be have been tough for you to maintain the Zhenzhu as the Queen."

Ning Xue smiled. "Well, at first it was hard... but with Hua'er, it was easy, and now most of the time I just slack off."

Ning Zuiye nodded her head. "I remember Sister Hua."

"Mom!" At this time, Ning Yueli came out of her room and was surprised to see the beautiful woman sitting on the couch.

"Mom, who is that?" Ning Yueli asked curiously, walking near the couch.

Ning Zuiye smiled gently. "She is my friend."

Ning Yueli was dumbfounded. "Mom, you have a friend?" she asked in surprise, as she knew about her mom's condition and as she doesn't even leave the house.

Even her dresses are bought by the maid or ordered online.

Ning Zuiye smiled wryly "She is my friend... from my school when I was little."

"You and your friend both of them are so beautiful. I am not jealous at all. Hmph." Ning Yueli snorted playfully.

She then glanced at Ning Xue and smiled "Hi aunty, I am Ning Yueli...her daughter."

A slight frown appeared on Ning Xue's face and she gave a slight nod.

Um? Ning Yueli smiled awkwardly and turned to her mom. "Mom, is lunch ready?"

"Yeah, go and ask Xi'er; she will help you."

Ning Yueli rushed to the kitchen. "Maid, auntyyyy, lunch!"

Ning Xue glanced at Ning Zuiye "Zui'er, you married someone and had a daughter. You passed down our royal blood with a normal human."