Chapter 4527

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"All of us have been strengthened in the dragon veins, so all of us are far more capable than others."

"This is one of them."

"Affected by the energy of the dragon veins, our bodies have also been washed and connected with the dragon veins."

"So, during the battle, as long as we have enough numbers, the aura on our bodies is enough to get in touch with the underground dragon veins, and therefore we can control our bodies to change at will."

"This is the second."

Han Sanqian nodded clearly, that's it.

No wonder the attacks of this group of people were like ocean waves for a while, and crowds for a while. It turned out to be affected by this.

"What about the third one?"

"The third is that we live and coexist with the dragon veins. If the dragon veins are not destroyed, we will not be destroyed."

Damn, no wonder I killed myself for a long time. As a result, this group of guys hardly had any attrition. It turned out to be like this.

Previously, because there were really too many enemies, and the night was almost completely integrated with these men in black, he killed many people, but the rear was constantly replenishing personnel. Under such a double situation, Han Sanqian It is also really difficult to find the other party's personnel supplement method.

"The elder didn't send out too many troops in advance. When you killed and found something was wrong, you replenished and let people who didn't leave join the battlefield. Therefore, you feel that the more you kill, the more people there will be."

This trick, even Han Sanqian, who has a lot of eyes, is really hard to guard against.

It has to be said that since this battle has been fought, even Han Sanqian, who is as strong as Han Sanqian, has been exhausted.

The reason is here.

The more you kill, the more and more opponents will not die, no matter how good the mentality is, people will always explode.

Now, after hearing what the second captain said, Han Sanqian suddenly realized that this was the case.

Thinking of this, Han Sanqian smiled coldly: "You elders are really old ghosts."

"This trick is the key to us becoming the trump card teacher, and it is naturally invincible." The second captain said this, even though he is now a traitor, his face is still full of pride.

Yes, with this trick, how many enemies have they killed and how many victories have they won, how can they not be proud?

"But the dragon has been chased away by me, why can you resurrect?"

"You're talking about the hidden dragon in the stone sculpture, right? It was just hired by our elders to guard the dungeon for us. I didn't expect it to be so ignorant that it was defeated."

"How long will it take for you to be resurrected?" Han Sanqian asked.

"Depending on the situation, ordinary attacks can even revive us at will within a hundred meters of the elders in the city, but after you found out that something was wrong, you kept attacking us with extremely strong yang energy."

"Especially in this dungeon, you have directly killed, and the elder is not here."

"The resurrection takes about an hour, and the resurrection zone is in the dragon's veins."

Han Sanqian couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

It's a good thing that he came to this dungeon by himself, and he was afraid that it would only be more detrimental to him if he continued to entangle with them, so Han Sanqian had absorbed outside experience from the beginning, and almost all his moves against these guys were based on yang energy. Lord's hand of death.

Otherwise, it's really fucking difficult.

"Okay, take me to Longmai, your life can be saved." Han Sanqian said.

"As I said, our lives are closely related to the dragon's veins. If the dragon's veins are destroyed, I will die too. Therefore, I have a request."

"you say."

"When I reach the dragon vein, I ask you to give me some vein fluid."

"make a deal."

Han Sanqian kept his word, and since he agreed to let him live, he would definitely keep his promise.

As for the so-called pulse fluid, as long as it doesn't affect anything, it doesn't matter much.

"Wait a moment"

At this moment, Scar stopped Han Sanqian.

Then, he looked at the second captain with a cold face: "I have another question to ask you, is the so-called pulse fluid related to women?"

Hearing this, Han Sanqian frowned suddenly.

About women? !

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.