Chapter 236: Fuck off!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Chapter 236: Fuck off!

"Where have you gone yesterday?"

Standing on the doorstep of the apartment, Zhao Tian replied, "I was busy with my girlfriend," he said as he entered the apartment.

Walking past her, he casually made his way to the sofa and reclined comfortably, resting his weight against the soft cushions in a relaxed manner.

Cai Luo squinted her eyes and closed the door while walking inside the hall.

"What do you even like about her? She is not that strong or that beautiful." Cai Luo muttered.

Hearing this, Zhao Tian shrugged. "I don't know, but I like her."

Cai Luo took a glimpse at him and shook her head helplessly before entering the kitchen. "Coffee?"

"Yeah." Zhao Tian nodded his head and Cai Luo began to prepare coffee for him. Standing in the kitchen, she leaned back, took another glance at him and saw him scrolling on his phone.

A little later, she brought a steaming cup of coffee and placed it in front of him on the table. "Thank you..." Zhao Tian took the coffee cup and took a sip.

"How is it?" Cai Luo asked with a smile and Zhao Tian nodded his head. "It's great."

With a satisfied nod, she again went into kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

"Hm?" Zhao Tian looked at Cai Luo coming out of the kitchen with a small plate of cake in her hands and said, "Here." She gently placed it on the table.

A smile spread across Zhao Tian's face "Good.."

Cai Luo chuckled and took her coffee cup before sitting next to him on the couch.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Zhao Tian asked, "How is your body?"

*sip* Cai Luo rolled her eyes "My whole body is still aching, haah."

Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "Did you take the body-strengthening pills?"

Cai Luo nodded her head, sipping her coffee. "Yeah, I did... My body has gotten stronger but there is still pain."

"Hm? Maybe there is still impurities in your body?"Fôll0w current novÊls o/n n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(c/o/m)

Cai Luo shook her head. "I don't know... hah. Sometimes I can feel my muscles getting stiff and crunchy."

"Crunchy?" Zhao Tian chuckled and Cai Luo smiled wryly "Well, I don't know how to explian that feeling."

They continued to converse, taking small sips of their coffee. *ring* Zhao Tian felt the mobile in his pocket vibrating.

He took the mobile from his pocket and looking at Zhao Ying's name, he attended to it and brought the mobile close to his ear "Ying'er?"


Huh? Hearing her stammering voice, Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes "Ying'er, what happened."


Zhao Ying and Zhao Suyin became cautious, looking at man standing in front of them, his eyes cold, sending shivers down their spine.

Zhao Ying quickly took her mobile from her storage ring "I'll call tian'er first."


Hm? Cai Luo looked at Zhao Tian, who had a deep frown his face speaking over the phone.

He hastily placed the coffee and stood up "I will be there right now."

Seeing that he was in a rush, Cai Luo asked in a worried tone "Tian, what happened?"

"Nothing, but... I will be going right now." He said that and rushed out of her apartment.

"What is his hurry? Atleast tell me and leave..." As she watched him walk away, she couldn't resist pouting her lips and casting a longing gaze at the half-empty coffee cup sitting on the table.

*ahem* Coughing to herself, she took the coffee cup in her hands "I shouldn't waste coffee."

Convincing herself, she took a sip of the coffee and she couldn't help control the growing smile on her face.



*thud* Zhao Tian entered his room in the mansion and saw, Zhao Suyin, Zhao Ying and Xia Shenyi inside the room.

"Tian'er..." Zhao Suyin and Zhao Ying who were sitting on the bed stood up,seeing him.

Zhao Tian's eyes quickly scanned their to see if there were any injuries. Seeing that their skin is perfect, he walked toward them letting out a sigh.


As they took a step closer, they embraced him tenderly, and Zhao Tian returned the hug with warmth. "You guys didn't get hurt, right?"

Feeling his warmth, both of them nodded their head "Yeah, we alright..."

Zhao Suyin and Zhao Ying felt his hands around them getting tighter "He didn't touch you, right?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

Letting out a chuckle, Zhao Ying kissed his lips "We didn't let him touch a single strand of our hair."

Zhao Tian gently patted their heads and Zhao Suyin, held them close in his arms. "Who are they... why are they targeting you, Tian'er."

Zhao Tian let out a faint sigh, "It is actually my fault that you guys faced this situation."

"I am sure it is someone from the Lycan Syndicate, as I don't have any enemies other than them."

A cold black glint passed through his eyes "Now they have dared to touch my family, I should not let them live any more."

He retracted the hug and spoke "I should clear this right now. I am leaving..."

"Huh? Leaving where?"

"Where else? To western nations."

Gimme your points, give them to MC or your fave character in character list muhehehehe

After my exam is over, i will post bonus chapters yeahhhhhhhhhh