Chapter 5088

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Han Sanqian's head was like a pig's head. When he heard Huya's cry, he was depressed for a long time, and then he weakly replied: "Don't worry, you won't die yet."

Hearing that Han Sanqian could still answer him, Huya finally let out a sigh of relief.

At least this shows that Han Sanqian is not that serious.

"I'm sorry, Leader, I'm a little late."

"It's none of your business." Han Sanqian shook his head.

In fact, Han Sanqian already knew very well that according to the plan, Huya had already spoken out in advance to save him.

It's just helpless that I am too useless now, so I continue to suffer from the continuous attacks of the enemy's soldiers, and finally become like this.

If it had been Han Sanqian's heyday, not to mention other things, Han Sanqian really wouldn't have to fight back against attacks like today's bunch of losers, he could rely solely on his true strength and body to perfectly block them.

The hero's "twilight years"!

"By the way, I got you some medicine." As he said that, Huya took out various healing medicines and handed them to Han Sanqian, and said, "But are these medicines useful?"

Han Sanqian nodded: "If you have trauma, please apply some compress on my back. My whole body is swollen like a pig, and I can't reach it at all."

As he spoke, Han Sanqian took some internal medicine first.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes slightly and entered a state of trance.

Huya took the medicine and also gave it to Han Sanqian behind his back.

After falling into meditation for a moment, Han Sanqian readjusted his state.

"How did you do with those pigs?"

"Alliance leader, I gave them the Taixu Divine Steps to practice. They are practicing very happily now, and temporarily handed over all the power to me. By the way, Alliance Leader, what magical skills are you going to give them next? What I mean is Yes, although we need to spend some blood this time, we will not cultivate the other party too much. They will always be our enemies."

Han Sanqian nodded gently.

To paralyze the enemy, it is necessary to continuously provide them with benefits. Han Sanqian certainly knows this.

But he could also understand Huya's worry. If he showed too much good, the enemy would become stronger, and now it was not just a Tianhu, but a group of people.

These guys are all elites. They are powerful, which is equivalent to giving wings to the enemy's tiger.

"I'm still thinking about it. They are not fools if they are too bad. I don't want to be too good. The most important thing is that what I can teach must be something I can control."

After finishing speaking, Han Sanqian raised his head and asked, "How long can you delay in the dungeon?"

"My original plan was to give it to you until the evening. However, if the leader needs more time, I will try my best."

Han Sanqian shook his head; "No need."

"You are actually not stable among this group of people. Now you are in a group with them just because of interests."

"But interests do not represent everything. They are all high-ranking people, especially with the Tianhu matter still at hand. Therefore, everyone must be more careful."

"You have to remember that it is a good thing for them to get benefits now. However, if this benefit will involve their current position, then this benefit is actually unnecessary. And once you have no benefits for them , or even if they are affected and threatened because of your interests, then I can guarantee that you will be directly targeted by them."

"So there's no need to upset them."

"Yes, Alliance Leader, I understand."

"You go prepare paper and ink."


After Huya brought the paper and ink, Han Sanqian quickly started writing.

After more than half an hour, the paper was basically filled with densely written words.

"Here are two secret books. You can send them to them later."

"Two copies?" Huya frowned: "Didn't we just say that these things need to be controlled...otherwise, it will not end well."

Han Sanqian smiled softly: "Don't worry, take it. Of course I have arrangements. By the way, can you fish?"

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.