Chapter 5072

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿

Vomiting black blood!

Tianhu opened his eyes in pain and stopped practicing.

At this time, two followers who were always under close protection rushed over.

"Commander, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you okay?"

Tianhu frowned and felt a little depressed: "I don't know why, when I am smoothing the whole body and mind method, it will always be a little unsatisfactory at a few points. When there is not much smoothness, I will suddenly become anxious and have a chaotic atmosphere. "

"Commander, could it be that guy Han Sanqian taught a fake Kung Fu?"

Tianhu shook his head: "It doesn't look like it. If it's a fake technique, it's impossible not to detect problems with my cultivation. This technique has come and gone, so it doesn't look like it's fake."

"But if it's not a lie, why did you practice to the point of vomiting blood?"

Tianhu didn't speak, which he couldn't understand.

In fact, the vomiting of blood today was not without warning. The previous few training sessions had actually been very unsatisfactory for him, and his energy and blood surged continuously.

However, he often acted with a lucky mentality, but he did not expect to vomit blood in the end.

"I'm also very confused about this."

"Commander, I don't know whether to say something or not."

Tianhu rolled his eyes at him and said: "Although you are my subordinate, you are also my confidant. What can't you say? Just say what you have to say."

"Yes." The attendant nodded and said, "I wonder if this technique is real, but only most of it is real?"

Tianhu frowned: "You mean, that guy Han Sanqian deliberately sabotaged some key nodes?"

"You gave Han Sanqian poison. He should hate you very much. How could he hand over the technique to you so readily? Yes, it's understandable that he wants to avoid punishment, and it's okay that he wants to enjoy his last days. I understand. But my subordinate believes that you should not be the one he wants to speculate on."

The other person also nodded and said: "Yes, although Han Sanqian's explanation is valid, Xu Gao's words do have some truth. Han Sanqian may have deliberately retaliated against you, I can't say for sure."

Tianhu nodded and did not speak immediately. Instead, he carefully considered the possibilities.

In fact, the whole thing has its own reasons.

It is not unreasonable for Han Sanqian to truly surrender to him.

But the reminders from his subordinates were reasonable and had to be guarded against.

"How about going to Han Sanqian and asking for clarification? If your Qi and blood boiling thing makes sense, then it will be easy to explain. But if it doesn't make sense, then let's..." As he said that, his subordinate made a motion of slitting his throat. .

Tianhu thought for a moment and realized that this was not impossible.

But it's not without trouble, if it makes sense.

He is a dignified commander, but when the time comes he will be ridiculed by people who cannot even understand whether the martial arts are true or false.

This is simply embarrassing.

"Today, I have been practicing for a while. Maybe there are some mistakes in my own understanding. After all, this is a super-god-level exercise, and it is indeed unlikely to be smooth sailing in practice. Some setbacks are inevitable. But if , no matter how wrong the situation is, it’s not too late to settle the score with Han Sanqian.”

The two followers looked at each other and felt that Tianhu's handling was more appropriate.

Therefore, the two of them stopped talking and became guardians beside Tianhu as he continued to practice.

Tianhu silenced his voice and practice started again.

It moves every day.

Moving through the meridians.

But it was almost the same as before. The front was going smoothly. Tianhu could also clearly feel that his body had become significantly stronger during practice, and the demonic energy in his body was also ignited, making him feel that there was infinite power flowing through his body. .

Instinct told Tianhu that there was nothing wrong with this technique.

With this feeling, Tianhu practiced with more concentration.

It seems that because he didn't practice much or was relatively unfamiliar in the past, Tianhu became much smoother next.

As Tianhu became more and more smooth, his understanding of the technique became more profound. In just a moment, a strange shadow of Youhuang began to appear in Tianhu's hands.

However, this shadow recording is much weirder than what Han Sanqian practiced...

It's full of faint red, and there's weirdness everywhere...

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.