Chapter 255: New woman?!

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

Chapter 255: New woman?!

Zhao Tian brought his right hand behind his back, his gaze fixated on the woman in front of him as dark lightning danced in between his fingertips on his right palm.

*cough* The woman coughed as her eyes shook in pain, *splash* as even more blood burst out of her abdomen, making the injury even more serious.

Zhao Tian took a fleeting glimpse at her abdomen and saw that there was almost a hole in her abdomen, and the purple poison around her abdomen was corroding it even more.Rêađ latest cha/p/ters on no/v/e/l(b)in(.)c/o/m

The woman looked at Zhao Tian cautiously and Zhao Tian too, narrowed his eyes, the dark lightning and his ring also glowed faintly.

If things went down, he could always call Shi Yixian and also Xia Shenyi for a few seconds.

*ROOOOAAARRR* At this time, a sudden roar echoed and both of them turned their eyes to the multitude of Astral beasts rushing toward them stepping into the barren land.

They are the ones who escaped from the impact of the fall.

"High-level astral neast and this much?" Zhao Tian muttered in confusion and only then did he remember Ning Xue talking about the Astral Beasts outbreak.

But in the next instant, those astral beasts were splintered to pieces as a swirl of wind energy erupted from the woman's palm.

The woman calmed down her mind amidst the muscle-tearing pain and looked at the white stone before turning her eyes to Zhao Tian's handsome face.

'So... I made it to the middle star, escaping from them.'

As she glanced at Zhao Tian... 'He doesn't seem evil... and I was the first to attack him instinctively. Urghhh... I don't want to take a life unreasonably in this middle star.'

She raised her misty eyes, looking at Zhao Tian, and saw he was on guard against her.

With a sigh, the woman gritted her teeth and pushed the words out of her mouth in pain "I am sorry for attacking you... I didn't intend any harm."

Zhao Tian glanced back at the long cleave of land that stretched across the kilometers and nodded. "Yeah, sure... I believe."

Hearing his sarcastic tone, the woman uttered, "That... I was just scared and did that. Anyone would be scared if they saw someone staring at them as they open their eyes."

Her soft voice reverberated through the surroundings, but what's different about this pink-haired woman is that there are two bumps on her head.

Bumps? No, two fox ears flickered on her head and the beast woman raised her gaze, looking at the skies.

"They flew, huh... I don't want to chase them, then it won't be fun."

"Hm... what shall I do next for fun?"

As she muttered to herself, an idea appeared on her mind, an evil smile stretching across her lips "Yeah, let's do that."


*swoosh* Zhao Tian flew back to the Royal palace and snuck into the Queen's room via the balcony.

As Ning Xue is with Freya Everglade within the artifact, the room is empty.

Entering the room, he walked to the bed, softly placing the woman's body on the push bed.

His eyes glanced toward the purple poison around the injury on her abdomen. He needs to remove her dress to treat the poison.

And he doesn't want to do that, as he knows these cultivation women are so sensitive about their bodies and he doesn't want to hear her yapping, 'Why did you see and touch my body?' and shit.

He took a knife from the table which is used to cut fruits and gently sliced the robes only on her abdomen revealing her stomach.

A sigh escaped his lips looking at the gruesome injury and he extended his hand, his fingertips touching the injury.

A flicker of black flame erupted from his fingertips and he concentrated, controlling the flame precisely as it slowly burned away the poison.

After the poison was removed, the woman's body glowed in bright yellow energy as Zhao Tian used his light energy to heal her body.

The muscles and tendons began to grow, slowly closing the wound and a few seconds later, her skin was as clear as snow.

Zhao Tian's finger teased the belly button on her abdomen, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Rest for a while."