Chapter 3768

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
They were so fast that they almost fell straight to the center like meteorites.After that, he suddenly stopped at a place less than 10 cm away from his destination. The whole action was very dangerous and seemed to be without danger.In the end, everything can only be summarized into one word, stable.Han 3000 is too stable.Su Yingxia frowned and stared at Da's feet, but there was always a gray sand under her feet. She really didn't understand why han 3000 stopped here.There seems to be nothing wrong here."What's the matter?" Su Yingxia asked.Han Sanyi smiled, looked around and said, "this should be the most central point of this desolate area.""What does that mean?""Entrance." Han 3000 road."Entrance?" Su Yingxia frowned and looked down at his feet. It seemed that there was no difference between here and other places.Han 3000 smiled gently and blocked Su Yingxia behind him. Then the force of yin and Yang in his hand suddenly hit his feet.Bang!With two forces detonating on the ground, the ground also exploded completely with a loud noise.Gray ground, gray all over the sky, a fiery red molten slurry hole appeared in front of them.The diameter of the hole is about one meter. It is surrounded by fiery red magma. It is deep but not bottomed out, just like a small but extremely deep volcanic crater.Su Yingxia frowned, hid behind Han 3000 and glanced at it. He said strangely, "isn't this a crater? Why do you say entrance?""The dragon of silver armour told me that this place should be a swamp, but in fact it is full of mountains and rocks. This point may be found deeper. Therefore, it may be an entrance. This is one of them.""Second, the eight trigrams say that the gate of life is the gate of death, and the gate of death is the gate of life. You see, there are continuous mountains around, but the law in the center suddenly changes and is arranged in the form of Hui character. The center of Hui character is the mouth, and the mouth is the life, so this is the second entrance.""Both are showing the same thing, so, welcome summer, let's go down.""Go down?" Su Yingxia was stunned."Why, don't you believe me?"Su Yingxia shook her head: "I believe you unconditionally here. Don't say that the crater is the entrance, even if it refers to a deer as a horse. I ask more just to remind you and let you see clearly."Han Sanyi smiled, took Su Yingxia's hand and said affectionately, "don't worry, I'm here. Even if it's really a crater, I'll definitely pour the sea in and kill it."Xia nodded and smiled.Han 3000 moved slightly, took the opportunity to hug Su Yingxia and went straight down to the crater.As soon as Fang entered, the high temperature inside immediately burned their energy cover, which seemed to burst at any time.But then, as Han 3000 went inside more and more, the surrounding temperature began to decrease, the color of fire red began to fade, and finally returned to the darkness underground.Darkness is accompanied by cold.Suddenly, shortly after the darkest hour came, a golden light suddenly appeared under the soles of their feet. With this golden light, the surroundings became brighter and brighter until they completely lit up their eyes.Almost at the same time, the couple of Han 3000 also stopped.At their feet, there is a light and transparent compartment. Through the compartment, you can barely see that there seems to be a huge underground space below.The space is brightly lit, and there are people gathering from time to time.Su Yingxia thought out a sound, but Han 3000 made a hissing gesture.Later, Han 3000 smiled and pointed to the diaphragm under his feet.Then, Han 3000 moved slightly in his hand, and a small amount of energy was directly poured into the energy mask. Almost as soon as the energy arrived, the whole diaphragm was like what happened to the Buddha in an instant, and the whole body was covered with electric light.Su Yingxia was startled directly and was stunned.This is just a little movement, and the diaphragm will flash such an electric light. If two people touch it directly, how many cycles can the huge electricity generated by the diaphragm not electrocute people alive?When she was frightened, Han 3000 smiled softly. The Yin force of his right hand gathered and directly hit the diaphragm. The diaphragm didn't produce any lightning, but seemed to feel nothing.When it responds again, Han Sansan and Su Yingxia have already disappeared in place and directly entered with the Yin energy...This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.