Chapter 4782

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿

Before seeing clearly what it was, the reinforcements rushing to the front directly smashed several rows.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked ahead, but the men in black in the rows in front were only a few smokes left, still floating in the air.

The number of rows of people is not too many, but at least there are at least dozens of people, and they will be wiped out in the blink of an eye!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but when they raised their eyes, they saw a huge figure standing in front of them, directly blocking their way.

This giant is like a huge mountain, if it doesn't have a bloody mouth, how can you tell whether it is a thing or a living thing.

However, when everyone was looking at him, it also looked at everyone, and everyone was shocked to find that there was a single eye on the bloody mouth.

But it was this one-eyed eye that erupted with strangeness and terror, as well as that deep chill.

"what is that?"

"My God, I'm afraid it's some strange beast?"

"Damn, is it so big?"

The crowd of onlookers looked dumbfounded. Even though the monster was some distance away from them, its huge body still looked huge.

It's really like who moved a mountain to lie sideways there.

"Envoy, take a quick look."

The commanding ground before the battle, the subordinates also immediately discovered the uninvited guest in this scene, and couldn't help but be taken aback because of its huge figure.

The special envoy looked back, and the corners of his eyes shrank sharply.

"What's that?" asked the subordinate.

The special envoy didn't answer immediately, but just stared at the creature. He didn't recognize it, but he seemed to have heard someone report this creature.

Not bad, Sky Demon Castle!

"Damn it, he is a glutton of evil!" the special envoy shouted strangely.

"What? The Evil Glutton?! No, it's impossible?" The subordinate was surprised: "But... that's not right. Before the war, I looked through all the materials of Han Sanqian, and among them was the Evil Glutton of."

"But in the influence of true qi at that time, although it was big enough and fierce enough, compared with today, it is simply far worse."

If the Evil Glutton I saw before was only as big as a palace, then now, the Evil Glutton is really as huge as a mountain.

The gap between the two is no longer just a few times that can be described.

This is simply dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

"But its appearance and aura are exactly the same as those in the battle in Tianmo Castle." The special envoy can be sure: "It is the glutton of evil."

"'s not too long. Why did you look at it again? It's so big."

The special envoy also didn't understand: "Gaotie feeds on all things, the useless for food, and the excellent for nourishment. He can become so big, he must have eaten a lot of things."

"But to become so big all at once, how much food do you have to eat?"

How many things? It is difficult to estimate with this volume.

At this time, a subordinate suddenly came to report: "Report to the special envoy, our dead brothers have been resurrected through the dragon's veins, and the first batch of troops have already rushed back."



The envoy frowned: "But what?"

"Only less than 20% came back!"

"What?!" He frowned suddenly: "Only less than 20% came back?"

How can this be?

Everyone will turn into black air after death, and the black air will gradually be reabsorbed and reshape life in the dragon veins, which is similar to the water cycle.

Water turns into steam, which turns into rain, and then falls to the ground, and so on.

There may indeed be attrition in the middle, but it is less than 10% at most. Logically speaking, at least 90% of the returning soldiers should be right.

How could there be such a sharp drop?

Even if Han Sanqian killed fiercely, but...

Not so much.

"Could it be that we went out to fight, and no one took good care of the dragon's veins. They were lazy?" His confidants guessed.

"Impossible." The special envoy directly vetoed: "The ones who can take care of the dragon veins are our elites. Judging from their nature, it is absolutely impossible for them to neglect their duties just because we are not here."

"But we suddenly lost so many people, it shouldn't be."

"In particular, the first batch of troops didn't actually cause any large-scale attacks. They just fell into the trenches or were scattered by the cavalry."

"Cavalry? Trenches?" Hearing this, the special envoy suddenly looked up. The cavalry must have no problems. Don't think too much about these cards that are played on the bright side.

But the trench... Suddenly, he suddenly thought of something!

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.