Chapter 5568

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿

The huge amount of blood energy suddenly attacked, and the monster's figure barely blocked it and directly tried to eat the blow.

Of course, a person in his position can see the battle situation better than anyone else, so he also understands that there is no point in struggling anymore, it will only make himself look more pitiful.

It can't change the outcome anyway, so it's better to just close your eyes and wait for death.

This is the last dignity of a capable person.

The blood energy hit, and the monster's black shadow was instantly distorted by the blood energy. As a result, half of his body became completely transparent, or in other words, it was occupied by the blood energy.

Once it is completely washed away, the black shadow will no longer exist in this world.

"Haha, hahahaha."

The ancestor laughed wildly, and for a moment all his arrogance was released.

He really deserves this, because he has completely defeated one of the most unshakable figures in the demon clan. Regardless of anything else, today's battle alone is enough to make his name go down in history.

He must be a famous figure in the demon clan.

"go to hell."

With his sudden exertion, the blood energy became more and more fierce.

Under pressure, the monster Black Shadow soon began to lose even half of it.

In the blink of an eye, only one-half of half was left.

In just a few more seconds, the monster's black shadow will completely disappear, saying goodbye to this world unwillingly.

But at this critical moment, suddenly, a ray of purple light suddenly struck from another direction, and directly knocked back the dark shadow of the ancestor several meters.

As soon as the ancestor's shadow opened, the entire force directed at the monster's shadow immediately shifted.

The monster Black Shadow, who was about to be destroyed, recovered a lot in an instant without the attack of the ancestor's power.

"Damn it, Han Sanqian!"

Heifeng was in a position where he was not being attacked, so he could naturally react quickly after the attack occurred.

Yes, at this most critical moment, it was Han Sanqian who was closest to the ancestor's shadow, and suddenly attacked the ancestor in reverse.

The ancestor had no preparation at all, and was even proud of the fact that he was about to kill the monster. After being attacked by Han Sanqian, he received a solid attack.

"You brat, you're pretty good at pretending. Even I was deceived by you."

The monster instantly understood what was going on. It was obvious that Han Sanqian was not controlled by the sea of ​​blood at all. He was just pretending to be controlled by someone.

Then, at the most critical moment, he suddenly rebelled and gave the ancestor a fatal blow.

No wonder people say that bugs like humans can dominate the world with their very small bodies because they are smart and cunning. Today, he was really taught a lesson by Han Sanqian.

Indeed, Han Sanqian's acting skills were so superb that even he was completely fooled.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, take advantage of their illness to kill them, ancestor, leave it to me, you deal with these minions, it shouldn't be a big problem." Han Sanqian laughed coldly.

Looking at his bloody eyes again at this time, I discovered that there was actually a trace of golden light hidden in the blood red.

"You bitch, are you still commanding me? However, seeing how beautifully you did it just now, I am in a good mood today and agree to your doing so."


The monster roared angrily, and the black shadow reappeared in the next second, killing Heifeng and his gang. Han Sanqian did not hesitate at all, and also killed the ancestor.

Although the monster was attacked very badly just now, and only a quarter of his body was reduced to black, but after a short recovery, he still recovered at least half of his figure.

And this half of the figure re-transformed into a relatively small black shadow, but the concept that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse is really displayed too perfectly on his body.

Even half of it is as daunting as a huge mountain.

Although Black Wind and his group are powerful, what chance do they have of winning against the monster Black Shadow?

After barely resisting several consecutive attacks, their entire team was immediately broken up, and everyone was scattered to different places, which was quite embarrassing.

However, it is obvious that these are not the focus, because no matter who wins, it will actually have an impact on the entire battle situation, but it will not be big.

The real main force is obviously the ultimate showdown between Han Sanqian and the ancestor!

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.