Chapter 2141

Looking at the fallen corpse in front of him, the Huba who had talked and laughed with him before, telling how he fought with bears and danced with wolves, was now killed by Liu Xing in the dense forest of Fairy Peak.

Maybe even Huba himself didn't expect that he would end his life in this way.

From Gu Chen's point of view, Huba's identity itself has many problems.

It also includes Chen Li, and Chen Li's boss, Zou Xiong, and of course the trembling Liu Xing beside him.

The relationship between these people seems to be very delicate.

Gu Chen is very clear that if the facts are as Liu Xing said, then there must be problems with Liu Xing's footprints when he left.

According to Liu Xing's explanation, the reason why Liu Xing only left his own footprints from the evacuation point to entering the dense forest was because the other party's light hinted at him in the distance.

And when I entered the dense forest with Lu Weiwei, I only found one person's footprints along the way, and it was because of the snow falling from the treetops.

According to this statement, it seems to make sense, but Gu Chen is still skeptical.

After all, I and Lu Weiwei followed the footprints into the dense forest and only found the footprints of one person, which means that after Huba led Liu Xing into the dense forest, snow fell soon and covered Huba's footprints.

In this way, Liu Xing could step on the new snow and continue to search deep in the dense forest.

But through searching, Gu Chen discovered that Liu Xing's footprints were almost the same as those of the assailant who killed Chen Li.

When entering the dense forest, it is also through continuous circles to get everyone involved in the forest maze.

There are also some inductive footprints, such as walking backwards, walking sideways, or even deliberately smearing footprints, causing footprints to mold lakes, etc.

This series of operations seems to be exactly the same.

From this point of view, Gu Chen is actually very clear that Liu Xing must have a strong connection with the murderer who killed Chen Li.

But Liu Xing stayed with everyone from the beginning to the end, from the moment he entered the Fairy Peak.

Therefore, Liu Xing's conditions for killing Chen Li were not established, but now that Hu Ba was dead, Liu Xing attributed the killing of Hu Ba to self-defense.

But Gu Chen is not a vegetarian either. Judging from the traces at the scene and the knife marks on Huba's body, Huba's fatal blow was actually on the right side of his neck.

But according to Liu Xing's on-site restoration demonstration just now, after grabbing the blade, Liu Xing slashed at Huba with his right hand, and stabbed Huba a few times.

Gu Chen and Liu Xing had repeatedly confirmed the details of these fights.

But Gu Chen also knew very well that Huba's fatal wound was the knife wound on the right side of his neck. This fatal blow cut Huba's artery, which caused Huba to lose too much blood and died on the spot.

"But judging from the incision on the right side of Huba's neck, it is obvious that the knife was stabbed from behind."

"Huba's wound fits perfectly only when he is struck from behind unexpectedly."

"However, from what Liu Xing said, Huba was pushed to the ground by himself, and hit his head on a rock, causing injury."

"Afterwards, he tricked Liu Xing into coming forward, and wanted to sneak attack Liu Xing. Huba was always in the posture of lying on the rock."

"Such a lying position is completely incompatible with standing opponents, or Liu Xing's opponents who slammed on him."

"In this way, the knife wound on Huba's neck, no matter what, there is no chance to strike from behind, because Huba never got up from the rock from the beginning to the end."

Thinking of this, Gu Chen turned his head and stared at Liu Xing beside him.

At this moment, Liu Xing also looked at Gu Chen subconsciously. When he found that Gu Chen's eyes were staring at him, Liu Xing quickly shifted his direction, his body still trembling.

"Liu Xing, you're lying." Gu Chen didn't play tricks with Liu Xing, because from the analysis just now, Gu Chen has completely used his master-level imagination to restore the previous fighting appearance.

Liu Xing was stunned, took two steps back with disbelief, and quickly explained, "Officer Gu, I...I lied? Why did I lie?"

"Yeah, Junior Brother Gu, what's going on?" Lu Weiwei seemed to have not recovered from the state of examining the corpse.

Gu Chen also said without hesitation: "Because Huba was stabbed from behind, resulting in his death. As for the stab wounds on his chest, they were actually caused by Liu Xing after Huba's death."

"What? The fatal stab wound came from behind?" According to Gu Chen's reminder, Lu Weiwei immediately began to investigate Huba's body after taking pictures and collecting evidence.

Soon, Lu Weiwei discovered the knife wound on Huba's neck, which seemed a little strange.

But after all, Lu Weiwei also followed Gu Chen and handled many cases, and soon saw the trickiness from the knife wound, and then suddenly realized:

"I know, the carotid artery on the neck was cut, which is the real cause of Huba's death, and those stab wounds on the body were caused by you, Liu Xing, after Huba's death."

After the words fell, Lu Weiwei stood up directly and stood side by side with Gu Chen.

Liu Xing took a step back in fright, and leaned directly against a big tree, the corner of his mouth twitched and said: " are talking nonsense, this person was obviously hacked to death by me during the fight with me. "

"As for which knife he died with? How can I know this?"

"You are very clear." Before Liu Xing finished speaking, Gu Chen directly added:

"You know very well that Huba was attacked from behind by you, because the knife wound on Huba's neck was the most fatal."

"And judging from the direction of the knife marks and wounds, this can only be done by standing behind Huba and holding the knife horizontally."

"And you have been emphasizing before that it was Huba who cheated on the corpse and tricked you to go over to check the situation, and then took the opportunity to fight with you, but you have always been suppressed by you."

"And you were stabbed a few times before you counterattacked in self-defense."

After a pause, Gu Chen shook his head: "Liu Xing, you are too smart, your statement seems to agree with common sense, but the evidence will not lie, and the wound will not be changed because of your nonsense."

After taking two steps and coming to Liu Xing, Gu Chen pointed to Huba's body with his left hand, and continued to explain:

"The wound on the right side of Huba's neck, if you cut the knife from the front, it is absolutely impossible to make such a wound."

"Oh, I... I forgot." As soon as Gu Chen finished speaking, Liu Xing suddenly patted his head, and also put on a gesture of sudden realization:

"Yes, this guy, just started cheating on the corpse, tricked me to go up, and then wrestled with me. I rolled with him on the ground, and then cut him from the back."

"Then how did you do it?" Lu Weiwei hurriedly asked when she heard Liu Xing overturned the previous statement and began to explain another set of rhetoric.

Liu Xing quickly replied: "It is like this, and then like this."

Seeing Liu Xing making various gestures in front of the two, Gu Chen couldn't help but smiled, shook his head and said:

"Liu Xing, you don't need to pretend any more. We have a professional forensic team that can issue a test report of several thousand words for the identification of various knife wounds."

Pointing to Liu Xing in front of him, Gu Chen said again: "With this kind of fighting marks, you can't cause such wounds at all."

"It's useless for you to quibble now, because the truth is that Huba and you are actually in the same group."

"Huba is the murderer we have been tracking and killed Chen Li."

"And after Huba killed Chen Li, he used the maze in the woods to get rid of our tracking."

"As for you, Liu Xing, from the very beginning, you were half-hearted, saying that you could help. In fact, you have long wanted to follow us to this Fairy Peak."

"Because you know very well what is happening on Fairy Peak, because Huba, Chen Li, and even you are all in the same group."

"Maybe for some reason, Huba had no choice but to kill Chen Li after she came here, but we discovered all of this."

After a pause, seeing Liu Xing's face turned blue at the moment, Gu Chen said again: "Because from the scene we tracked all the way, Chen Li was not kidnapped here at all."

"Chen Li must have come here with Huba. In the end, Huba became murderous and decided to solve Chen Li's trouble."

"And in Chen Li's hands, there must be a lot of criminal evidence about Huba. This is the reason why he had to silence him."

"Hehe, this is just your guess, right?" Facing Gu Chen's remarks, Liu Xing also asked with a wry smile.

Gu Chen snorted, "Let's talk about this slowly, but now, Liu Xing, the relationship between you and Huba is very delicate. Do you know when you were exposed?"

"I don't know, and I'm not Huba's accomplice at all." Facing Gu Chen's questioning, Liu Xing continued to be stubborn.

Gu Chen didn't go around in circles with him, but said bluntly: "From the time we found those two footprints."

"Starting from the discovery of two footprints?" Liu Xing seemed to be talking about a sensitive topic, and suddenly his expression was startled, and he stretched out his hand and asked:

"Officer Gu, although I don't know, why are you trying to make things difficult for me? But, it's okay for you to say it."

"Yeah, Junior Brother Gu, tell me." Lu Weiwei, who was on the side, also seemed to have a feeling of being deceived.

But Gu Chen seemed to have made his own judgment ever since he discovered the footprints.

It's just that the timing wasn't right along the way, so Gu Chen never exposed Liu Xing's lies.

But now, everyone found Huba's body and discovered Liu Xing's tricks, so they dared to expose Liu Xing's hypocrisy at this time.

Gu Chen nodded silently, and also explained: "When we were on the trail and found two footprints, a man's footprint and a woman's footprint, everyone gathered around and checked carefully."

"And I found that you seemed extremely nervous at that time. From the corner of my eye, I found that you seemed extremely nervous, and your body began to tremble."

"Then... that's because the weather is very cold, and I'm shivering." Liu Xing argued for himself.

"No." Gu Chen directly shook his head and denied, "It's not because of the cold body. The cold clothes we wear are all provided by you, Liu Xing."

"Besides, our walking speed is the same, and we all maintain the same rhythm. If we are not cold, how can you be cold?"

"That's right." As soon as Gu Chen finished speaking, Lu Weiwei asked back: "We all felt warm all over at that time, so where did you say it was cold? You are clearly lying."

"There are more." After Lu Weiwei's voice fell, Gu Chen continued to add:

"What's more, I found that your expression is stiff, especially the fear in your eyes. This is a natural conditioned reflex and cannot be faked."

"Because you saw something you didn't want us to find, that is, the footprints of Huba and Chen Li."

"Besides, after listening to our various analysis, you must have been very flustered when you decided that Huba and Chen Li were nearby. That's why your micro-expressions can convey information so accurately."

Taking a deep breath, Gu Chen tried to calm down, and then said:

"And at this time, your abnormal behavior has been caught by me."

"It's just that everyone's attention was looking for Chen Li and Huba, so no one cared about you, but I kept watching you."

"Why? Why did you start to doubt me at that time?" Liu Xing's face suddenly became ferocious, and he also raised his head and asked Gu Chen.

Gu Chen said calmly: "Because we have been very comfortable communicating with you along the way, but since we discovered the footprints, your speaking rhythm seems to be quite different from before."

"You became nervous, and there was fear in your tone, which I discovered during the later walking and searching."

After a pause, Gu Chen said again: "What's more, when we found Chen Li's body, your nervousness seemed to have reached its peak."

"But when we chased the assailant, you seemed to have been frightened. This is completely different from the situation you walked before."

"Liu Xing, you have to know that you are a senior explorer and the owner of the explorer's club."

"Faced with this situation, you shouldn't act like you're pulling your hips."

"Hehe, is that so?" Facing Gu Chen's words, Liu Xing snorted coldly, and also smiled at himself.

But Gu Chen spoke righteously: "Of course, especially when we are about to enter the woods and search for the attacker, but you prefer to stay where you are alone."

"You said that you want to provide us with cover and support in the rear, but in fact, you are giving Huba the direction to escape, and hinting at the place to connect with him."

"What?" Hearing what Gu Chen said, Lu Weiwei beside her was also taken aback for a moment.

Before, I only felt that Liu Xing might be in the same group as Huba, but now I feel that the two seem to have been using some special means to establish a relationship.

So Lu Weiwei hurriedly asked Gu Chen for advice, "Junior Brother Gu, where did you see it?"

"The sense of rhythm of the flashlight." Gu Chen said.

"The sense of rhythm of the flashlight?" Lu Weiwei didn't quite understand.

But Gu Chen continued to explain: "It's very simple. Liu Xing said that he would cover us all. In fact, he has been using the flashlight to send secret words into the depths of the woods."

"Before, I wondered why the light shining from behind appeared intermittently several times? Then Liu Xing disappeared. When he came back, he told us that he was attracted by the flashlight."

"This made me suddenly enlightened, and let me figure out what happened to the previous light?"
