Chapter 491

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
In another room of the hotel, Han Li stands in front of the window, looking indifferent. In the past two days, there is no news about Han Feng's search, but in the process, he finds that Han Yan is different.

Han Li knows her daughter very well, and her unusual performance certainly indicates something to hide.

"Han long, have you noticed the situation of Yan'er these two days?" Han Li asks Han long.

"The young lady is worried. The young master's disappearance may have something to do with her." Han long said very directly, so many years, although Han Yan's ambition is not exposed, but from her attitude towards Han Feng, who does not know that she covets the position of the home owner?

Han Li took a deep breath and said, "I don't want this to happen. Their sister and brother are both my children."

"Be careful, master." Han long suddenly reminds a way.

Han Li's eyes were fixed. He turned around and looked at Han long like a torch. He said, "what do you mean?"

"Master, I don't mean to offend you, but miss's ambition has come to an uncontrollable stage. Maybe she is now facing a situation where there is no way back." Han long said that although he didn't make his words very clear, it's not hard to associate his meaning with Han Li's intelligence.

If Han Feng's disappearance really has something to do with Han Yan, then her decision to deal with Han Li is reasonable.

"If the disappearance of the young master really has something to do with the young lady, how do you think she will hide it, and she can be the head of the family smoothly." Han long continued.

"If I find out, she will never see the sun." Han Li finished and sighed. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, this possibility did happen. Han Li was very clear that to cover up a wrong thing, he needed to do more wrong things. After all, he had experienced such a choice.

"Master, miss, you must be careful. You must be careful." Han long said.

Han Li nodded. Although she was her own daughter, Han Li would not let her do anything wrong.

"I hope she doesn't take this step. Otherwise, I will never let her go." Han Li said coldly.

Han long shakes his head. He is very clear that Han Li's hope is unlikely to happen, because Han Yan may have planned how to deal with him. After all, Han Yan, who has taken the wrong step, has no way back.

Before dinner that night, Han Yan did a lot of psychological construction for herself. When she appeared at the dinner table, she was a good girl, and would not make Han Li feel anything wrong.

But it was because she suddenly behaved too ordinary that Han Li was more alert.

These days, Han Yan's state has been wrong, but today suddenly recovered, this is the biggest flaw.

"Dad, I asked the kitchen to prepare your favorite food. You've been working hard these days." Han Yan said to Han Li with a smile.

"I have nothing to work hard for. You are the one who works hard. In order to find Han Feng, you have paid a lot of energy." Han Li said.

Speaking of this matter, Han Yan deliberately sighed and shook her head, said: "it's a pity that there has been no news of Han Feng. I don't know where he has gone. Dad, do you think about what to do next?"

"Han 3000's biggest concern is Su Yingxia. If he wants to blackmail me with Han Feng, this woman is my pawn. You can let people catch Su Yingxia." Han Li said.

Han Yan nodded and said, "I'll let people take action tonight. Han 3000 dares to move my brother. He must pay the price."

In the process of chatting, Han Li's favorite dish was on the table. Han Yan helped Han Li to pick up the dishes and said: "Dad, you can taste the taste here. It's different from what our chef made. If you like it, I'll invite the chef back to the United States."

"Or your most intimate, when Han Feng if there is such understanding." With that, Han Li made an exchange between his bowl and Han Yan's empty bowl, and continued: "you'd better eat it first. You can help me taste the difference. If it's not delicious, I won't eat it. Don't destroy the position of this dish in my mind."

Han Yan's face changed. She never thought that Han Li would say that.

This dish, however, is filled with strong poison. Once you eat it, even the great Luo Jinxian will be helpless.

"What's the matter? I just want you to taste the food for me. I don't want to do such a little thing, do I?" Han Li said.

Han Yan face more ugly, said: "Dad, I'm not very comfortable today, a little gastroenteritis, not suitable for eating."

"So." Han Li smiles. Just as Han Yan is relieved, Han long catches a hotel attendant.

"You help me taste the difference." Han Li said to the waiter with a smile.

Although the waiter was puzzled, he didn't dare to refuse the request of such a big man.

Just as the waiter picked up the chopsticks, Han Yan said in a hurry: "take the dishes and pour them out. Let the chef come out and see what he's cooking. It's not delicious when it smells. Don't he know that it's my father's favorite dish, and it's rotten to this extent."

The waiter shrunk his head in fright. He had seen the lady's hot temper many times. If he didn't agree, he would hit people. When he was about to put down his chopsticks to find the chef, Han Li said, "don't listen to her. I told you to eat, you can eat."“ Dad, let the kitchen do it again. " Han Yan is in a panic“ You have to try to find out whether it's delicious or not, so as not to waste the ingredients. " With that, Han Li turns to the waiter and signals him to eat. When the waiter saw that Han Yan didn't speak, he picked up a chopstick and put it into his mouth. The taste was absolutely authentic and there was no problem. But when he just wanted to speak, his body was burning like a flame, and a sharp pain spread along the viscera. In less than ten seconds, the waiter fell on the floor with wide eyes and blood gushing from the corners of his mouth. See this scene, Han Yan direct despair. Diyang's first thought was to run quickly. Maybe if he ran away, he would have a chance of survival. As for what kind of pursuit he would encounter in the future, he had no time to think about it. But just ran not far, the back was hit by a force of gravity, making him fly into a dog shit to eat“ Want to run? Diyang, you are so brave. " Han long said with a sneer. Diyang is the strongest in the Han family, but when facing Han long, he doesn't even have the courage to fight back“ It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. It's the young lady who planned it. I can only follow her orders. " The ground center shakes head flurriedly, complexion is pale“ If you don't report it, it's a capital crime. " Han long sneers and walks to the center of the ground. He blows his fist at the center of the ground's chest. The eyeball in the center of the earth suddenly protrudes, and becomes red with hyperemia at a very fast speed, and then there is blood overflow in the ears and nostrils. The power of this blow directly shattered the heart of the center of the earth, causing massive bleeding inside his body“ "The strongest of the local generation?" Han long disdains a smile, see also didn't see more ground central one eye, returned to Han Li side. At this time, Han Yan has knelt on the ground, full of panic, she ushered in the first regret in life. No matter what she has done before, Han Yan will not regret it. In her life dictionary, there is no such word at all. But now, she is really afraid, because she knows Han Li will not let her go“ Where's your brother? " Han Li asked in a deep voice, since Han Yan has done this thing, Han Feng's thing must have nothing to do with Han 3000, but Han Yan did it“ Dad, Han 3000 killed Han Feng long ago. He forced me to kill you. It's all his fault. Please forgive me. " Han Yan said“ What Han Li stands up with a big change of face. Although he is worried about Han Feng's personal safety, in his opinion, Han Feng will be injured, but he is still alive. As long as he is alive, it is not a big problem. Now this news, for Han Li, is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. The whole Korean family in the United States is still waiting for Han Feng to inherit, but he... He is dead! Han Li, furious, grabs Han Yan's hair and says, "he's your brother. You even kill your brother!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.