Chapter 5881

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Sir, you will stay in Xiaonu's bed tonight." Xiaonu pointed to a corner of the room.

There was a simple wooden bed, which was covered with some hay and then some soft cloth. It was very simple, but it looked very comfortable. There was a thick quilt on it, which made the bed feel comfortable. It has an overall clean feeling of warmth and comfort.

"Ah?" Han Sanqian was obviously stunned. Han Sanqian had confirmed that there was only one bed in the whole room.

"Then where do you live?" Han Sanqian asked.

The little slave shook his head gently: "I work outside a lot in the evening and don't get much rest. If I'm really tired and need a nap, I can just find a stool and lean against the corner to relax for a while."

"Isn't this good? Otherwise, I'll sleep underground."

Han Sanqian actually had a very simple idea. It was a girl's bed, and it was not good to just sleep on someone else's bed.

He is not a delicate master, so he can just find a place to lie down casually for a while.

Anyway, he didn't really need a bed to rest on, he was satisfied without even needing to rest.

"No." Xiaonu shook his head, his eyes a little firm, giving people a feeling that there was no room for doubt and argument: "How can I be so hospitable to guests? Let's not talk about whether the people in the village will laugh at me for not being able to entertain guests. Xiaonu himself can’t pass this test at all.”

With that said, regardless of whether Han Sanqian agreed or not, Xiao Nu directly pulled Han Sanqian and walked to the bed.

The little slave was both squeamish and stubborn, saying: "Tonight, no matter what, you must sleep on the bed, otherwise, you will not live in my house."

Han Sanqian rubbed his head a little depressed. He was too embarrassed to say no even after he had said this.

"Okay, since the girl said so, I will stay."

With that said, Han Sanqian sat on the bed.

"That's right."

After Xiaonu finished speaking, he looked at Han Sanqian.

Han Sanqian was a little embarrassed, and for a moment he didn't know what she was doing when she looked at him. After reflecting for a moment, he suddenly realized, then he took off his shoes honestly and lay on the bed.

The little slave smiled with satisfaction, then helped Han Sanqian pull the quilt away, and then covered Han Sanqian with it.

Xiaonu said: "The temperature here in our place will be normal in the first half of the night, but it will be a bit cold in the second half of the night, and sometimes it will even freeze to the bone. Therefore, if you want to rest, you must cover yourself with a quilt."

"Also, because everyone is working at night, the noise outside will be louder. Don't be too surprised and just rest peacefully."

Han Sanqian obviously feels ten years older than Xiaonu, but at this moment, he feels like a baby being taken care of.

The quilt is indeed very thick, but it is relatively soft. Moreover, it is a quilt made by a girl after all, and it always has a faint fragrance.

Han Sanqian nodded: "I understand."

The little slave also covered Han Sanqian with a quilt, and smiled softly: "Okay, in that case, sir, you can rest, I will go out to work first, if anything happens, just call me, I will be there Working outside the house.”

Han Sanqian nodded again, and Xiao Nu smiled softly and retreated.

As soon as the little slave left, Han Sanqian was lying on the bed and was too embarrassed to get up for a while, so he simply observed the room.

The room is indeed very simple, with few furniture, but it does not make people feel uncomfortable at all, let alone difficult.

If possible, Han Sanqian really wanted to have a room like this with Su Yingxia.

There are no complicated material needs, and there is no furniture of this kind. It is just some simple daily necessities, and then plant some fields, raise some chickens and ducks, etc., and live a plain but fulfilling life.

"Hey!" Han Sanqian couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"People, sometimes having too much material desire will cause them to pursue too much, and it is precisely this kind of material desire that makes people have to work hard and work hard. In the end, tying people alive to the production line may be a good thing for society, but everyone is also under high pressure.”

Suddenly, when he said this, Han Sanqian frowned fiercely: "What is this?"

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.