Chapter 3433

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿


In the jungle, the big trees shook and the branches flew sideways. On the ground, the fallen leaves turned and the tree tendons began to roll, just like a huge earthquake here.

At the same time, all kinds of ghosts and wolves filled it. In turn, the whole jungle had been greatly moved.


The evil gluttonous suddenly roared, his limbs fell slightly to the ground, opened his big mouth and glared with one eye.

Han 3000 didn't dare to be careless. He held the jade sword in his right hand and looked around with great vigilance.

The trees roared, the forest moved, and a gust of overcast wind came.

"Run, run, run!"

A low roar suddenly hit, and at the same time, the branches of the big tree on the left of Han 3000 suddenly cut off, and all of them attacked Han 3000 directly.

Han 3000 suddenly drank and drew the jade sword. His body stood still, and those who came from the branches broke the sword.


Almost at the same time, there was a huge explosion, the fallen leaves rose violently, the ground exploded, and countless boulders buried under the leaves directly hit the sky like missiles.


The evil gluttonous roared and rushed directly to his face. Using his incomparably powerful body, the boulder was smashed madly under his four claws.

In the face of double attack, one person and one beast are frantically resolved one by one with their own unique skills.


The stream also burst open. Originally flowing obediently on the ground, they directly raised their bodies like a long dragon, roared and fell from the sky, leaving only the extremely dry riverbed to prove the existence of the stream.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that the evil Taotie was completely attracted by the riprap, Han 3000 drank loudly in the face of the huge wave dragon behind him, and summoned the sky fire moon wheel in time. Between the backhand, his right hand still waved the jade sword against the branches, and his left hand gathered strength to support the sky fire moon wheel and directly face the huge wave dragon.


I heard another roar, but what was completely different from the previous one was that there was no previous explosion in the jungle at this time. On the contrary, the jungle was relatively quiet and only heard the sound of rustling.




But suddenly, just between Han 3000's eyes, a group of dense and almost scalp numbing things are approaching them in a crazy and large area in the jungle in the distance.


When he saw the object, Han 3000 couldn't help gnashing his teeth. It was a super group composed of millions or even tens of millions of mosquitoes, bees and other small flying insects.

How strong they are is unknown for the moment, but the huge number that can cover the earth is enough to frighten anyone.


Each person and each animal is busy. At this time, in the face of the attack of these flying insects, they can only deal with it in a hurry and reluctantly.

"Shit, what the hell is this?"

Just as soon as the flying insect skipped, Han 3000 immediately shouted in pain and panic.

The evil Taotie over there also obviously twisted his body. Obviously, like Han Sanqian, he felt incomparable pain when being swept by these flying insects.

Han 3000 lowered his eyes. At this time, the Buddha defense on his body was pierced by thousands of arrows. There were blood mouths everywhere. Even where there were clothes, there were dense holes, and almost every hole could see the bite of his body.

"Shit." Han 3000 scolded low. Where is this flying insect? It's a deadly Throwing Knife.

Now it's just passing through. If these guys stay on the body for a few seconds, doesn't that elephant have to become a skeleton alive?!

But at present, Han 3000's hands are not empty, and it is obviously difficult to get away from the evil gluttony. Looking at the large group of flying insects that have to turn back after passing through, Han 3000 bit his teeth. Forcibly, let the sky fire separate from it, and reluctantly directly face those flying insects.

However, the moon wheel without the support of sky fire soon fell into a disadvantage in the face of the Dragon transformed by the stream. As soon as it was tight, the branches that Han 3000 could resist at will also began to fall downwind. Of course, the flying insects faced by sky fire began to fall away because of the lack of the support of Han 3000's strength.

At this time, Han 3000 was obviously very difficult.

But even so, he has no choice but to support him.

However, at this time, the four figures in the big tree, the flying insects, the boulders and the water dragons also began to appear slowly

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.