Chapter 4959

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿

To be honest, no matter how happy they were getting along before, at least now, Hai Jin completely doubts whether Hu Ya is still evil and wants to rebel back.

Because the location he marked was almost twenty miles away from the entire base camp.

With such a long distance, it is almost difficult to believe that this is the enemy's food point.

You know, when marching and fighting, food and grass are the top priority.

Therefore, no matter what the scale of the battle, it is taboo to extend the front line too long. In this way, the supply line will be too long. Naturally, the possibility of food and grass being attacked will also increase.

The battle line is tightened and the food and grass are at hand. This is the most stable and normal way of playing.

But Huya did a good job. He directly placed the food points nearly twenty miles away. What is the concept?

This is completely separated from the battlefield, which means that they have to eat, and their logistics have to go from at least twenty miles away to get food in advance. Isn't this a waste of time and energy? !

However, Han Sanqian directly blocked Hai Jin's questioning, looked at Hu Ya and said, "Why did you choose to be here?"

"You don't need to think too much, just say whatever you think."

Huya nodded: "First, the people above are very careful about this battle, so it is possible to move important food and grass back. Second, because I have been in Yetian City all year round, so for Yetian City We have also carefully considered the surrounding situation, and as you know, this is related to our work after all."

Han Sanqian can understand this. After all, the spies not only want to explore the place you need to explore, but you must at least be familiar with the surrounding environment. Otherwise, they are just rats in a cage, only knowing how to imprison you. What does the cage look like.

If you want to go out to deliver a message, follow someone, or hide yourself, it won't work at all.

"The point I drew is actually the weakest link every time the extreme cold comes, so I suspect that the underground dragon veins there may be larger. In view of the fact that there are so many enemies, what is needed There should also be more food, so I think that’s the most suitable place to dig and divert water.”

Han Sanqian was basically satisfied with the explanation: "You continue."

"No more. All that's left is intuition. However, I have a small request."

Han Sanqian said: "You tell me."

"Can we know their strength and structure? If there is this structure as a standard, then the judgment will be more accurate."

Han Sanqian smiled slightly. In fact, he had exactly this intention. No matter how much he thought or talked, it would not be as good as taking a look.

"However, if you want to go see it, I can go alone. With your cultivation level, if you dare to appear on top of them rashly, I think no matter how hard you hide, you will definitely be discovered." Han Sanqian said. .

Huya and Haijin have no problem with this.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you guys wait for me here, I'll go investigate and provide more accurate data."

If you want to guess something about the other party, it's obviously not just luck. Sometimes you have to put in a lot of effort for it.

Han Sanqian smiled slightly, flew out of the bamboo house the next second, and disappeared from the entrance a moment later.

Hai Jin knew very well that his alliance leader was definitely going to the enemy's sky alone to inquire for information.

However, with his ability, Hai Jin didn't have much to worry about.

After the two of them waited for Han Sanqian to come back, it would already be a full day in this world's time.

During this period, Huya was subconsciously worried about Han Sanqian's safety. After all, there had been no news for so long.

However, Hai Jin reminded him that there was a time gap between the world here and the outside, and he suddenly realized it.

After Han Sanqian came back, he did not exchange any greetings with the two of them. Instead, he walked to the previous table in a few steps, and then roughly drew the force structure of the opponent in the previous drawing in the original drawing.

Huya had been observing the situation on the map as the number of troops increased. The structure of the troops in several places also made him frown wildly. It seemed that there was a huge gap with his original idea.

And the food points he had originally chosen were crossed out again.

After observing for about ten minutes, he seemed to have made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and glanced at Han Sanqian. Then he moved his hand and placed the pen on a place that even Han Sanqian was surprised...

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.