Chapter 5897

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
"Boss, they have entered the forest." A subordinate said softly.

The leader smiled lightly and said disdainfully: "Fuck, I thought these guys were going somewhere, but in the end, didn't they just throw themselves into a trap?"

"That's right. Once we leave this village, that's our sphere of influence."

"These people are so stupid."

"We were trying to catch a sheep and kill it, but the sheep broke free and ran away. Who knows, the sheep turned around and hit our knife edge."

"If I had known earlier, we wouldn't have pursued him so hastily."

A group of people smiled disdainfully. Yes, their sphere of influence was almost all in the forest. There were more of them there. It was simply funny that this group of reckless people entered here in a panic.

"Okay, there's no need to chase so hastily. However, these people have challenged the rules, so it is necessary to capture them. Otherwise, where will the face of you and me go?" The leader said coldly. He said loudly: "Immediately pass the order and have everyone gather in this area quickly."

"We, even if we dig three feet into the ground, we still have to capture these people."


After running in the forest for who knows how long, a group of five people finally found a large, nearly dry river bed deep in a relatively lush forest and stopped.

The banks on both sides of the river bed are very narrow, a hundred meters long, and the river that has not stopped flowing in the center and has shrunk into a stream is winding.

In this kind of place, although it is easy for people to see the bottom of the river at a glance, it is actually easy to hide if you walk close to the shore, so it is relatively safe. Therefore, the five people stopped and planned to temporarily take a break.

As soon as Han Sanqian sat down, Xiaonu hurriedly looked around Han Sanqian. She was really worried that Han Sanqian had been injured. After all, Han Sanqian almost relied on himself to withstand the opponent's fatal blow.

Don't say that the slave is short-sighted. After all, Han Sanqian's skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

"What's wrong, are you looking at me?" Han Sanqian laughed softly.

"Mr. Han, are you...really okay?!" Xiaonu asked worriedly.

"We have been running away for so long. If something happened, it would have happened already, right? Don't worry, although those people are a bit capable, I am not bad either." Han Sanqian said with a smile.

"Hmph, if it weren't for my lady's treatment, would he be able to do it? In the final analysis, that's my lady's power!! Hum!" The woman on the side was not happy to hear this, and snorted arrogantly.

"Although you did help with the treatment, we all know that the opponent's attack is not trivial. Unless Mr. Han himself is a master, it is impossible to directly receive the opponent's attack in that way." Xiaonu replied honestly.

The woman was angry.

"You see, these are ignorant country women. They clearly relied on me to win, but they insist on saying that they are troublesome!" After waiting for a long time, she found a reason to fight back.

Han Sanqian didn't bother to argue with her at all, and he was not in the mood to argue with her. Looking at the little slave, Han Sanqian patted her on the shoulder and said: "If the dog bites you, there is no need to bite him back. , you know?!"

The surrounding environment is a suitable place for hiding for the time being. There are banks on both sides and they are very high. There are trees growing horizontally on the banks. If you stand on them and look down, it is actually difficult to see them close to the bank.

"Xiao Nu, you should know those people. What do you think they are doing?!" Han Sanqian asked.

"Mr. Han, there are a lot of them, and when we left the village, we entered their territory. I believe they will never give up until they catch us. So I think those people must now send people to try to surround the forest. , and come to us.”

"It makes sense. So do you have any plans?!" Han Sanqian asked her, firstly because she understood this place, and secondly because she wanted to see how normal people think, and this is the best way to deal with it.

Xiaonu nodded and said: "I don't know either, but although it is not easy to be found here, it is still very dangerous if someone flies in the air and passes by here. So, what I mean is, what are we looking for under here?" Hide it in a hole or something, so at least it’s not easy to find.!”

Han Sanqian nodded: "Okay, then I'll do it according to your wishes."

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.