Chapter 4324

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Yesterday, I have set up the answer questions, the five of you, hand in the papers."

Han Sanqian finished his words and looked at the five people.

Look at me, I look at you, and then, one by one, they handed all their answers to Han Sanqian in an orderly manner.

After taking the paper, Han Sanqian sat back in his seat and looked at it.

None of the five sons dared to say a word, and waited quietly.

It was rare to find peace in the audience. Even if there were some discussions, most of them were very quiet, for fear of disturbing Han Sanqian.

Pei Gu was also a little nervous. After all, these five were his sons, and he was also excited by them.

The impression of seeing Han Sanqian can be described as amazing everywhere.

"This article is really well written." Han Sanqian smiled lightly.

The writer who was named and praised was the third of the five sons.

Seeing the current scene, his face was filled with countless joy.

Many people also immediately cast envious glances at him. After all, getting Han Sanqian's praise means that he is only one step away from becoming his apprentice.

"However, it is also the worst."

Of course, when Han Sanqian's words changed, he immediately shocked everyone on the spot.

"Why?" the man asked puzzled.

Han Sanqian smiled slightly: "Let me ask you, you and I are only one-sided, how can you write so many impressions of our first meeting?"

"But we met by chance, didn't you? You wrote so much, but in fact, more of it is just something you deliberately exaggerated."

"This..." The three sons were a little embarrassed.

This is true. After all, he and Han Sanqian are only meeting for the first time. It is too difficult to write something based on this.

In order to win, he really made up a lot of things.

And then piled up with rhetoric to form the article that looks perfect today.

But I didn't expect... to be seen at once.

"So, from the perspective of the most authenticity, this article is relatively the best."

Han 3000 words fell, picked up the few words, and the description was extremely reluctant.

All of a sudden, the most lost fifth son, Fangfo, took a trip from hell to the world. One second, he was still bowing his head and felt that he had no chance. The next second, he suddenly became an absolute favorite.

How can ordinary people feel such a difference.

"But..." Han Sanqian still changed his words: "The description is too reluctant, which also shows that the writing skills are too poor."

"I will also do other things to perfunctory me."

When the words fell, Han Sanqian was a little disappointed.

At this moment, a figure slowly came up from the stage.

When everyone saw this figure clearly, they couldn't help but turn pale.

"Pei Mu? Damn, what is that evil star doing here?"

"In this situation, can he come? Grandma's, what are you doing? Get someone to coax him down."

"Shaxing, don't come to this kind of place to make trouble, get out."

While many people were surprised, they screeched furiously.

For them, Pei Mu should stay in a no-man's corner, not to show shame on such an occasion.

Pei Gu's eyes shrank suddenly, a little shocked and a little puzzled, what is he doing here at this time? !

For the first time in his life, Pei Mu was a little timid when facing so many people, but he was brave enough to walk slowly in front of Han Sanqian.

Han Sanqian smiled lightly: "How did you prepare for what you asked you to answer last night?"

Pei Mu bit his lip, and then took out a piece of white paper from his cuff, on which was simply written a few words.

When the crowd saw such a scene, they were all shocked.

"What do you mean? Pei Mu's evil star also got the test paper? Damn, no, he was also selected by Han Sanqian into the category of disciple selection?"

"Fuck, what's going on? What qualifications does Pei Mu have?"

"Damn, he'll kill everyone."

Everyone was cursing wildly, in stark contrast to the silence when the other sons handed in the papers.

Han Sanqian took his answer sheet...

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.