Chapter 370

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
When Han Sanqian ran in the morning, she didn't meet mifael. Maybe she deliberately delayed her time to go out, but for Han Sanqian, it's good to avoid embarrassment, and she won't have to see mifael's frosty face, so she will feel better.

But at the end of the morning run, ready to go home, the two met again.

Waiting in the elevator door, mifael disdained to say: "you will not deliberately wait for me?"

Han Sanqian is dumbfounded. Sometimes he really wants to knock mifael's head open to see what's in her head. Why does she have such a strange idea.

"Does your confidence come from your body or your looks?" Han 3000 light said.

Mifael is very confident about her figure and appearance. She thinks the two are almost perfect, and there is nothing to be picky about.

"Do I have any shortcomings for a man like you?" Said mifael.

"What kind of person am I?" Han 3000 is a wonderful person.

"Loser, cowardly, incompetent, almost all men's shortcomings are in you. If you really want to define what kind of person you are, it's probably rubbish." Mifael sneered.

These two words have never left Han 3000's life, because he is really a waste in many people's eyes.

"Want to know what kind of person you are in my heart?" Han 3000 said.

At this time, the elevator door opened, mifael took the lead to enter the elevator, and stood in the door, said: "you this kind of person, what qualifications to evaluate me, I don't want to take the same elevator with you, you continue to wait."

Finish saying this, Mi Fei son closed elevator door, left Han three thousand one people.

Han Sanqian is calm and has no feeling of anger, because such things are nothing in his life experience.

Not to mention the treatment he received in the Han family, but the coldness and humiliation he suffered after he came to Yuncheng is not comparable to this.

"If you shut the chairman out of the elevator, do you want to get a promotion?" Han three thousand light smile.

Wait until the second elevator, Han 3000 went upstairs to change his clothes.

Today, he has to go with Dao 12 to find out the news about the man last night. Although it's unlikely that there will be any new discovery, it will have to try.

It's not Han 3000's style to admit one's fate without effort.

At the moment, there are all kinds of flowers and plants planted in the courtyard of a small village on the outskirts of the city. But because they haven't been taken care of for a long time, it seems a bit messy. Many of the sharp weeds destroy the aesthetic feeling.

"You should not meddle in his affairs." There are two people standing in the house, a man and a woman. They are Shi Jing and Yan Jun.

"Aren't you here, too?" Yan Jun light says.

"I'm here because of you. He can grow better under pressure. It's unnecessary for you to help him reduce pressure." Shi Jing said in a reproachful tone that she hopes to see Han 3000 in adversity, because it turns out that only Han 3000 in adversity can become stronger and stronger.

From the age of 12, Han Sanqian has shown a strong survivability in adversity, and he plays chess secretly by his own means. When Shi Jing knows about these things, she is very shocked. That's why she thinks that the greater the pressure, the better for Han Sanqian.

"Adversity is not a dead end. What he is facing now is a dead end." Yanjun said that he was the one who appeared in the ring last night. In order not to let Han 3000 find out, he disguised himself.

"Death is the only way to rebirth. He needs to be baptized by more pressure. This is an opportunity for us to bring down the South Korean family. I need him to be stronger in this matter." Shi Jing said with no expression. It seems that the person who is facing this matter is not her son. She can be a quiet audience, even if others intervene.

"You have no right to order me. It's my duty to protect the Han family." Yan Jun said flatly.

Shi Jing's expression flashed a cold color. She really has no right to order Yan Jun to do anything. The Han family bodyguard on the surface is actually not bound by the Han family.

Even if Nangong Qianqiu is alive, he is not qualified to command Yanjun.

However, she does not want to see Yan Jun help Han 3000 too much. She is worried that it will destroy Han 3000's own will.

Once han 3000 relies on others' help, he will be ruined.

"I won't let you destroy him." Shi Jing said with gnashing teeth.

"In order to achieve the goal, no means should be taken. Even the life of your own son doesn't matter. You and Nangong Qianqiu are carved in the same mold. But 3000's tenacity is beyond your imagination. He won't be destroyed by anyone except her. " Yan Jun said that he knows Han 3000 better than anyone else. What Han 3000 wants to do is not something that ordinary people can change. His help to Han 3000 can not cause Han 3000 to be slack.

No one can imagine what this rich family has endured since he was 12 years old. The growth of this kind of environment has long predestined his indestructible willpower.

"She?" Shi Jing's eyebrows show a sense of killing. Anything that can shake Han 3000 is a threat in Shi Jing's eyes“ I advise you to give up the stupid idea in your mind. Killing her won't make 3000 stronger, because his strength is based on Su Yingxia. He can do anything to protect Su Yingxia. It's like faith. Once the faith collapses, do you think he can still stick to it? " Yan Jun said“ This woman is lucky. A woman from a broken family can make 3000 pay so much attention to her. " Shi Jing said with disdain“ Maybe he can only feel the concern in Yingxia. For a person who has lost all his family affection at the age of 12, affection is the most important thing for him. " Yan Jun said“ You don't have to beat around the Bush to scold me. Can I change what Nangong Qianqiu has decided? " Shi Jing said coldly“ You can't change, but you can do better, and what you do doesn't deserve the word "mother." Yan Jun sneers and says that Han 3000's experience in Han's family is witnessed by his own eyes. When all people's love is invested in Han Jun, Han 3000 can only secretly envy all this. As a mother, she is also a piece of meat that falls from her body. Shi Jing should have pity on Han 3000, but she, like others, excludes Han 3000 from her feelings“ Nangong Qianqiu can drive me out of the Han family at any time. If I don't follow her instructions, do you know what will happen? " Shi Jing angry looking at Yan Jun, in her feel, all this is forced helpless, and Yan Jun but put the responsibility on her“ It's all about selfishness, isn't it? " Yan Jun light smile, looking directly at Shi Jing. Shi Jing is speechless. If she is not worried about being driven out of the Han family, maybe she will give Han 3000 some love. But she was afraid that at that age, she was still pursuing luxury brands and luxury goods. She was afraid that she would lose all this, so she had to obey Nangong Qianqiu's orders. From the standpoint of a mother, she did something wrong, and it was outrageous“ Yes, I really don't deserve the word "mother", but everything I do now is for his good Shi Jing said, biting her teeth“ Now you are still selfish. You want to use Han 3000 to find out the enemies of the Han family and uproot them. Now you even hope Han 3000 can deal with the Han family of the United States, but you don't care what kind of danger these two things will bring to him. "“ The world's mother, who does not want their children to be safe, but you, even if it is the risk of his life at all“ People's selfishness can't be changed, just like dogs, they can't eat shit! " Finish saying, Yan Jun walks toward small courtyard outside. If you look carefully, you will be shocked to find that every step of Yan Jun will leave a deep footprint on the dry mud. If it's mud, it's not surprising, but when the ground is dry, it's amazing! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.