Chapter 208: Beast stone?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Chapter 208: Beast stone?

*swoosh* Zhao Tian appeared beside the Ombudsman, startling him, and he turned his head toward him. "Zhao... Tian?"

Zhao Tian glanced at people wearing heavy suits walking on the scorched land and taking samples of the soil.

"Did they find anything?" Zhao Tian asked and with a sigh, the Ombudsman spoke "We found some things."

"The explosion is not a normal explosion like in grenades or bombs with explosive powder. It was a nuclear explosion."

Zhao Tian squinted his eyes, "A nuclear explosion combined with astral energy?"

The Ombudsman shook his head helplessly. "Yeah, if this nuke is made on a larger scale, one of them is enough to obliterate cities to shreds."

"But I am still wondering why astral energy is exploding from this nuke. Who created this nuke?

...V/\IssịT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).co/m for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

On the barren ground, there is a large van and inside the van, there is a woman wearing a white coat. who is examining a fragment of the black object under the microscope.

*gasp* Suddenly, she noticed something and gasped in shock. She quickly stood up from her seat and rushed to take a small suitcase from the drawer.

Placing the suitcase on the table, *click*, she opened the top and there were some astral stones and beast stones inside it.

She took the beast stone, which looked like a black diamond, and frowned her eyebrows. *swish* A sword appeared in her hand. *sleesh* She slashed the beast stone into a tiny fragment.

Then she took the tiny fragment to examine it under the telescope.


*thud* Opening the van's door, the woman rushed outside and raised her head, "Lord Ombudsman."

The Ombudsman and Zhao Tian glanced down at the woman. Zhao Tian frowned slightly and the Ombudsman said, "Her team was the one examining the residues of this explosion."

*swoosh* Zhoao Tian and the Ombudsman appeared on the ground and the woman was taken aback by the appearance of Zhao Tian.

She blinked her eyes, captivated by his handsome face, and seeing this, the Ombudsman coughed a little *cough*. "Miss Zhin, did you find anything?"

Seeing this, Zhao Tian spoke "It's the Western nation's Lycan syndicate."

Huh? The Ombudsman turned to look at him "How... do you know that?"

"Don't ask about that, so just keep an eye on that organization if you can." Zhao Tian muttered.

The Ombudsman let out a sigh "This organization is really a headache for our nation. And you are also on their wanted list."

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod, "I will deal with that later" he spoke and disappeared from there. *swoosh*

The frown on Ombudsman's eyebrows deepened "Miles... Williams."


At the same time, among the cultivators from the ACL, one of them moved to the sides leaving the group.

That guy took a mobile phone from his pocket and dialed someone. *ring* A little later, someone attended the call.

"My Lord!"

A minister from Lycan Syndicate spoke from the other side "Why did you call me."

The guy spoke "My Lord, I saw that Zhao Tian guy with the Ombudsman."

Haring this, The minister laughed light-heartedly "Haha, Is he crying pathetically that his protector got killed?"

The cultivator frowned "No, My Lord, he doesn't seem like he's sad. He was just chatting with the Ombudsman. L0oks as he came because of the explosion"

The minister continued laughing "Maybe he doesn't even know she is dead because she was already blasted to pieces because of the Explosion."

"When he realizes it, he will cry."


*woosh* Zhao Tian flew back to the apartment and peeked inside the bathroom a little. There he saw Cai Luo sitting in a cross-legged position, black impurities coming out of her body.

He came back to the couch and began to refine a body-strengthening pill.