Chapter 508

Name:I am Han Sanqian Author:豪婿
I can't see the black.

It's so quiet that you can only hear your own breathing.

After Han Sanqian injected the unique anesthetic of geocentric prison into Yuncheng, when he woke up again, he was already in such a space.

He didn't know how long he had been here, because the darkness made it impossible for him to count the time.

This is the first lesson of geocentric prison for every "new guest". Such an environment can bring people a strong sense of depression. People with a slightly fragile mood are bound to collapse in this environment. This will be everyone's nightmare when they come to geocentric prison.

In order to ensure the safety of every guest in the geocentric prison, they will not hurt the people living in the geocentric prison, but use this psychological torture to control their behavior, so that those people naturally dare not mess around in the geocentric prison.

The biggest punishment of geocentric prison is to be locked in a closed room, which is a dark and silent environment. Although it seems relaxed, almost everyone will be obedient after one or two mental torture, because the whole world seems to be left with their own feelings. The mental torture is too painful, and they can't feel the passage of time, It's even easier to collapse.

Han Sanqian is a man with a very strong mind, but in such an environment, he will also feel intense pain, unable to calculate time. Such darkness seems to be always with him, and his mind will start to think wildly, and all kinds of ideas will lead to his final collapse.

Every time his mood is on the verge of collapse, Han 3000 will force himself to calm down and think about the good time with Su Yingxia. Only in this way can his mood be a little more stable.

I don't know how long it took, but the darkness finally ushered in a glimmer of dawn. Two tall foreigners took Han 3000 out of the cell.

For Han 3000, who hasn't been exposed to light for a long time, his eyes are extremely uncomfortable, and even feel stinging because of the light, and he unconsciously shed a lot of tears.

If there is a mirror at this time, Han 3000 will find that he has lost a lot of weight, even his cheeks are sunken. If Su Yingxia sees this scene, he will be very distressed.

When Han 3000 adapted to the light, he found that he was brought into a huge iron cage surrounded by three storey buildings, which were more like a grandstand, and the iron cage was like a challenge arena.

Just out of the cell, do you want to fight with people?

Han 3000 frowned and had a preliminary understanding of geocentric prison.

In a short time, restless voices came from all directions. The sound was getting closer and closer, as if someone was approaching towards the cage.

"It's said that this is a new comer, so the new comer will go to the challenge arena. This is something that has never happened before in geocentric prison." Guan Yong and hamster have been in geocentric prison for a long time, and they have a certain understanding of geocentric prison.

There are regular arena competitions held here. They don't know why this competition exists. However, according to the guess of the hamster, the arena competition may spread out in some form, and the geocentric prison is making profits in this way.

Of course, it's just a guess, and the gophers are not sure if they're right.

However, Guan Yong said that the newcomers to the challenge arena, this is indeed the past geocentric prison has not happened.

"It seems that this new man is not very ordinary. Just go and have a look." Said the gopher in a deep voice.

The environment of geocentric prison is totally different from what the gophers thought before they came here. He thought that there was little possibility of contact between prisoners, but after he came here, he found that the geocentric prison would have an open hour every day to allow them to move freely. At this time, there would be many small groups. The gophers had overheard the small groups, Almost everyone is exchanging their understanding of the inner earth prison, and even planning to escape from the prison.

Geocentric prison turns a blind eye to this situation. This is the absolute conceit of geocentric prison. They know that prisoners communicate with each other, but they don't stop it. This shows that they are not worried about the success of prison break. Moreover, no one in geocentric prison has been able to escape for so many years.

When all the prisoners gathered in the three story grandstand, there was only a emaciated figure in the huge cage, wearing a black headgear, which made people unable to see the real appearance.

"Lying trough, just this little man, what's special about it?" Seeing the man in the cage, Guan Yong said with an unexpected look. In his imagination, the new man is likely to be a strong man who can fight, so he will be allowed to play. However, the fact in front of him makes him disappointed.

The gopher didn't think of it, but he found a difference at this time. Although the man was covered, his skin color was very good, which showed his identity.

"This man is yellow." Said the gopher.

"What's so strange about the yellow race? With his body, he must be beaten badly." Guan Yong turned his lips and said.

"I can't refute that." Said the gopher.

Not only the hamster and Guan Yong were disappointed in the challenge, but the other prisoners were also very disappointed. Some irascible people even beat on the cage and scolded Han 3000 with the headgear“ What do you mean, even such people are qualified to enter the challenge arena. "“ Let him get out and I'll go. Why should we let such people waste our time? "“ Get out of here and change. "“ Change, change. " The voice of discontent soon aroused the resonance of the whole audience. The reason for this phenomenon is that those who can win the challenge can enjoy the special treatment brought by geocentric prison. Although the prison is a place where people don't worry about food, clothing and living, women are the luxurious dreams of these prisoners. Winning the competition will win women, which is a great temptation for any prisoner in geocentric prison. It's a pity that not everyone is qualified to enter the challenge arena, so when they see Han 3000, they will burst out all kinds of dissatisfaction. In all directions, there are three stories of prisoners knocking on the cage. The sound is deafening. At this time, a slender, thin dressed woman walked into the cage. She was the trophy of the winner of the challenge. For a prison with only men, you can imagine the sudden appearance of a woman. All kinds of howls come and go, and every prisoner's androgen is stimulated to the greatest extent“ Let this trash roll out, why should he go to the challenge arena? "“ Damn, such a good opportunity is wasted on the waste. I don't accept it. "“ Let him get out of here and let me go. Don't give the chance to this kind of rubbish. " Even Guan Yong could not help but swallow his throat“ This woman is in great shape. She is the most beautiful one after watching so many challenge competitions. " Guan Yong's index finger moves, and his eyes are reluctant to leave the woman for a moment, hoping to leave the biggest influence in his mind“ Yes, even I can see it. " The hamster could not help shaking his head. No wonder so many dissatisfied voices broke out. As long as a woman can make these prisoners restless, let alone such a beautiful woman“ In other words, he will be very sad in prison in the future because of the dissatisfaction of so many people. " Guan Yong said. Although he is wearing a headgear now, there will always be a time to uncover it, and his figure is very recognizable. Once he is integrated into this new environment, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble“ The pain of skin and flesh is inevitable, but one thing can be assured that he will not die, and the inner earth prison will definitely guarantee his life. " They don't want anyone to die in the inner earth prison, because these prisoners are customers to the inner earth prison. Just at this time, the noisy ring around suddenly quirky quiet down, everyone looked at Han 3000 panic opposite the direction of the man. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.