Chapter 260 Some time with Aunt Zuiye 2.0

Name:I alone am the Honoured One! Author:

260 Some time with Aunt Zuiye 2.0

Sitting on a bench in the park, Zhao Tian's fingers continued to caress her delicate black hair, her hand wrapped around his shoulders while leaning on him for emotional support.

"Have you calmed down?"

Zhao Tian felt a nod on his chest and Ning Zuiye spoke in a faint voice, "I just... remembered my mother and elder sister Zhilan."

"My sister died protecting me that day."

Zhao Tian didn't know how to respond and continued patting her head to comfort her. A while later, she retracted her face from his chest and let out a soft breath controlling her emotions.

Zhao Tian raised his hand, gently wiping away the small tears in her eyes. A flick of water elemental appeared in his palm and he delicately washed her face and the dried tears.

Next, a faint gust of hot wind appeared from his palm drying her face.

E-Eh? Ning Zuiye was dumbfounded seeing this "How did you do that? Tian... water, then hot air? Even my mom and sister couldn't do that."

"Wait, didn't you have fire elemental when you showed me the last time. But now that you are using water elemental, how? and wind too?"

Zhao Tian let out a chuckle and spoke "I can actually use many elementals."

WHAT?!! Ning Zuiye blinked her eyes in shock, Even though she is not cultivating, she knows very well about cultivation and as far as she knows, there have been no people with two elementals.

Even her sister, Ning Zhilan, who is considered a genius only had one elemental, Light.

"That's... unbelieveable." Ning Zuiye muttered under her breath in utter disbelief.

"Show me them, Tian."

Hearing her request, Zhao Tian gave a nod and raised his hand as a fire burst into his palm. And after a swirl of water appeared, followed by a gust of wind..

*thrish* With a crackling sound, purple lightning appeared and small earth particles materialized, followed by a shining yellow light.

Looking at the colors changing in Zhao Tian's palm, Ning Zuiye's jaw gaped in shock and seeing the rarest Light elemental, her mind went blank for a second.

What the hell??!!!

"H-How do you have all the elementals?"

Zhao Tian shrugged "I was born with it."

Ning Zuiye blinked her eyes, still reeling in shock at the unbelievable young man in front of her.

"Lunar Blossom Pavillion. Come, let me introduce some of my women."

As they entered the Sect Building, Ling Huang rushed out from her room and hugged him "Little brother."

"Huang'er." Zhao Tian hugged her back and Ling Huang turned her eyes to Ning Zuiye "Welcome, he said that a guest is coming."

Ning Zuiye nodded her head with a smile and at this time, Ling Meiying also came, a gentle smile on her face "Husband."

Then her gaze fell on Ning Zuiye and she bowed slightly "Welcome."

All of them quickly entered the main hall, where five women were present. Ling Xin, Ling Huang, Ling Miying. Ling Chen and Ning Zuiye.

Zhao Tian is also there while Ning Huang is sitting on his lap, Ling Chen is sitting on his one side and Ning Zuiye on the other side.

Ling Xin shook her head helplessly seeing Ling Huang's inappropriate behavior "Huang'er, is this how you behave in front of guests?"

Ling Huang giggled and Ning Zuiye spoke, smiling "I don't mind that. I am glad they are so affectionate with each other."

Ling Huang glimpsed at Zhao Tian "Little brother, you still haven't introduced her."

Zhao Tian nodded "Hmm. She is Ning Zuiye."

Ning? They raised their eyebrows looking at Ning Zuiye while Ling Xin narrowed her eyes feeling the name is quite familiar.

"Ning Zuiye? Isn't that... the name of the dead sister of Queen Xue?"

Zhao Tian nodded his head. "Yeah, she is not dead. This is her."


After explaining the situation to everyone, a wide smile appeared on Ling Xin's face "Then, Queen Xue must have been so happy. I should go and meet her, it's been a while." she muttered, happy for Ning Xue in her heart.


At the same time, Rui Lian who was in the center of the ocean glanced at the last Eldritchfiend falling into the ocean water.

She raised her gaze looking at the setting sun on the horizon "I need to return to him."


I hope you guys liked thsi chapter!