Chapter 3481

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
The next second, Han 3000 suddenly got up again and then dived into the water.

But this time, Han 3000 didn't waste too much time in the water and took the raised platform at the largest water inlet all the way.

When he came back to the platform again and looked at its convex shape, Han 3000 smiled.


It's not a river bed at all. It's one thing.

Or simply, it could be a key.

Thinking of this, Han 3000 moved in his hand. Burning silence immediately turned Han 3000's right hand into a red soldering iron. The huge heat even made the surrounding lake boil at this time. Then, Han 3000 hit the bulge directly and heavily.


With the great power of this punch, the bulge was obviously a sudden earthquake on it, a large amount of Silt Mixed with the pool water, and it was turbid for a time.

However, even so, Han 3000's eyes were bright and motionless, staring at the bulge in the turbidity.

Soon, under the influence of the current, when the turbidity dispersed, something appeared in front of him.

It's a big thing at the bottom and small at the top, like a triangular tower. At the top of the tower, a thing about the size of a fist stands at the top, surrounded by silk disc patterns and gaps. It's obviously a button like thing that can be pressed down.

When he had been here before, the was covered with mud. Han 3000 didn't pay much attention to it until the evil gluttonous just played in the water. Han 3000 suddenly understood what it meant that the Moon Palace in the water had no water.

But that's just a conjecture. Han 3000 needs a corroboration to make this conjecture a reality.

The thing in front of us is evidence.

Then Han 3000 took a slight step forward, took back the burning silence, gently put his hand on the fist sized thing, and then stopped breathing and pressed it hard.


A crisp sound came, and everything seemed to be safe and quiet.

However, in the next second, the whole water flow suddenly went crazy.

Han 3000 was as if he had entered the flowing sea, and his body was pulled and swayed wildly.

But this is obviously nothing for Han 3000.

Just as the body accelerates, an energy mask is directly put on the body, and the surging water flow around the body has nothing to do with him in an instant.

Next, Han 30001 accelerated, flew directly out of the water, Ling in mid air and looked around.

At this time, the pool is no longer calm. The undercurrent is raging below and the surface is also choppy. For a time, someone suddenly opened the gate to release water.

Originally, he was still playing on the water. At this time, he also watched the water flow pass quickly, and the whole person was directly dumbfounded and looked at the water around him in doubt.

"It's really draining."

Han 3000's face was frozen, and the whole person lived in mid air. It can be clearly seen that the water of the whole moon lake is disappearing rapidly with the naked eye.

Before long, all the water in the pond will flow completely, and what absorbs them is the most central part of the Moon Lake, which is like a huge vortex.

With a move in his hand, Han Sanyi's energy directly lifted the gluttonous appetite of evil.

A few minutes later, in the eyes of the two people waiting, the water of the whole moon lake decreased by two-thirds almost in an instant, and all the rivers that should have gathered here suddenly stagnated in the air and did not enter the water.

When it was a few minutes later, the water in the lake had almost completely dried up, and the bottom and appearance of almost the whole moon lake were also clearly visible.

When he saw the so-called moon around the river bank, he knew that the moon was about 3000 meters deep.

Thinking of this, Han 3000 smiled.

Almost at this time, as the last drop of water completely disappeared in the center, a spring about the size of a thumb, the whole ground began to shake wildly.

Boom! Boom!!

The surrounding trees shook, and everything on the edge of the riverbank was even destroyed in shaking. Under the riverbed, a giant like a crescent began to break through the riverbed and rise slowly

"Water Moon Palace, you finally appear!"

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.