Chapter 4355

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
The seven brothers immediately walked towards Su Yingxia with a grinning smile.

Su Yingxia felt anxious and wanted to resist, but found that her body suddenly stiffened and she couldn't move at all.

Even if she forcibly wanted to run the infuriating energy, she could only find that the meridians seemed to be stiff and could not be mobilized at all.

Watching the seven people getting closer and closer to him, Su Yingxia was anxious.

"Xiaoyuan, take them both away!"

Pei Yuan over there was very anxious for a while.

Leaving means abandoning his wife, but not leaving is equivalent to disobeying her. After all, he only promised her.

"Pei Mu!"

"I am here!"

"I used to be at Pei's house, and because of their influence, I always looked down on you."

"But that's all in the past. Now, can you make me look up to you once?"

"I don't care if those rumors are true or not, I only care about what I see now."

Pei Mu clenched his teeth: "What do you want me to do, just say it."

"I'm going to help the sister-in-law, and the little sister will be taken care of by you. Can you guarantee his safety?"

"Pei Yuan, don't worry, anyone who wants to hurt my junior sister will step over my Pei Mu's body. From childhood to adulthood, no one cared about me, they would only dislike me, beat me, and scold me. , it was Master who gave me love, and it was Master who gave me a new living environment."

"For me, the master is my reborn parents, and for them, I have nothing to fear."

"Good senior brother, as expected of my son from the Pei family, although the two of us haven't learned anything from apprenticeship, but, as you said, being Han Sanqian's apprentice is an honor in itself."

"You take your junior sister to withdraw, I will fight with this group of dogs."

As soon as the words fell, the two brothers immediately took action.

One directly forcibly dragged Han Nian and ran away, while the other directly took the sword and killed the bad guys who were approaching the teacher's wife.

"Pei Yuan, didn't I tell you to withdraw? You don't listen to me!"

When Su Yingxia saw this scene, she couldn't help being shocked and anxious.

For someone she couldn't deal with, what else could Pei Yuan rush over except to die!

Although it is not his own child, he is still his own apprentice, and Su Yingxia has long regarded the two of them as his half sons.


"Sister, I'm sorry, Pei Yuan may only end his life by disobeying you. But Pei Yuan promises you that if there is a next life and I can still be your apprentice, I will definitely listen to you obediently."

The words fell, and the big sword slashed directly at the seven people.

"Fuck, brat, you're just trying to kill yourself."

"Forget it, before playing with this little girl, it's really unpleasant to have such an annoying little fly, so I'll talk about it after cleaning up."

The seven people made up their minds, turned their bodies slightly, and killed Pei Yuan directly.

These seven people may not have an advantage in fighting Su Yingxia, but it is more than enough to deal with Pei Yuan, a child with little academic experience.

After only a few rounds, Pei Yuan was completely knocked out, and a large mouthful of blood continued to spurt from his mouth.

"Stinky boy, come to dance in front of the King of Hell, you are really in a hurry to die."

"You bastards, what are you coming to me, bullying a doll, what kind of men are you?" Su Yingxia scolded.

"What kind of man? Little girls, I'll let you know after a while what a real man is." The leader snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Pei Yuan like a dead man.

"It's fucking annoying to end him."


The two younger brothers immediately took orders, and then they took a knife and walked quickly towards Pei Yuan.

When the two came to Pei Yuan, there was no fear on Pei Yuan's face, he just stared at several people angrily, full of unwillingness and disdain.

"Grandpa is not good at learning skills. It's bad luck for grandpa. Don't let me meet you in the next life. I want you to die without a place to be buried."

The two younger brothers looked at each other and sneered: "Then send you to reincarnation first."

When the words fell, the knife rose, and it was cut directly at Pei Yuan.

But at this moment...

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.