Chapter 245: Cheating?

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

5: Cheating?

Leaning on Zhao Tian's shoulder while sitting on his lap, Xia Shenyi muttered "So now you have three ways to cultivate. Normally cultivating by absorbing the astral energy in the atmosphere."

"Dual cultivating and absorbing the Yin energy from women."

"And... now devouring souls."

Zhao Tian's fingers gently caressed her cheek as he spoke "Hm.. and I broke through three levels from the soul of an 8th-level Monarch Astral Stage cultivator."

Xia Shenyi nodded her head "That's good too. Fron now on, you can kill your enemies and get their souls."

His fingers delicately pinched her red lips as he muttered "But the thing is, when my darkness consumes the soul, the soul becomes visible to others to I guess."

"Because last time, I saw an Eldritchfiend killing people and at that time I could see souls, even Xue'er saw the souls."

"So if anyone is beside me, I can't devour them."

Xia Shenyi rolled her eyes at him "If someone is beside you? Surely you don't care about your enemies... so if your woman is beside you, you won't use that ability?"V/\IssịT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).co/m for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

"You don't want others to know about this ability of yours?"

Zhao Tian let out a soft sigh and Xia Shenyi squinted her eyes "You think... they will look at you like a monster devouring souls and get disgusted?"

-_- "Well,... you read my mind."

Xia Shenyi giggled and raised her head, gently kissing his cheek "I am sure, they won't look at you like that."

She grabbed his chin and made him look at her, her black eyes glancing at his blue eyes"Who would look at this damn face and think of it as a monster and get disgusted by it?"

Zhao Tian could only chuckle and Xia Shenyi spoke "In the middle stars like your Earth people don't know about darkness, so it's ok to use it."

"But if you go to high stars, they would instantly recognize the elemental and would even try to kill you, Tian."

"Yeah, I know." Zhao Tian muttered as he raised his left hand, and a spark of black lighting danced in his palm.

Xia Shenyi narrowed her eyes seeing it "You combined darkness with lightning too?"

"So, it is me, who should console her."

Xia Shenyi let out a sigh and got down from his lap sitting on the couch. Zhao Tian pecked her lips and stood up following Mei Xiu out of the mansion.

With a chuckle, Zhao Ying came and sat beside Xia Shenyi on the couch.

Xia Shenyi grimaced slightly "Why are these women like this? Can't he have many women? This is getting ridiculous at this point."

"They should actually be blessed to be Zhao Tian's women as he is the Honoured One, whose achievements in the future are endless."

"Tian... totally deserves to have many women. It is a vice for him not to have many women."

-_- Zhao Ying smiled wryly "Sister Shenyi, we have grown up in a society where one man has one woman... so of course she will act like that and she also doesn't know Zhao Tian is the Honoured One."

Xia Shenyi scoffed "Then Tian should just leave her, he has many other women who accept him."

Zhao Ying could only chuckle "But Tian'er won't let her go. He is so possessive, to the point he has even beaten people to death in the past who proposed to me."

Hm? Xia Shenyi turned her eyes to her curiously. Zhao Ying muttered "I don't want to be narcissistic, but I am beautiful and just like Tian'er I am also popular and I have received many confessions."

"I openly defend Tian'er and won't let any women near Tian'er... but he does that secretly. He has never told me or talked about that but I learned it from my other friends about the guys he beat."

"And if it's now, he wouldn't hesitate to kill a man who dares to touch me. It's not him being insecure, he is just so possessive."

"For him, if it belongs to him... it only belongs to him."

Zhao Ying's eyes softened as she reminisced about old days "And that is one of the attractive parts about him. My Tian'er is just so cool and I couldn't stop loving him."

"Our." Xia Shenyi interrupted.

Hm? Zhao Ying was confused and Xia Shenyi spoke with a soft smile on her face "Not yours, Our Tian."

Hearing this, Zhao Ying laughed "Yeah, Ours."


I am trying lmao, but I can't... Is the pace slow?

I am trying my best to fasten the pace but its turning into a slice of life.