Chapter 253

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿

When these two words came to Su Guolin's ears, his face turned white instantly.

Su Guolin is a man with great ambition. He always hopes that Su Haichao can take charge of the Su family. Now the company is in the hands of Su Yingxia. He is very unwilling. He even thinks of all kinds of shameless ways to deal with Su Yingxia, hoping to let Su Yingxia step down and let Su Haichao regain control of the company.

But all his ideas were limited to fantasy. His courage could not support his ambition.

Now that Su Haichao had kidnapped Su Yingxia, how could he not be afraid!

It's a matter of going to jail. He's just a son. If he goes to jail because of this, how can he live in the future!

"You fart, don't slander my son. How can my son do such a thing?" Su Guolin said excitedly.

"Would I make fun of you with such a thing?" Han 3000 said coldly.

"Why not? You are envious of Hai Chao's talent and ability. For a little white face like you, even standing in front of him will feel ashamed. What can't you do?" Su Guolin said that there is no way to know the strength of what he said. It seems that in his eyes, Su Haichao is the only outstanding person in the world.

"Talent?" Han 3000 disdains to smile: "Su Haichao, a waste, has dragged down the company more than once. Does he still have talent? Is his talent to make everyone suffer with him? He's just an idiot. "

Idiot two words, let Su Guolin angry, Su Haichao did some stupid things, but Han 3000 is not qualified to comment.

"You are an idiot. You are an idiot who eats soft food. You are not qualified to comment on Su Haichao." Su Guolin said angrily.

Han Sanqian knows that in the eyes of all the Su family, his image of being a coward has been deeply rooted, and he doesn't want to change it now. It doesn't matter what Su Guolin thinks of him. What he needs to know now is where Su Haichao is.

"I asked for the last time, where is Su Haichao? If I find him myself, he will die. If you want no one to die for you in the future, you can continue to help him hide." Han 3000 eyes cold said.

Su Guolin as like as two peas, who still had a fear of Han three thousand, was still the first time when he lived in an old house. He was the first to cooperate with the weak water estate. He and Su Haichao apologized to Su Ying Xia by himself. On that day, he saw the same look in Han three thousand.

It's as cold as frost. It makes people shiver!

"You... You dare." Su Guolin stammered.

"Do you want to have a try? OK, I'll let you know how serious the consequences are. Prepare a coffin for him. " Han three thousand finish, turn around to leave.

Su Guolin was afraid that Han 3000 would do this, but he thought that Han 3000 was such a loser. How could he dare to kill?

But Su Guolin's wife doesn't want to lose Su Haichao. Even Han Sanqian doesn't have the courage to kill Su Haichao, but if the kidnapping is true, Su Haichao will go to jail. She doesn't want her son to suffer.

"I know." Just as Han 3000 came to the door, Su Guolin's wife said.

Stop, Han 3000 turned to see her, cold voice: "I have no time to waste with you, if you want to play with me, Su Haichao will only die more miserable."

Su Guolin's wife shook her head and said, "I really know that I have his mobile phone location, so I can find out where he is."

Han 3000 turned to Su Guolin's wife and said, "give it to me quickly."

For Han 3000, nothing is more important than finding Su Yingxia. At the same time, Yuncheng airport, an ordinary looking old man with white hair, appears in low-key clothes.

If it wasn't for his 1.9 meter tall and straight posture, probably no one would pay attention to such an old man.

People who come and go, because of his height, pay more attention to a few eyes, and after a careful look, they will find that the old man is extraordinary, has a strong atmosphere of oppression, just like a big man who has been in the upper position for a long time, not angry, just standing there, can give people pressure.

Two days ago, the old man appeared in Qincheng to visit Han Jun!

Han Jun's legs are disabled, and now he can only sit in a wheelchair. Fortunately, after Guan Yong escaped from prison, he was no longer beaten and oppressed. When he learned that someone was visiting prison, he thought that Han 3000 came to him to show off his power. When he saw the old man, Han Jun cried in front of him.

This old man was once a young suitor of Nangong Qianqiu. His name was Shen Weng. He was extremely paranoid.

When Nangong Qianqiu married into the Han family, Shen Weng vowed not to marry all his life, and he did. He never met any woman, and he loved Nangong Qianqiu to the extreme.

The news of Nangong Qianqiu's death is very secret. Only some upper class families in the capital learned about it. When Shen Weng knew it, he was furious and wanted to snatch Nangong Qianqiu back from Lord Yan. But this kind of unrealistic thing can only be thought about, and the only thing he can do is to help Nangong Qianqiu revenge.

"Do you want revenge?" This is the first sentence Shen Weng said to Han Jun. Han Jun will come to such an end. Thanks to Han 3000, he dreams of revenge. Han Jun, who has already broken his legs, kneels down in front of Shen Weng“ Grandfather Shen, it's Han 3000 who killed my grandmother and made me disabled. I want to kill him and make him cramp and peel, eat his meat and drink his blood. "“ I'll help you. Before you get out of prison, I'll find a chess piece to do it for you. " Chessman, that's why Shen Weng will come to Yuncheng. Shen Weng knows the situation of Yuncheng very well, and the first chess piece he buried for Han Jun is Su Haichao, because Su Haichao also has a huge hatred for Han 3000. Standing at the gate of the airport, Shen Weng took a deep breath and said to himself, "Yan Jun, I didn't deal with Han 3000 personally. It's not against our agreement." After getting Su Haichao's positioning, Han 3000 drove by himself. This is a very dilapidated community, because the rent is cheap, so there are many migrant workers, there are also local gangsters, belonging to a very chaotic place. When Han 3000 stopped, several gangsters at the door watched him. Several people smoking cigarettes, a pair of drag 250, 800, 000 in front of Han 3000“ Man, there's a charge for parking here. Let's pay first. " One of them said to Han 3000“ How much? " Han 3000 asked coldly. A look at Han 3000 so easy to talk, a few faces are showing a smile. This kind of pie falling from the sky business does not happen every day. Naturally, there is a blackmail“ Brother, your car is hundreds of thousands big. I have to keep it for you so as not to be scratched. You see, we have so many manpower, how can we give you two or three thousand? " Said the man. Han three thousand took out his wallet, and the man who spoke looked distressed. He seemed to think that he was less and should have more points. But Han 3000 at this time, but dropped a copper plate, fell to the ground, issued a clear sound“ What do you mean, trough“ Damn, you treat us as beggars, don't you? You want to send us away for a dollar. "“ Man, I don't think you have eyes. I don't know how powerful your fists are. " Several people raised their sleeves and looked fierce“ Good advice, get out of here. " Han 3000 said coldly“ Damn it, you are arrogant in Laozi's territory“ Brother, give me a call and teach this guy a good lesson. "“ You can't go without paying tens of thousands of dollars today. " These people are gangsters who often blackmail the working residents in the community. They are used to being arrogant and haven't had an accident for such a long time. Therefore, they have strengthened their courage. In the face of Han 3000, they think that as long as they teach him a lesson, he will be honest. A minute later, Han 3000 was still standing, while several hooligans all fell to the ground, whimpering“ Keep the car safe for me. If there is any scratch, I will not spare you Han three thousand finish, toward the community. A few hooligans know that they have encountered a hard stubble, nodding repeatedly, watching Han 3000 leave. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.