Chapter 499

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
After hearing this, Shen lingyao woke up and sat up from her sleeping position.

"So suddenly, what happened?" Shen lingyao asks curiously that Su Yingxia is suffering from the divorce during this period. Shen lingyao sees it in her eyes. She also hopes that they can get married quickly and get back together again. However, there is no sign of this happening, which makes her very curious about what's going on.

"It's very complicated. Just help me find a good place. Don't ask about other things." Su Yingxia said.

Shen lingyao suddenly laughed and said, "you owe him more than three years. How many times do you have to give it back to him? Can you stand it?"

Su Yingxia's face is slightly red. Although she is a little shy, since she has decided to call Shen lingyao, it shows that she has given up.

"Help me find it. Don't talk so much nonsense." Su Yingxia said.

"Yes, my chairman Su, you can rest assured that you will be satisfied with the place I find for you. Who let me be yunchengtong? This little thing can still baffle me?" Shen lingyao patted her chest and assured.

Peninsula Hotel, Han Yan's pupil dull sitting in his room beside the bed, when Han Li realized that she was going to kill, and see through this matter, Han Yan's world has collapsed, she knew that she is not high in the Han family miss, back to the United States, she will surely be thrown on the island, the future nightmare days will accompany her death that day.

This result, Han Yan heart is unbearable, but she is unable to change.

If there is a choice, Han Yan may not kill Han Feng, as long as Han Feng does not die, she will not be reduced to the end of being thrown on the island. Although she can not become the owner of the family, no one can change the identity of Han's eldest daughter.

Unfortunately, it's too late for her to regret.

Two lines of tears from the expressionless cheek slip, Han Yan hand to erase, his face began to sneer.

"I can't escape, you can't escape, at least I can still live, and you will die." Han Yan light said, her mouth you are Han 3000, in her opinion, Han 3000 must be dead, absolutely no chance to survive.

But as soon as her voice fell, the door of the room was kicked open, and the person standing at the door was Han 3000, whom she thought would die.

Han stood up and said in surprise, "it's you. Why did you come to Peninsula Hotel?"

"Do you think I'm dead?" Han Sanqian came to the room with a smile.

Many possibilities burst out in Han Yan's mind, but these possibilities are completely broken because of a name.

Han long!

As long as Han long is there, Han 3000 can't survive, and the possibilities she thinks can't exist.

But... But now Han 3000 is standing in front of him, just looking a little pale. What's the matter!

"Are you a ghost?" Han Yan asked.

Han 3000 can't help laughing, but he can understand Han Yan's mood. Even he thinks it's a miracle to survive.

"Ghosts have no shadow." Han 3000 points to the shadow cast by the light on the ground and says.

Han Yan frowns, very puzzled, she can't think of any possibility that Han Li will let Han 3000 go, but if Han Li didn't let him go, how could he appear in Peninsula Hotel?

"Don't guess, Han Li was arrested by me. As long as you are willing to listen to me, I can make you the head of the Korean family in the United States." Han 3000 light said.

Han Yan heard this sentence, laughed scornfully, said: "Han 3000, you are very boastful, Han Long's skill, can hit 100 such waste as you, you dare to catch my father."

Looking at Han Yan's disdainful attitude, Han 3000 takes out his mobile phone and throws it directly at her.

This action is very sudden, fortunately Han Yan response in time, barely caught the mobile phone.

The picture of the mobile phone is a picture. Han Li and Han long are kneeling on the ground, holding each other freely. Although they all hold their heads down, Han Yan can be absolutely sure that this is indeed Han Li and Han long.

This Han Yan surprised can't believe, eyes almost fell out.

She thinks Han 3000 will die, but now she catches Han long and Han Li. How can this be possible?

With Han Long's skill, how can he be caught by Han 3000!

Can we say that Han 3000 is still more powerful than Han long?

It's impossible, absolutely impossible!

If there were such a strong man around him, he should have done it long ago. How can he wait until now?

"How did you do it?" Han Yan is short of breath and asks Han 3000.

"How I did it has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that Han Li is in my hands. As long as I want to, he will never return to the United States. Now, you are the leader of the Korean family in the United States." Han 3000 light said.

Han Yan did not think that things will suddenly take place such a turn, she thought the rest of her life will be a dark, did not expect to usher in the dawn of Han 3000!

She saw hope, but she was also very clear that this hope was under the control of Han 3000. It means that even if she becomes the head of the Han family, she will be restrained by Han 3000. To be a puppet of this kind of waste is not something Han Yan wants to do“ Don't think about it. You don't have any other choice. If you have a different heart to me, I can take this position from you, and I can promise you that you will die miserably. " Han 3000 light said“ What have you done to my father Han Yan asked“ Don't worry, he didn't die. After all, this is my chip to threaten you. I will let him live well. If one day you don't obey me, I will let him return to the United States. " Han 3000 said. How can Han Yan rest assured? If Han Li dies directly, she can rest assured that Han 3000 has no capital to threaten her. But now, her throat will always be pinched by Han 3000. What Han 3000 asks her to do, she has to do. Otherwise, her position as the head of the family will be taken away by Han Li“ What's good for you when he comes back to the United States? Do you really think you can be so lucky every time? " Han Yan said with a gloomy face, she can't compromise on this matter, can't listen to Han 3000 all her life“ It's really dangerous to let the tiger go back to the mountain, but after brainwashing, what else can the tiger do besides performing jumping around the fire circle? " Han 3000 light smile. Han Yan looks even worse. Although she doesn't know how Han 3000 will deal with Han Li, she knows that Han 3000 must have a plan. I didn't expect... I didn't expect that such an opponent who was despised by her could now control the future of the whole United States and South Korea“ My father should have killed you directly, otherwise he would not have fallen into this field. " Han Yan said“ Miss Han Da, do you know how dangerous it is for you to say this to me now? I still have the evidence that you killed Han Feng in my hand. This matter is known by the Korean family in the United States. It's hard for you to go back. " Han 3000 said with a smile. Han Yan takes a deep breath. In the current situation, she knows that she has no choice at all. Only by following Han 3000's arrangement can she get what she wants. But Han Yan also knows the price“ Do you want me to be your puppet Han Yan asked. Han Sanyi looked thoughtful, then shook his head and said, "it's just a dog." Han Yan's face sank, and the word "puppet" was a great shame to her, but Han 3000 only regarded her as a dog! She is the first lady of the orthodox Han family, and Han 3000 is just an abandoned son“ Han 3000, what qualifications do you have to treat me as a dog! " Han Yan gnashes her teeth and says. Han three thousand went to Han Yan, stretched out his right hand, tightly holding Han Yan's chin, due to excessive force, resulting in Han Yan pain face changed“ Han Yan, am I qualified? Haven't you seen clearly? Now your destiny is in my hands, I want you to be a dog, what do you take to resist? Don't you know how to choose between death or going back to the U.S Han 3000 tone cold said. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.