Chapter 5788

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"It's just that although Han currently thinks this method is very feasible, whether it can finally take shape depends on how you see it." Han Sanqian said.

Upon hearing this, Cao Shen, Zhou Yong, Shangguan Qingyi and Shangguan Qingyun couldn't help but look at each other.

At present, the shortage of manpower that Han Sanqian mentioned is indeed a huge problem, and everyone present is aware of this.

Therefore, everyone naturally wants to solve this problem. After all, everyone is in a situation of mutual prosperity.

Now, Han Sanqian has proposed a solution. For them, in fact, no matter whether this method is the best solution, as long as it is proposed by Han Sanqian, everyone is willing to call it the best solution.

Because the core of their investment is Han Sanqian. Naturally, theoretically speaking, Han Sanqian is naturally the most correct and only answer.

Any issue he mentioned was obviously what everyone was most willing to do.

"Brother Han, don't be polite between you and me. Since we are all in the same boat, if you have any problems, just speak up and we will solve them together."

"Yes, you are good, everyone is good, you are bad, and everyone is bad. We are all a community of destiny. Whatever you say is what you say."

"Yes, the Shangguan family means the same thing."

Cao Shen, Zhou Yong, and Shangguan Qingyi expressed their stances very clearly.

Naturally, Han Sanqian didn't want to elaborate at this time, and simply said straightforwardly: "In order to quickly gather troops, I want to adopt a joint force system."

"Joint force system? What is this concept?"

"Yeah, we don't quite understand what a joint force system is."

Han Sanqian smiled and explained: "The so-called joint force system means that everyone works together to do something. You are all three big families, so I believe you have some people under each other."

"I hope that while Yetian City is recruiting city defense personnel, the three of you can send some people to supplement the city defense."

"Of course, you don't have to worry. The adjusted troops are not actually our troops. They are still your own people. It's just that you use them for the defense of Yetian City."

"If there is no war, your people are your own people, and you can arrange them as you like."

"As long as during wartime, all of these men and horses will become soldiers of Yetian City and be under my command."

"But there are benefits to you too."

"The troops provided will be trained by me. In other words, no matter how many elites you gave me before, I will give you stronger and stronger elites with the same number in the near future."

"I can even say without exaggeration that these stronger elites are enough to form an invincible brigade."

"This team is very powerful. If you use it privately in the future, it can become your king's division to a certain extent."

"The King's Master can completely protect your family and your personal safety, so to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a benefit I give you."

"What do you think?"

In this way, although Han Sanqian cannot be said to have solved all the manpower problems, he can at least solve some of the urgent needs of Yetian City's defense to the greatest extent.

The most important thing is, as Han Sanqian said, these families will be their important families in the future. If they have troops that have been specially trained by themselves, then their daily guarding in the future will also be perfect.

Then, these can be regarded as Han Sanqian distributing benefits to various ministries in advance.

In the future, these people themselves can ensure the safety of their own people.

Shangguan Qingyi frowned, slightly surprised.

She really never thought that Han Sanqian would use this method.

Is this method good? Of course it is.

Since they support Han Sanqian, even if they are a small local force of Han Sanqian, if necessary in normal wartime, when Han Sanqian wants them to send troops, they themselves must send troops, money and effort.

Even if they dare not blatantly assist Han Sanqian for the sake of profit, they should at least do so in private.

Therefore, there is no conflict in this matter.

But on the other hand, they have gained huge benefits from this matter.

That is, their troops can get personal guidance from Han Sanqian. What is the concept?

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.