Chapter 231: You both can leave!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Chapter 231: You both can leave!

"Woah!" As they walked into the warehouse, Ning Xue and Freya Everglade were completely taken aback by its sheer size and the number of books stacked there.

The flame spirit on Zhao Tian's shoulder also looked around in confusion, glancing at it Zhao Tian said, "Don't burn any books."

The spirit nodded its head obediently. "Yes, My Lord..."

Xia Shenyi looked at the flame spirit curiously. "Tian... what about Freya's Empyreal flame?"

"Hm?" Freya Everglade turned her head and spoke "My Empyreal flame is with my bloodline, so I think it won't be separated from me."

"Lets try it." Zhao Tian said and Freya Everglade turned her eyes to Zhao Tian still feeling embarrassed about the things that happened.

Noticing this, Xia Shenyi smiled "As I said, don't worry... its not like Tian hasn't seen them before, he has seen many of his women."

"He might have probably forget it by now, right Tian?"

Zhao Tian smiled, looking at Freya Everglade's body from top to bottom and said teasingly "No, I remember every curve and that mole on your abdomen."

"NOOO!!!" Freya Everglade yelled as she buried her face on her palms, steams boiling from her head so embarrassed hearing his words.

Eh? Zhao Tian felt a sharp pain on his waist and turned his head to look at Ning Xue who was looking at him angrily, pinching him.

"You have remembered her body?"

Zhao Tian gently pulled her into his arms and smiled "I also remember yours... I didn't forgot the mark I left here." he muttered, as he gently cupped her right boob.

Smiling, Ning Xue wrapped her arms around his neck, a playful glint in her eyes "Then... where are the moles in my body?" she asked leaning closer to him.

"The one behind your neck, the one on your right boob, the one on your thigh..."

Huh? Hearing him speak, Ning Xue was startled "You remembered all of them."

Zhao Tian just chuckled and softly kissed her lips. Closing her eyes, Ning Xue reciprocated the kiss her fingers delicately grabbing his hair.

"O-Ohh" The fire spirit on his shoulder cutely closed its eyes with its hands looking at the intimate scene.

Xia Shenyi shook her head helplessly as she saw them making out right in the way of the warehouse.

Then she turned her eyes to Freya Everglade who was sighing heavily. Letting out a chuckle, Xia Shenyi moved towards her wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Now, Now.. don't worry. Because of his physique, he has big brain that's why he easily remembered."

Leya Everglade screamed 'How shameful this is... tsk'

Freya Everglade yelled in anger "Its because of you, damn woman."

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod and the Phoenix flame hopped on his shoulders. It slowly inched close to his neck touching him "My Lord..." its voice grew softer.


Meanwhile, Freya Everglade's hands trembled as she held the book in her hands reading through the descriptions "T-This is it... what I have been searching for."

Ning Xue was quite confused "Sister Freya, what's there about your bloodline?"

Freya Everglade turned her shaking eyes to Ning Xue, her heart overwhelmed with emotions "The right cultivation technique to control my Phoenix fire and Phoenix Ice at the same time."

"If only I had this technique, my life energy would not have been sucked and my soul would not have been corrupted."

Ning Xue smiled in surprise "That's really awesome."

Xia Shenyi walked near them "That's really great, but nothing in this world is free."

Freya Everglade glanced at Xia Shenyi and gave a nod "What do you want in return?"

A smile appeared on Xia Shenyi's face "That thing in your hand will save your life, what can you give me in exchange for that?"

Freya Everglade squinted her eyes and a sigh escaped her lips "I... don't have anything right now to give you."

Xia Shenyi grinned upon hearing this "Your storage ring and access to all of your Eleven artifacts which is in your star in the future."

Huh? Freya Everglade was startled to hear this "The artifacts in our.. star?"

Zhao Tian also walked near them and Freya Everglade spoke with a soft smile smile on her face "I found the book I have been searching for years."

"Now, I don't have anything worth in my hand to give you.. consider this as a favor and in the future, you can ask me anything and if its within my power I will surely give you."

Zhao Tian gave a nod as the book is useless for him anyway and it actually belong to the First Honoured One maybe....


"Hm.." Zhao Tian munched down the grape as he lay on Xia Shenyi's lap and Xia Shenyi tossed another grape in his mouth.

Freya Everglade and Ning Xue are in one of the room still researching on that book.

Zhao Ying is sitting on the couch next to them using her mobile phone and at this time, Chi Miya walked in "Tian, I brought them."

Zhao Tian glanced at Fei Lingxi and Fei Ziyu who were also confused bythe sudden call.

With a soft sigh Zhao Tian spoke "I got tired of your bodies, so I will take my seal and let both of you free."

"You both can leave."

I hope you guys liked this chapter!!