Chapter 4975

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"My intelligence unit is responsible for investigation work. How many people can we have? Can we move such a huge amount? My master has said that he wants you to dispatch all the troops here to move with him."

The leader immediately refused: "The responsibility of my granary soldiers is to guard the safety of this place, and it does not include delivering goods for anyone. If everyone wants to ask like you, then we are still guards, so we might as well just be transporters. never mind."

Seeing the other party's arrogant and tough attitude, it was surprising that Huya restrained himself from being as ruthless as before.

"Brother, according to common sense, your help in transporting food is indeed overkill and against the rules. However, special things should be handled specially."

"Although you are at the rear, you should have heard of it. Or, even if you haven't heard of it, you should be able to notice that the war ahead is not that easy, right?"

If it were easy, he wouldn't need to keep food for so long, so what Huya said is indeed the truth.

He also knew that the war on the front line was not easy. ,

After all, there are more than one million of them, and they have been fighting for so long.

Seeing that the leader did not refute, Huya would not let go of such a good opportunity, so he hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and even said sincerely: "Actually, you also know that the front line is very anxious."

"In fact, it's not just anxiety there."

"We have fought several large and small battles in the battle of Yetian City, but it is a pity that we have fought for so long without winning a single victory."

"That Han Sanqian is so powerful that our situation is very difficult."

"However, we always have a numerical advantage. After constant consumption, Han Sanqian is now at the end of his rope and has no way out. Therefore, the special envoy decided to take advantage of the extreme cold at this time to launch a general attack on Han Sanqian."

"So, there is a sudden shortage of food and grass."

"But because the front line is being fought, the soldiers can't get away, and Han Sanqian wants to escape, so the situation is like this. I hope you, brother, can be patient for a while and take the overall situation into consideration."

Even Han Sanqian heard Huya's words so thoroughly that he almost believed them.

This guy is probably even worse than Han Sanqian when it comes to making up stories.

Especially when paired with his extremely full emotions, damn, it's like an extreme stretch.

As expected, after listening, the leader and his subordinates looked at each other and said nothing more.

"Open the protective barrier and help him load food."

Several soldiers took the order and each took out something about the size of a thumb from their hands.

After that, they each blew a little breath on the thing at the same time. The next second, the barrier disappeared, and Hu Ya also entered it smoothly.

After entering, Huya glanced at the sky and could not see where Han Sanqian was.

However, he was worried that Han Sanqian would not be able to enter after the barrier was reactivated, but because he really couldn't find any good excuse not to close it, he seemed a little at a loss for a while.

The barrier is still closed.

The leader glanced at Huya, then at his soldiers, and then said to Huya: "You go ahead and rest here for a while. We need some time to pack things."

Huya nodded: "How long will it take?"

"About an hour."

"Can it be faster?" Huya didn't want to have long nights and dreams.

The man shook his head: "This is already the fastest."

Seeing this, Huya could only nod helplessly.

The leader gave a polite smile: "Then just wait a moment. My brothers will start loading things here. I will go and gather the other people first, and then we will all move together."

After saying this, the leader gave a few instructions to his most trusted brother, then turned around and walked into a cave next to him.

Huya didn't notice that the leader's smile after turning around was full of viciousness and coldness...

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.