Chapter 241: The first taste!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Chapter 241: The first taste!

Cai Luo narrowed her eyes as she observed the black flames consuming Alex Brell, his once strong body now almost unrecognizable due to the intense heat and destructive power of the flames.

"That is definitely an Empyreal flame... is he aware of the high stars?" She could only mutter under her breath.


Zhao Tian glanced at Alex Brell, his body still burning in intense black flames, his screams still reverberating across the forest

"And what about that nuclear bomb that you guys used last time to kill Luo?" Zhao Tian asked his eyes, looking at the wrecked face of Alex Brell.

Alex Brell gritted his teeth feeling the terrible pain seeping through his body and struggled to speak "AARGH... L-LUO? RAAAAAA!!!"

Cai Luo spoke in a calm tone "Dog, did you forget that guys tried to kill me?"

"HAAARGHHH!" Alex Brell heard Cai Luo's voice and his eye quivered in agony "H-HER.. HAAH... Y-YOU ARE GOING TO ARRRR KILL ME RIGHT?"

Zhao Tian shrugged casually "Of course. And I know what you are thinking, since you are going to die anyway, why should you spill the secrets"

"It's just that the way you die will be different, I will torture you until you spill all the beans. And this flame..." as Zhao Tian muttered, he increased the potency of the darkness within the fire.

*thrisssshhh* As the intensity grew, Alex Brell's body trembled vigorously and his body contoured feeling the darkness infusing within his veins and tendons.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRR-OKKKKKKK. RAAAGGARGAHHHHH! PLEASSSEEEEEEEE AHAHA!" His anguish screams of pain fell on Zhao Tian's ears but he stood there with an indifferent expression, ignoring his screams as if he was deaf.

Zhao Tian lowered the intensity, giving Alex Brell a bit of time to breathe and Alex Brell also felt the intensity decreasing as the regeneration in his body quickly caught up, regenerating the flesh that was roasted.

*Huff* *huff* Taking in heavy breaths, Alex Brell managed to push out words"Urghh... The scientists, aaargh!!! created a nuclear weapon with beast stone.. haah and we used that for her as a trial."

*whisss* Hot whisps of smoke is emanating from his body as he struggled to even move his body "W-We thought she was dead, urghhh but she is still alive."

He reached out his hand to touch the brimming white soul in front of him, a hint of desire erupting in his heart.

Huh? Cai Luo was startled as she saw Zhao Tian burning Alex Brell to his bones and he was inserting his hand into the shimmering black flames.

"Tian... don't kill him."

*wooosh* But at this time, suddenly a large dome of a half-sphere burning with black flames appeared around Zhao Tian and the burning body leaving Cai Luo outside the dome.

"What the hell?" Cai Luo was bewildered as she saw the huge dome of flames in front of her, separating her from Zhao Tian.

As she tried to walk near the dome, the intense heat pushed her back and she gritted her teeth in annoyance "What is happening inside this barrier? Damn it, what is this?"


Meanwhile, inside the barrier, a smile crept over Zhao Tian's lips as his fingertips came into contact with the sparkling soul in front of him.

*blog* A hint of amusement danced in his eyes as he felt the structure of soul in front of him.

'Its like jelly.. squishy?'

At the same time, the dark flames have already consumed Alex Brell wholly, leaving nothing not even bones or ashes—and Zhao Tian could care less.

*blick* As Zhao Tian's fingers touched the soul, it trembled for a second and at this time, darkness seeped out of Zhao Tian's hand.

The dark energy completely surrounded the soul, engulfing it in black and pulling towards Zhao Tian, his whole body glinting with black energy.

The soul disintegrated into small pieces and floated around Zhao Tian for a second before totally getting consumed by the darkness surrounding him.

Zhao Tian's white eyelashes quivered feeling the rich energy of a soul seeping inside his body and he closed his eyes, feeling the energy.

'So this is the... taste of a soul.'