Chapter 5657

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Go and ask how things are going down there."

After the captain finished speaking, he winked at his subordinates.

The subordinate followed the order and quietly entered the cellar.

Within a moment, the subordinate returned.

"Back to the captain, the cleaning is still going on in full swing below. However, the amount of work is too large, and for a while..." The subordinate said this and did not say any more.

The captain nodded, looked at the white-clothed envoy, and said, "You two envoys must have heard it too. The amount of work is huge. Although the cellar is relatively large, it is always limited, and it has been filled with various kinds of debris from the other side over the years. "

"It's really not easy for our guards to clear out a large enough space."

"So, you may still need to wait. As for time..." The captain looked at his subordinates.

"It may take about half an hour." The subordinate said.

"Half an hour?" Upon hearing this, the white-clothed envoy became angry: "If it is still raining blood now, do you know how many of our people will die in this half hour?"

In this extremely difficult environment, I don't know how much I have to push for every extra minute.

In half an hour, this almost killed everyone.

If the blood rain had not stopped, and based on this time, countless people might have died at the cellar door.

"Special envoy, everyone is doing what you are told. You think we spend too much time cleaning the cellar, and we also think you are doing a poor job in preparing for resistance outside."

"As soon as you ask for the cellar, you have to ask for it immediately. I want to ask, what are you doing outside to eat?"

One sentence made the white-clothed envoy speechless.

He really wanted to scold him back, but what they said did make sense. The defense they did outside was indeed not adequate at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed by the bloody rain, and he would have had to rush here if he was so far in advance.

Although Black Wind is not as smart as the White Envoy on a tactical level, he is much smoother in dealing with people. Sometimes IQ and EQ are not the same thing.

Some people have high IQ, but that does not necessarily mean they also have high emotional intelligence.

And some people have low IQ, which does not necessarily mean they have low emotional intelligence.

Heifeng saw the invisible smell of gunpowder between the two people, and hurriedly smoothed things over, saying with a smile: "Yes, our external work is indeed not done well, otherwise, we will not let the village owner and the guards help."

"But, after all, this is the whole village's business. Captain, you have also seen that so many people's lives are here. The cellar is already being cleaned anyway, and it is idle to be idle. It is better to arrange the personnel as soon as possible. Go in, if something unexpected happens and it rains heavily again, we can have an effective escape."

"You don't want the village owner to be angry or worried about the loss of personnel."

After hearing this, the captain of the guard's attitude improved significantly. He no longer had the same anger as before. He looked at the subordinates next to him and said, "Go and urge the brothers inside to speed up as much as possible." Speed, half an hour is too long, try to reduce it to two quarters of an hour.”


After finishing the message, the captain looked at Heifeng: "Special envoy, this is my maximum. There are not many brothers, but the workload is very heavy."

Heifeng nodded, of course he was very satisfied with the result.

After all, this reduction directly cuts the time in half.

When the special envoy in white saw this, he didn't say anything more. He also knew that anything he said in his current situation would only aggravate the atmosphere.

"How about we let everyone take a rest first?" Heifeng asked: "It's not a big deal for everyone to wait here holding on to the energy shield for the next two quarters of an hour."

In fact, it is not a big problem for a person to support his own energy shield, and it is completely possible to persist for a longer period of time. It is a pity that the current situation is that a few people with high cultivation level have to protect a group of people with low cultivation level, and the scope of the energy shield has been expanded to the extreme exaggeration.

In this case, it is not a big problem to persist for a few minutes or ten, but it is indeed a bit difficult to persist for two quarters of an hour or half an hour.

If they continue like this, they don't know whether it will rain blood or not, but they will probably tire themselves to death.

The special envoy in white frowned and was thinking about this issue...

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.