Chapter 4375

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
The adult was very depressed and unhappy. He punched three times in a row and punched to the bone, and he could also guarantee that he used his full strength for every punch.

However, he didn't understand why Han Sanqian was still standing here.

It's just fucking impossible.

In this world, if there is someone who can eat his punch, he can understand.

But what about two punches? !

There should be very few!

At least in his cognition.

As for the three punches, it should be even rarer.

Although it is rare, it does not mean there is none, but at least it should not be what this guy in front of him can do.

He is completely a bamboo pole. How can a bamboo pole be so resistant to fighting? !

"Did you use some kind of trick? It's impossible!"

"With your figure, I can beat you with shit."


He was in a hurry, he was completely in a hurry.

"What, now you're starting to be afraid of eating my three swords, so you're making an excuse here?"

"Damn, who the fuck is scared? This deity will be afraid of you, a thin bamboo pole like garbage? You couldn't cut me before, you thought it would be enough now? I'm just curious about what kind of tricks your kid used. ." The adults are naturally disdainful, and will not admit defeat.

Han Sanqian smiled lightly: "Don't call me a young man, bullying you, an elderly person, let's do it, or I'll give you a chance to punch you three times?"

Hearing this, the guy instinctively wanted to yell, because Han Sanqian made it clear that he was humiliating himself. How the hell could he be so old?

Not to mention it is so big that someone needs to let it go!

But he didn't say this, because, compared to this kind of anger, he was actually more willing to accept Han Sanqian's opinion.

After all, he was too unbelievable and too curious that Han Sanqian actually ate his three punches.

Fighting again in a row can indeed make this guy unable to bear it, and at the same time, it can also give himself a better chance to figure out what little trick Han Sanqian has used.

In the end, reason defeated anger: "Boy, this is what you said, don't regret it!"

Han Sanqian smiled, knowing that the fish had taken the bait: "I will never regret it, come on."

When the words fell, Han Sanqian reposed his posture.

The adults are not wasteful, once again luck, punched Han Sanqian and smashed it.

You are rushing to court death, revealing flaws, is it possible that I can still be polite to you? !

However, with one punch, Han Sanqian still stood there as steady as Mount Tai.

damn it!

Depressed, he took a sip, and then he gasped, and another punch!

One more punch!

Three punches in a row.

But what made him very depressed was that Han Sanqian still stood there steadily, not moving at all!

"Depend on?"

This time, the adults were completely dumbfounded.

This is definitely not a dead end, but this kid really completely resisted his own attack, after all, it was a six-shot fist.

He couldn't make a reservation just by holding on.

" kid, what a fucking evil sect!"

"You can't control this, it's up to me!"

Although the lord was a little reluctant, he still straightened his body, stretched his neck, and patted: "Come on, don't say Laozi bullies you, Liu Jian, cut it for me!"

"it is good!"

Han Sanqian was not used to it either. He raised the jade sword on the spot, and it was six strokes!

Han Sanqian's strength is very strong, and each sword is extremely powerful. In order to stabilize his body, one of the force-bearing feet has to break through the solid floor before enduring it.

However, no matter what, his neck really couldn't stand the six swords.

Nothing but redness.

Han Sanqian frowned, apparently not responding.

In fact, he carefully observed the process, but unfortunately he did not find any flaws!

This old thing is a bit interesting. It is difficult to subdue him.

"How is it? Brat!" The adults were very proud, looking at Han Sanqian and smiling.

Han Sanqian didn't speak, he smiled lightly, his eyes suddenly found something, and he placed it directly on the jade sword.


This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.