Chapter 329: Copper, Iron... the biggest hurdle

Name:I am a Primitive Man Author:
Chapter 329: Copper, Iron... the biggest hurdle

Fire prevention, theft prevention, and Pervert deer prevention!

This is the lesson learned by Han Cheng, who risked being "greened" from his own experience!

Suffered a loss!

A big loss!

He only dared to lay a Han Cheng on that damn deer's wife, yet this shameless creature dared to use its mouth directly!

Han Cheng looked at the fat weapon of the deer master's wife, licked his lips, and ultimately couldn't bring himself to do it, resorting to the deer's ways.

Ultimately, he is no match for the ruthless Shitou.

Harvest hemp, weave cloth, make clothes!

Harvest hemp, weave cloth, make clothes!

Harvest hemp, weave cloth, make clothes!

This is the roar of a certain Divine Child, who, having felt ashamed, now rises with courage from deep within his heart.

Bai Xue looked very aggrieved, appearing pitiful.

It's not because that damn lecherous deer frivolously treated her, nor because Han Cheng blamed her for it, but because of food.

As the sun set, the heat gradually dissipated, and coolness rose, once again spreading fragrance throughout the Green Sparrow Tribe.

People dispersed in the courtyard to have dinner, the most heartwarming time of the day.

However, Bai Xue didn't feel particularly heartwarming at this moment.

Brother Cheng wouldn't let her eat more because she had only eaten one bowl of rice.

Xiaomei and Xiaoli could eat three bowls each, and she used to be able to eat three bowls, too, but now she could only manage one, not even half full.

How can she grow up if she doesn't eat enough? How can she surpass Xiaomei and Xiaoli...

Seeing his little wife looking pitifully at him, Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffle.

Primitive people always burst out with strong enthusiasm for food, and the most obvious result is― gaining weight.

In the past few months, Bai Xue no longer looked as skinny as before and had gained a lot of weight.

A while ago, she looked just right, neither thin nor fat, perfectly proportioned.

But perfection is always effortless to pass by. As Han Cheng nodded silently to himself, the flesh on Bai Xue's body grew incessantly.

For him, the inventor of this primitive seed drill, it is a must.

This three-legged plow pulled by livestock is essential for intensive farming and improving farming efficiency!

The idea is complete, but the reality is different. Many things cannot be accomplished with enthusiasm alone; after all, the world is material and not subject to human will.

After finding the wood with holes in the middle suitable for making plow legs and having the woodworker and two bone craftsmen from the Bone Tribe sharpen them, Han Cheng still had to abandon the plow, which was very tempting temporarily.

Compared to bone shovels, bone spades, and stone plows, which require a higher degree of precision, the plow cannot be created with the current tools.


Lying in the shade, watching the dappled light filtering through the leaves, Han Cheng couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Copper and iron, these metals commonly seen in later years, have always been a tight constraint on their tribe.

Copper and iron are unavoidable obstacles to further development and manufacturing of more precise and practical tools.

But where can he get these metals?

Iron smelting?

Copper smelting?

Charcoal is available, and they can somewhat manage to make clay furnaces, but the key is that there is no ore now.

When Han Cheng had nothing to do, he would go out with the eldest brother and others. Within a radius of more than ten miles around the Green Sparrow Tribe, there was no trace of them.

Although there was some discontent in his heart, he could still accept it. After all, the range of movement available now is too small. The fact that there is a salt mountain near the Green Sparrow Tribe is something to be thankful for.

If they could find copper and iron, it would truly be fortunate.

Understanding is one thing, but the frustration in his heart hasn't diminished much. After all, the plow is an extremely important component of his large-scale farming plan for the coming year.

Now that they haven't even started implementing it formally and they're already facing such a problem, it's headache-inducing.

Now that the problem is here, if they want to manufacture usable plows, they must have usable metal tools.

To have metal tools, they need usable metal.

To have metal, they must have metal ore...

After going around in circles, everything returns to the original point.

Why did the damn heavens send him here butt-naked? Couldn't they have given him at least a backpack, if not a trenching tool? Inside it, besides some food, there were also two knives...

Han Cheng chuckled bitterly, no longer dwelling on these impossible scenarios. With this time and effort, going out and exploring is better. That way, the chances of finding copper and iron ore are higher.