Chapter 5486

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Han Sanqian nodded: "Ready."

Han Sanqian is still somewhat confident in learning Kung Fu. After all, he has learned a lot of Kung Fu from the True God. Although it is very profound and difficult to understand, Han Sanqian cannot resist Han Sanqian's own instinct, so he can learn it directly. .

After he mastered it, when he read the complicated words, everything became very simple again.

After all, when you fully know what's going on, wouldn't it be very easy to turn around and look at other things?

On this basis, Han Sanqian's understanding ability has been greatly improved. Therefore, Han Sanqian has the foundation and confidence to learn advanced skills.

"Okay, then listen carefully. I will present the mental method directly in your mind, but how to practice it depends on your own ability."

Then, in the next second, mysterious symbols appeared in Han Sanqian's mind.

They are like words but not like words. Just looking at them is enough to make people's scalp numb.

However, Han Sanqian still worked hard to identify every word and connect these words together as much as possible.

Han Sanqian didn't know that while he was studying seriously, the monster let out a helpless sigh quietly.

For monsters, Han Sanqian's comprehension is indeed too poor, although in fact Han Sanqian's comprehension is already in the high-end ranks.

About half an hour later, Han Sanqian had roughly translated about 80% of his mind. Some parts were too profound and difficult to understand.

Han Sanqian can also know the overall meaning, but the remaining 20% ​​can only be guessed.

Although Han Sanqian could ask the monster to help explain, Han Sanqian thought of his aloof dog appearance and didn't want to be humble.

If you ask him, you will be ridiculed by him, and he may not even teach you.

Moreover, Han Sanqian's temper is always like this. It is better to rely on yourself than relying on others.

If you don’t teach me, I won’t ask.

Seeing Han Sanqian sitting in the sky and learning the Concentration Technique, the monster was a little speechless.

You look like a bad bear, but you still want to practice the art of concentration.

"However, you, a bug, are really courageous. However, you only understand 80% of it, and yet you dare to practice it directly like this. You are indeed worthy of it."

As for Kung Fu, you either have to practice it bit by bit from the most basic level, or you have to understand it all and then practice it from the basic level to the highest level.

There are not many people like Han Sanqian who dare to practice after reading the entire chapter.

After all, this is 80% of the entire article, which means that some places may not make sense, maybe at the end, but it may also be in the middle, or even at the beginning...

And there were loopholes from the beginning. It was like building a building later on. The whole thing became more and more crooked, and finally collapsed completely with a loud bang.

"Interesting, take a moment to look at you bug." The monster sneered.

After the words fell, everything was silent.

The quietness is audible.

And Han Sanqian was also fully focused on practicing the Concentration Technique.


Soon, as Han Sanqian's throat felt hot, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Even if Han Sanqian's comprehension is super strong, facing such complex mental techniques, Han Sanqian's understanding is obviously only 80%, which is not enough to practice quickly now.

Once something goes wrong and you cannot guess too much in time, your practice will immediately enter a state of backlash.

Under such circumstances, becoming obsessed is an inevitable outcome.

As Han Sanqian vomited blood, the true energy in his body began to fluctuate. If this continues, Han Sanqian will inevitably explode and die.

"You bug, I told you a long time ago that holding on will never bring good results. You really shouldn't be pretending to be in front of me."

The monster shook his head helplessly. He had no way to help Han Sanqian stabilize his meridians. The only thing he could do was to use his own voice to teach Han Sanqian how to get out of danger.

"Bed bug, where did you go wrong in practice? Tell me quickly and I will teach you how to deal with it."

In a word, the monster was waiting for Han Sanqian to answer him, but the next second, Han Sanqian suddenly moved, pressed his hands, and strengthened his energy!

"You bastard, are you risking your life?"

It was obvious that Han Sanqian not only did not listen to himself, but instead tried to solve it himself.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.