Chapter 3260

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Several heavy knocks on the door came suddenly.

Captain Tu and several soldiers looked at each other and were in a panic for a moment.

"Captain..." a soldier was worried.

At this time, the prison was knocked at the door. Who should it be?

Captain TU was also a little flustered and couldn't help stopping for a moment.

"Whoever it is, ignore him first." Captain Tu made up his mind in just a moment. Even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu came, it was not this time to destroy his good deeds.

If you don't kill Han 3000 today, it's bound to be hard to spit out the evil spirit in your heart.

"But Captain, if the city Lord sends someone over, let's..." the soldier was a little worried.

The indiscriminate use of lynching itself is a major crime. Now even using this ice blade without order is a capital crime among capital crimes. If you still refuse to open the door, you can hardly imagine how serious the consequences are. So, instead of this, it's better to put back the blade and open the door at the same time when there is no one.

Thinking of this, several soldiers obviously wanted to open the door.

"If anyone dares to move, don't blame me for being ruthless." The matter has come to this point, and there is no room for captain Tu to maneuver.

Giving up at this time is equivalent to losing success. You will lose both face and lining at that time.

On the contrary, killing Han 3000 and growing a sense of depression in his heart is the best policy. As for the rest, when he knows about it, he has his own way.

At the thought of this, his murderous spirit will appear. There is quite a threat that whoever moves will die.

"Let him come."

When the scene atmosphere was extremely cold, Han 3000 broke the deadlock with a light smile.

Several soldiers were stunned. The butcher captain had already been rekindled his anger: "come on, is it difficult? Am I still afraid?"

Then he stabbed Han 3000 directly with an ice blade.

Han 3000 frowned and suddenly a streamer burst out. Between the lightning and flint, Captain Tu, who was about to rush towards Han 3000 with an ice blade, was immediately repulsed by the streamer.


With a loud noise, Captain Tu did not advance but retreated. His whole body crashed on the stone wall behind him. For a time, the whole interrogation platform shook and the ground shook.


The sharp pain caused by the huge impact hardly gave captain Tu any response. A mouthful of fresh blood had been sprayed directly from his mouth.

A group of soldiers were stunned, and the five old men were also stunned.

We haven't seen what's going on yet, but the war situation has turned upside down.

"What? I'm really right? A pair of leather bags are useless? I can't even walk steadily?" Han 3000 chuckled.

Captain Tu wanted to fight back angrily, but at this time, the sharp pain in his chest made him not open his mouth at all. He could only look at Han 3000, as if he was going to kill each other in his eyes.

He glanced at several soldiers, who were quite speechless for a time. Although they were small soldiers, they were not retarded by anger or emotional because of dignity.

They were not stupid. When Han 3000 didn't move at all, the butcher couldn't hurt Han 3000. At that time, they knew how much in their hearts.

And just this blow, it completely expanded the number in their hearts by countless times.

Or it can be said that as long as you are not a fool, you can clearly distinguish the form on the field at this time.

"We... We'll open the door." Even with the power of the captain, even if he kept staring at the soldiers, several soldiers still made their choices at the critical moment.

Then, regardless of Captain Tu's cannibal eyes, they pushed and squeezed, and quickly walked out of the interrogation table.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

In front of the interrogation table, only captain Tu tore and roared angrily, but he couldn't do anything except tear and roar. Even he couldn't yell.

"Unfortunately, tut tut." Han 3000 looked at this guy playfully, full of irony.

Just for a moment, as the prison gate outside was opened, bursts of footsteps came from outside to near.

A group of soldiers dressed in obvious wealth and tidiness quickly stepped into the interrogation table under the leadership of a young leader. When they saw the scene in the house, they were obviously stunned.

Is the chief butcher interrogating the prisoner, or is the prisoner interrogating him?

At least what we see now is more like the latter.

"Zhang Huwei, what are you doing here?" Captain Tu took a short rest. Now he was better. He bit his mouth full of blood and asked hard.

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.