Chapter 3526

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Black gas, white gas, gold gas, other gas.

The breath of several colors began to radiate from Han 3000's body and spread to the jade light in the outer layer.

Then, the breath of all colors began to flow rapidly in the forward rotation of the jade light.

Because the speed is so fast that the colorful light mixed together at this time is simply fantastic and wonderful.

It is like a smart burning cloud, an oil painting carefully prepared by a master, and a seven color rainbow decorated by the heavenly palace.

What's more, there were bursts of crackling sounds in the palace from the walls everywhere

When the mercury man looked away with the sound, he was stunned to find that the stone bricks on the surface of the wall in the hall had begun to fall off.

This can't help but make mercury people stunned. You know, all the materials in it are cold stones in the river. It doesn't need to say more about its hardness. Han 3000 has also done experiments with his body before.

That's hard enough to break the muscles and veins of Han 3000's body. The strength it can bear is unimaginable.

But now, now

Without any external force, it suddenly fell off by itself.

This... How can this not make mercury lose its color!

"No, there is an external force."

Suddenly, when the mercury man saw that the falling walls did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air, he thought about the reason.

"Those... The external forces brought out by the colorful breath and light."

Mercury people are completely stunned. Only a little external force emitted from those breath can make the surrounding stone bricks fall. Then... If it hits someone directly, what kind of body must have the ability and qualification to carry it down?

Mercury man doesn't know, but he can be very sure that even if he recovers his original true God at this time, he may not be confident to take over the full speed impact of this force.

Thinking of this, he suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"The legend of the Jianghu really has its truth. If Zhang Guoshi obtains such power, he can really become a hegemon among the three true gods."

"It's just... It's a pity that he doesn't have this life after all."

"Therefore, my guess is not wrong. Our success is not because of our uniqueness or others, but our destiny!"

"It's this boy's destiny to be."

"The world is in chaos, so heaven and earth have derived a new pure land. He is this pure land. In fact, we are just tools to sow seeds in this land, so that he can become a new world in full bloom."

"Zhang Guoshi, you fool, do you hear me? You don't have to take strong resentment anymore. You, like me, should be relieved."

When the words fell, the mercury man smiled leisurely. After laughing, he looked at Han 3000, suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

"The trend of heaven and earth, the new emperor ascends the throne, you and I are stones!"

With his roar, the colorful jade light seemed to be greatly encouraged by Han 3000 at this time, almost completely static in response to his roar.


Then, the huge stone pillars burst with a dull noise, and the stones fell slowly from top to bottom like a landslide.

But even if the stone pillars burst and countless gravels fell, almost never had any stone close to the two meters around Han 3000. Even if one or two stones without eyes seem to be the same route, they often suddenly change the falling track five meters away, turning around and falling in another direction at an extremely unscientific angle.

The mercury man stood there, and the water all over his body was shaking madly at this time.

There was no wind or squeeze, but his whole body seemed to be under the siege of a super hurricane.

Mercury man was expressionless and just looked at Han 3000, but the corners of his mouth began to twitch slightly at this time, and his knees began to tremble constantly at this time

There seemed to be an unnamed pressure forcing him to bend his knees and kneel down.


Suddenly, there was another huge explosion. I looked up. At this time, I saw something emitting yellow light rising slowly from the stone pile in the stone column after the explosion

"Treasure of the moon!"

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.