Chapter 377

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
Peninsula Hotel, idle Han Yan received a let her very shocked news, Jiang LAN unexpectedly want to see her!

After coming to Yuncheng, Han Yan almost knows the relationship around Han 3000. Naturally, she knows that Jiang LAN is Han 3000's mother-in-law, but she suddenly comes to see her, which makes Han Yan confused.

"Miss, she claims to be Han 3000's ex-mother-in-law. She doesn't come to get rid of Han 3000, does she?" Han Qing said with a smile, the front word but let her can't help but happy, so neat draw the line, how she doesn't want to be involved with Han 3000?

"As far as I know, Jiang LAN is extremely selfish. It's reasonable for her to get rid of Han 3000, but it's not so easy to come to me deliberately." Han Yan frowns, she likes to deal with selfish people, because selfish people have more shortcomings, can be more easily controlled by her.

"Miss, do you want to see me?" Han Qing asked.

"Yes, of course. I'm bored. I'll take her as my time." Han Yan said.

Outside the hotel, without instructions, the security guard did not dare to let go, so Jiang LAN had to stand at the door of the hotel.

At this time, Jiang LAN is very nervous. Although she has done countless psychological work for herself, she is still uneasy at the thought of meeting such a powerful person.

This is a more powerful woman than Shi Jing, and Shi Jing is enough to frighten her.

At this time, the security guard received a notice and said to Jiang LAN, "you can go in."

"Thank you," said Jiang LAN politely

It's probably the first time in Jiang Lan's life that he has such a humble attitude towards security guards.

When she comes to Han Yan's room, Jiang LAN just takes a look at Han Yan, and immediately lowers her head, because this woman's momentum is stronger than Shi Jing's, and she seems to be able to radiate with her breath.

"Jiang LAN, you claim to be Han 3000's ex-mother-in-law. Aren't Han 3000 and Su Yingxia fake divorces?" Han Yan light asks a way.

"Even if it's fake, I will make it come true. I will never allow Han 3000 to affect our family." Jiang Lan said.

"As far as I know, everything your family has now is given by Han 3000. Even if it's a hillside villa, he bought it, right?" Han Yan said.

"This is what he owes Su Yingxia. Of course, should I be grateful to him for all this? If it wasn't for him, Su Yingxia might be able to live better. " Jiang LAN brazenly said.

Whether Su Yingxia can lead a better life or not, Jiang LAN knows that the hillside villa can't be bought by casual people, so her words are totally unconscionable.

But for Jiang LAN, it doesn't matter whether she has a conscience. Now Han 3000 is dead in her eyes, and she doesn't want to get rid of Han 3000. How can she get rid of the danger of being affected by the fish pond?

As for Su's family now, as she said, Han 3000 owes Su Yingxia, so all this should be taken for granted.

Although Han Qing has no good feelings for Han 3000, he is still a little angry when he hears that Jiang Lan's conscience is eaten by the dog.

"If it wasn't for Han 3000, no matter who Su Yingxia married, you wouldn't be able to live in the hillside villa, would you?" Han Qing said.

"I didn't force him to buy the hillside villa. He volunteered." Jiang Lan said.

Han Qing can't help but roll a white eye. She has seen many powerful people, but Jiang Lan's best products are rare.

Han Yan is not disgusted with Jiang LAN when she hears these words. On the contrary, she is very happy because Jiang LAN is a very good puppet to her. In her eyes, she only has interests and never has any friendship.

Even if Han 3000 pays all for the Su family, I'm afraid she won't feel any gratitude!

"Jiang LAN, what's your purpose in coming to me?" Han Yan asked.

"I hope Han 3000 will die!" Jiang Lan said word by word, gnashing her teeth, because only Han 3000 died, Su Yingxia would accept the fate of this matter, otherwise, no matter how many men she introduced to Su Yingxia, she would not look at it.

Han Yan frowns. The bottom line of this woman is beyond her imagination. Even if she has no choice, her biggest appeal is to change Han 3000's surname, but Jiang LAN wants him to die!

Think of Han 3000 in the Su family endure humiliation for so many years, secretly do so many things for the Su family, but in the end in exchange for Jiang Lan's ruthlessness.

"Why do you want Han 3000 to die?" Han Yan asked.

"I have planned to arrange a new family for Su Yingxia, but Yingxia seems to really fall in love with Han 3000. I don't know why she likes this rubbish, but I know that if Han 3000 doesn't die, she won't easily change her mind." Jiang Lan said.

Han Qing has a strong aversion to Jiang LAN from the bottom of her heart. Her human nature can't be simply described as selfishness. In order to achieve her goal, she can do nothing.

"But what can you do for me? With your ability as a waste, what can I like? " Han Yan said disdainfully.

"I can get more information about Han 3000 and know what he is doing by welcoming summer." Jiang Lan said, it seems that these words are not enough to move Han Yan, continued: "I know you can do a lot, but some things, you can not find out, and Han 3000 will be unprepared to tell Su Yingxia." Han Yan knows that Han Yan will not simply compromise on this matter. He will certainly make some resistance behind it. Some superficial things can be investigated by Han Yan's own people. But as Jiang Lan said, some things under the table will be hidden deeply by Han Yan. It is not so simple to find out. From this point of view, Jiang LAN is really valuable“ If you can bring me useful information, I will consider your suggestion Han Yan light said“ One more thing, Han 3000's has nothing to do with the Su family. " Jiang Lan said. Han Yan sneered: "do you think I will pay attention to the mole ants like Su family? To deal with the Su family, I don't like dirty hands. Let's get out of here. " Jiang Lan quit the room without complaint. No matter Han Yan said she was rubbish before, or let her go now, she didn't feel any repulsion in her heart. She even took it for granted. This is probably the base to the bone, shy face to Han Yan when the dog, Jiang LAN is not ashamed, but proud, and even very happy in the heart. She was eager to see the day when Han 3000 died. After walking out of the hotel, Jiang LAN relaxed a lot and said to himself, "Han 3000, don't blame me. If you want to blame me, you can only blame me for being too useless. Since you can't deal with the Korean family in America, I can only step on your bones and protect the Su family." Back at the hillside villa, the boyfriend Jiang LAN introduced to Su Yingxia has arrived. His name is Zhou Yufeng. The Zhou family works in the beverage industry in Yuncheng, and has a good influence in this industry. Zhou Yufeng likes Su Yingxia for many years, and even threatened not to marry Su Yingxia before. More than three years ago, Han 3000 and Su Yingxia's wedding made Zhou Yufeng despair, and even tried to find hunzi to teach Han 3000 many times. But those people were all disheartened and went to the hospital. Zhou Yufeng didn't know about the follow-up situation, but those people mentioned that Han 3000 was a very good fighter. Based on his reputation as a loser in Yuncheng, Zhou Yufeng didn't believe them at all. The reason why he stopped looking for Han 3000 was that he had to devote himself to his busy work in order to take over the family business. Now, Su Yingxia and Han 3000 divorce, and Jiang LAN spreads the news that Han 3000 and Su Yingxia have no roommates, which makes Zhou Yufeng see hope again, so he immediately tries to contact Jiang LAN, hoping to take this opportunity to make su Yingxia his wife again“ Yufeng, I've kept you waiting. " Jiang LAN went to Zhou Yufeng with enthusiasm. Zhou Yufeng repeatedly said: "aunt LAN, I just arrived for a while. I didn't wait long. Anyway, I didn't get off work to welcome summer." Jiang LAN looked at the time, said: "almost, should go home soon, today at home to eat." Finish saying, Jiang LAN eyes fierce stare to he Ting, said: "don't hurry to cook, leg disabled, still Leng." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.